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Continuing on a previous bunch of Clip Studio Paint page roughs from a kinda-but-not-really story from fantasy test project The Chaste and the Chained,  I had been noodling away on a scene of the Elf Mage finding herself bedamseled yet again by a magically animated chair.  This wasn't really a  "true" Chaste story like the sample pages I posted last summer, but more of a background-free "damsel cheesecake wallow," if you will.

Howeva, outta nowhere I thought up a way that this titillating but otherwise none too compelling scene could be warped into an actual narrative advancing the overall Chaste storyline.  And lo, we resume the narrative after the Paladin has carried the rescued Elf Mage can to the inn they were staying at:

 Note that the page's "wavy panel borders" riff is based on something similar from Shirow Masamune's bats**t fantasy manga Orion, in that his panel borders were clearly inked "free-hand" on that project and not ruled out using a drawing tool such as a ruler, triangle or T-square.

Note also that my first take on this page featured what I think of as "John Workman word balloons" in that several balloons originally interrupted the aforementioned wavy panel borders, as was often seen in Workman's lettering:

 Ehh, wasn't sure about this lettering riff, so I drew an alternate "closed balloon" version. What do you think, dear Patrons?

And here's the original analog-pencil rough for this page, before I reworked it in Clip Studio Paint:

 On to our next page of kinda-sorta roughs, as the scheming Elf Mage begins to unveil her Brilliant Plan hinted at in earlier pages of "Elf vs. Chair":

 The D&D-aware among you will likely intuit the nature of the trap the Elf Mage has sprung upon the hapless Paladin; in any event, our next page will reveal her Brilliant Plan in full flower, never fear. Not sure when that page is gonna show up, TBH, but I'll try to hit that up sometime this month.

UPDATE: Just tacked on a set of rough sketches for possible Elf poses on the aforementioned next page:

And now, back to reluctant multitasking as I work up s'more page roughs for yet another fantasy project, the as-yet-unnamed Unidentified Fantasy Offering, which I definitely won't be drawing. In fact, you'll likely see some of the many, many character designs worked up by that comic's potential artist this month. Yay, once more?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure at the moment, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot, okay?




That most popular of Paladin spells... He can at least content himself with the thought that as least _one_ of their patron deities must find this funny as hell.


The fact that he can resist himself from her crying face is astounding.