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Mr. Young, thanks for showing interest in joining our new program at Nu-You” says an Asian woman in a pristine lab coat as she smiles at a Caucasian man sitting on the leather couch. Shaking her hand, the man eagerly follows her as she leads him into another pearly white corridor lined with doors on both sides.

You can just call me Tristan” the man replies as he peers into one of the rooms to see a man shivering and huddled in the corner before being approached by two scientists in hazmat suits. The faint buzz of machines clicking and whirling grow louder as Tristan and his guide walks into a large room filled with monitors and scientists. “Holy shit… your website is right” Tristan mutters to himself as he stares at the screens, noticing dozens of patients casually lounging in their small room.

As you are aware, our project here at Nu-You is to fix China’s unbalanced gender demography caused by the recent ‘one child policy’. As compensation, you will be integrated into a wealthy Chinese family” the guide smiles as she hands Tristan a consent form. Grinning to himself, he quickly signs it, ignoring the monetary incentive but relishes in the opportunity of being a woman. Accepting the signed form, the guide happily shows Tristan to his own small room, walking past a room filled with moaning and thumping.

They’re a bit active” Tristan jokes before being locked into his room with a faint click.

All part of the bonding session after the transformation” the guide laughs through the intercom. Chuckling to himself, Tristan spots a bed and strips himself naked before flopping over the blankets with a satisfied sigh. Soft Chinese pop music begin to play through the speakers as the room floods with a bright pink gas, filling his lungs with a strong tea scent. Feeling a shiver run down his back, Tristan looks down to see his skin softening and becoming smoother as bodily hair fall to the floor, leaving his skin with a creamy yellow-ish oriental hue.

Holy shit it’s already happening” he grins, walking to the mirror on the wall but crumples to the floor midway as his spine gives way and pops into a painful arch, significantly dropping his height. Groaning, he feels his back becoming curvier as his hips loudly crack outwards to child-bearing proportions with fat pulling his already wide hips further apart. “Oh god…” he pants as his broad shoulders crunch inwards into a dainty feminine frame while his collarbone pushes higher into view.

I thought it’ll be painless…” Tristan mutters as he pushes himself up from the floor and stares at his changing body in the mirror. “My hips…” he whispers as he strokes his now fuller hips layered with womanly fat, but suddenly stop as his hands begin to convulse. Tristan’s curiosity increases as he watches his fingers slenderize with white glossy nails while the visible veins in his hands subside into his petite palms. “Woah… they’re so small” he chuckles, seeing his wrists and biceps quickly deflate into fragile and toned womanly limbs. Shivering and giggling, Tristan runs his slim fingers along his creamy sensitive skin as he takes a closer look at himself in the mirror.

Oh wow…” Tristan murmurs, seeing his eyes widen into a doe-like complexion with a visible Asian slant and eyeliner as his irises turn dark brown making him tear up. Rubbing his eyes, he feels his eyelashes grow longer as his eyebrows thin to compliment his wide innocent-looking eyes. Letting out a sneeze, his nose suddenly crunches smaller into a cute button nose with a higher bridge as his face starts to tingle. “Here we go” Tristan exclaims, patting his face and feeling his cheekbones pop higher as his face starts to take on an androgynous oriental appearance. Hearing his jaw crack and soften under his smooth skin, he looks at his reflection to see lips plumping up with red lipstick and curl into a permanent pout. Scratching his itching scalp, his short hair immediately cascades down to his chest, turning jet black and silky smooth to the touch. “Holy shit… I look… and sound so hot” Tristan gasps, covering his mouth as his voice rises into an alluring and feminine tone with a distinct Chinese accent. Winking into the mirror and biting his plump lower lip, Tristan finds himself turned on from his own appearance as his boner builds and his Adams apple disappear from his neck.

Fuuuck… I’m so horny” Tristan groans as he wraps his feminine hands around his throbbing cock, instantly causing pre-cum to drip out from the sensation of smaller and softer palms gripping his dick. Shuddering with pleasure, he starts to rub his hands along his shaft and play with the tip of his cock as saliva slowly drip from his open mouth. “Oh my god…” he pants as his dick finally gives in and sprays cum all over his hands and the white tiled floor. Still enjoying his last male orgasm, Tristan tries to fondle his balls only to find them shrunken and already reformed into extremely fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout his body. “Y-yeesss… come on…” Tristan gasps as he slowly massages his shrinking cock into his crotch, seeing the fluids still flowing out turn transparent and less viscous. Spreading his legs apart in front of the mirror, a sultry smile spreads across his face as he watches his cock slurp into his body and a puffy pink slit dripping with juices takes its place. Eyes rolling back, he runs his finger along his vulva before plunging them into his warm pussy with burning curiosity. “Mmphh… aahhnnn… so gooood” Tristan moans uncontrollably loudly with an accent as his fingers rub against his clitoris and presses against his tight virgin vaginal wall. Tristan’s body continues to rock with orgasms as he explores further, feeling his vaginal muscles clench against his fingers and drip juices onto the floor.

