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So, years 'n' years ago, I worked up an Empowered scene that never saw print in a volume (IIRC):

...in which Emp imagined a disastrous time-travel scenario:

Years later, a Patron suggested revisiting the scenario, but this time as yet another "bedroom cosplay" roleplaying episode between Emp and Thugboy, with the latter dressed up as an ambiguously Edwardian gent:

(For the record, the inventor of duct tape was apparently neither Edwardian nor a gent, but a horny Emp would certainly ignore that inconvenient fact.)

After this incomplete CSP (PC) page, I went back and (analog) penciled two pages recounting events leading up to said page:

The story continued:

Anyhoo, in the last art request post for the $20 tier, a Patron asked for a further revisitation to this (please note) consensual bedroom cosplay scenario, and here 'tis, following up with a new CSP (iOS) page:

(That's more of the iOS Design Pencil at work; consider this to be another art test along the lines of that recent illo for The Last Party.)

Alas, you won't see the punchline to Emp's overheated suggestion until I get around to working up another page in this sequence, which ain't likely during a crushingly busy April; suffice it to say, though, that Emp's pledge involves her much-hated enemy—namely, duct tape! Lordy loo!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




That last page in the second panel is, hoboy, VERY hot indeed!

Thomas Pool

I'm sure it's no coincidence that, as she's imagining herself, spanked, the 'inventor' starts to look more and more like Thugboy.


That last one is definitely how it would go, especially Thugboy's increasing look of 'I'm just trying to hang on while she goes zero-to-100 _fast_.'


Emp is so much fun when she's just leaning into it and having fun in some role-play scenario that's got her going. These are some fun pages, and the CSP page really looks awesome as an extension of how to take them on. Looking forward to seeing where this silliness goes in the future!


Looking forward to more of the continuation! Think we got shorted on DiD posts last month so I hope we get extra for April

Lex of Excel

Idea: Crossover between Emp and the Red Green show!