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Behold, another Endpage piece I wrote and drew in 2005 for the sadly defunct videogame magazine PSM, apparently speculating about potential peripherals for the then-upcoming Playstation 3:

Not sure about the precise nature of this piece, as I can locate neither the original rough (which would've featured the cartoon's suggested title) nor my comp copy of that particular issue of PSM.

Alarmingly enough, here's the original jpeg for the piece, which suggests that I sent the file along to the magazine in a sadly if not horrifically low-contrast form:

I cranked up the illo's contrast levels in Photoshop just now, as I couldn't bear inflicting such a grayed-out image on you fine folks.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



ben aka nekomilk

Damn, if ONLY I could get Raiden to be my virtual partner when I play the PS3.


You were right to add it, but yikes, I'm suddenly afraid to think of how many people would have gone for the RE2 Lickers as their _first_ choice.