Feeling a strong pressure building in his ass, Tristan pulls his fingers out with a wet slurp and starts to massage the stretching skin. “Oohh… they better be big” he pants as his ass begins to balloon out with fat, making use of his wide hips. Gritting his teeth, he feels the soft flesh swell into a round peach ass begging to be ripped apart and groped as his thighs start to bubble with activity too. Giggling to himself, he watches his already smooth and velvety thighs thicken with fat and muscle to support his broad hips and heavy ass. Feeling pussy juices flow down his sensitive inner thighs, Tristan shivers as a moist thigh gap forms and his soft skin rubs against each other.

Being a chick feels so much better…” Tristan laughs, going into sensory overdrive as his calves slim and his feet crunches down a few sizes. Stumbling towards the mirror, he smiles to himself after seeing his toes shrink into petite digits with matching glossy white nails. Before he can test his feminine lower body’s flexibility, his stomach starts to growl from all the changes. “This feels so weird…” he squeals, looking down to see his all his belly fat surge to his chest, leaving his stomach flat and toned while his waist sucks in to form an hour-glass figure.

Boobs to finish it off” Tristan jokes, feeling his nipples harden while his areolas darken and doubles in size and sensitivity. The fat from his stomach soon reaches his nipples, immediately pushing them out from his body as they accumulate underneath. Giving his tender chest a poke, Tristan’s body shivers with pleasure from all the flesh shifting and moving under his stretching skin. “Ahhnnnn… make them big…” He moans, cupping his growing breasts as they slowly swell into modest B-cup tits aching to be pinched and groped. To his satisfaction, they continue to expand into round C-cup breasts with puffy nipples and constantly jiggling flesh.

Oh my god… I look… amazing” Tristan gasps, looking at himself in the mirror to see a short but busty Chinese girl with a seductive face and a dripping wet pussy. Keen to explore more of his new body, he quickly hops onto the bed and fingers himself vigorously while rubbing his tits against the silk blankets.

Thanks for participating in the new program, Tristan… umm… Mei” the guide’s voice booms from the speaker in the room, interrupting Tristan’s orgasm. “Thanks for helping China fix their demographic crisis” she continues, making Tristan stop and wipe the drool from his lips as he listens to her.

Mei… sounds good” Tristan grins, hearing his new name as a lingerie set is pushed through the door.

There’s another project option… We’ll guarantee you a rich husband… but we’ll have to alter you to our client’s preferences…” the guide adds, expecting Mei to decline to retain her personality and a chance to revert to her male body.

Sure, I’ll do that” Mei replies quickly, not caring about the money but the opportunity to experience life as a loving wife. Within seconds, the room fills with the same pink gas, making Mei cough as her body starts to heat up once more. “Oh my god… what?” Mei squeals, feeling her skin prick as a tattoos form on her left arm and over her right breast.

The client wants his wife to be… naughty and horny” the guide says through the speaker as Mei clutches her head in pain, feeling her brain rewire with new memories of getting tattooed years ago and meeting a young Chinese businessman when she was an intern.

Ahhnn… shit… I… feel… bad” Mei groans as her English vocabulary diminishes while becoming fluent in Chinese with memories of attending university in China to please her parents and find a wealthy husband. Starting to blush with arousal, her lips plump up into cock sleeves as her voice sounds more seductive and lustful. “我好湿啊 {I’m so wet}” Mei moans in perfect Chinese as she starts to rub her trembling pussy, feeling her breasts buzzing with energy. Without warning, her tits balloon out into milky D-cups, making her lean forward in surprise from the extra weight. “So… heavy…” she mutters in broken English, squeezing her round breasts together as they form a deep cleavage. Unable to control her new urges and increasing libido, Mei begins to hump the pillows, feeling her tits bounce with each thrust as the door opens.

你来了,我的爱 {There you are, my love}” A Chinese man grins, seeing Mei pleasuring herself in the form of his dream wife. Hearing his voice, Mei turns to see the man as memories of spending time with him and getting married fills her mind. Running up to him, she embraces him and gives him a long kiss before pulling him towards the bed already wet with her juices.

We… fuck… now” Mei pants in broken English, spreading her pussy lips open in front of her husband as his boner forms. Tearing his pants off to see his cock painfully erect, Mei pushes him onto the bed and begins to straddle him, grinding her round ass against his crotch. “我想要孩子 {I want children…}” Mei coos into his ear as she guides his cock into her moist pussy before feeling her pussy lips spread apart and his dick ram into her vagina. Moaning loudly with a blissful smile, she begins to bounce on his cock, feeling the shaft slide in and out of her lubricated pussy as the door clicks closed.

She’ll definitely help China” the guide chuckles to the scientists as they listen Mei’s moans before stepping aside for another participant to enter the room next door.


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