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Behold, s'more really Vintage Con Sketches from 1998-99, as scanned from old photocopies, hence the somewhat crappy repro quality.

First off, a straightforward Dirty Pair illo with Kei upraising the ol' Hypno-Butt:

 Next, a rather odd Y*ri illo:

 ...which my bud Ryan Kinnaird long ago colored, just for the hell of it:

I honestly have no idea if the original request was actually for a mermaid Y*ri, or if I produced this mild pun of an image ("Leather Mermaid" riffing loosely off "The Little Mermaid," of course) at random, which was certainly possible when I was churning out many such Dirty Pair sketches.

Next up, Gen13's Roxy done up as (ahem) an Xmas gift, which is a visual riff I've used in several previous pieces:

Hyperstylized visual approach ahoy!

And finally, a rather uninspired illo of an OC (as far as I can recall):

 Okay, so maybe my "hit rate" on con sketches wasn't terribly high in 1998-99; oh, well.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



Dennis Day

Dabbler is actually a character from the webcomic GrrlPower by Dave Barrack, who also happens to be on Patreon. Small world.