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Behold, another Endpage piece I wrote and drew in 2007 for the sadly defunct videogame magazine PSM, apparently commemorating the magazine's 10th anniversary, judging by the rough's scribbled title:

Anyhoo, the piece featured a bunch of whimsical riffs about the magazine's (mostly made-up) history:

Valkryie Wylde (why, with that name she could've been a Top Cow heroine!) was indeed a PSM April Fool's joke for which I did some artwork, though none of it seems to have been scanned from the hard-copy printouts I have squirreled away somewhere.

Wait, here's a 2008 commission of ol' Val:

..and an unfinished rough, also of her:

Note the garbage-tier Ruger P89 semiautos prominently featured in the pieces, drawn due to (ahem) theoretical ease of reference, even the gun itself is a g-d nightmare to draw thanks to all its bevels, slopes, angles, incuts and other weird details. (Perhaps not surprisingly, Ruger simplified the pistols design considerably with later models like the better known P94.) Ah, would that I had owned a nice, simple, boxy-looking, easy-to-draw Glock or two back then!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




Think I've seen that 'falling backwards while dual-firing pistols' pose in a few action movies and manga.


You might've seen the pose before in 1997's GEN13: GRUNGE: THE MOVIE!, as I consulted the same ref pix I photographed myself back then.