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Grumbling to himself, Collin scrolls through his phone for nearby food delivery only to see his screen covered in Japanese characters he cannot understand. His perception of Japan as a sprawling metropolis filled with culture and food was partially correct, only to be held back by authentic restaurants with only Japanese menus. As a shy and fresh expat from America, he is cautious of making a fool of himself, so he stuck with large franchise chain-eateries for the past few weeks which were quickly growing dull to the unique street food next door.

With his hands in his pocket, Collin strolls past an authentic ramen store only accepting locals with a Japanese menu, feeling his stomach grumble in hunger. Keen not to have his fifth American burger for the week, Collin turns to see a blinking sign in an alleyway written in English. Squinting his eyes and walking closer, he soon realizes that it’s a maid café with a clear English menu. Remembering all the cringe stories his friends mentioned about maid cafés, Collin turns to leave but his grumbling stomach says otherwise. Sighing to himself, he decides to give it a try and order food in English before succumbing to the awkwardness.

As the doors open, Collin’s ears instantly become blasted with cheery and fast-paced Japanese pop music while his eyes look up to see a tacky French style restaurant bathed in pink. “Oh shit…” he mutters to himself with regret and tries to back away, but a waitress sees him and quickly hurries to him with a wide smile.

ようこそ、マスター {Welcome, master}” the waitress smiles, pointing Collin towards a table in the middle of a completely empty restaurant. Too shy to decline, he finds himself trailing her to his seat and listening to her talk in Japanese before receiving an English menu. Recognizing a few classic maid café menu items, he begrudgingly orders a pasta and drink with the waitress standing beside his table. “もちろん、マスター {of course, master}” the waitress replies with a wink, taking his order and hurrying to the kitchen. Feeling incredibly embarrassed, Collin can’t help but stare at the waitress’ pink French maid costume flapping in the air; her wide crimson eyes and long dark hair complimenting her clothing. With each step, her smooth thighs jiggle in time with her small breasts tucked within her frilly uniform.

Within minutes a plate of aesthetically placed pasta and a cup of fizzling soda is placed on Collin’s table. Digging his fork into a heart-shaped sauce, Collin feels his body shiver as he turns to see the waitress smiling and staring at him from a distance. Ignoring her gaze, he takes a mouthful of the pasta and almost chokes from the strong flavors. “You… like? Master?” the waitress chirps in broken English as Collin awkwardly smiles back, tasting the creamy sauce on his tongue.

Y-yeah… It’s good” Collin replies, giving her a thumbs up as she jumps with joy. Stunned by her reaction, his jaw drops open as she begins to strip in front of him, tossing away her uniform and frilly headband. “What the…” Collin splutters in confusion as the waitress begins to grow taller and hair recede into a buzz cut.

Been… four months… your turn… Stella” the waitress giggles as her face turns Caucasian and her body becomes muscular with a massive cock swaying around. Another waitress hurries out with clothing for the man standing in front of Collin to wear before waving him farewell. “Learn the language” the man chuckles in a Japanese accent before leaving and slamming the restaurant door closed.

The fuck?!” Collin shouts but looks down to see himself stark naked as the remaining maid gives him a look of sympathy. “What just happened?!” he stutters, covering his dick as strands of hair starts to cover his eyes and his body begins to tingle. Pushing his hair away, Collin lets out a screech, feeling his scalp itching as his blond hair turns black, flowing down to his knees and turning silky smooth with cute bangs over his forehead. Clutching his head in confusion, he feels his hair bundle up with pink ribbons with a white frilly headband on top, making his mind fog. “What’s happening…” he pants, as his cheekbones rise and jaw soften to look more feminine. Blinking back tears, his eyes widen into almonds while his irises turn crimson to match the pink ribbons. Simultaneously, his nose shrinks into a cute button nose while his lips plump up with lipstick and curls into a permanent pout. “No… noooo” Collin squeals, touching his rounder and smaller face as he hears his voice rise into an adorable and feminine tone with a slight Japanese accent.

I sound… and look like her…” Collin splutters, looking at his reflection on his phone to see the previous maid staring back. Jumping out of his seat, Collin feels his body spasm as his spine suddenly cracks and shrinks, dropping his height by a head as he tries to grab the other maid. “Stop thisssss” he screams at her, only to feel his shoulders crunch inwards into a smaller womanly frame while his fingers start to contort from grabbing the other maid’s arms. Seeing the other maid shake her head silently, Collin yelps as his fingers slenderizes with long pink fingernails while his wrist and biceps deflate into fragile womanly limbs.

H-heeelp” Collin cries, hearing his cutesy voice tremble as he gags and purges out all the pasta he ate minutes ago onto the tiled floor. Clutching his stomach in pain, he feels his bloated belly quickly flatten into a toned core while his waist pulls in. Falling to his knees, Collin’s chest starts to pulsate as his nipples harden in the cold air-conditioned room. “No… I don’t want her tits” he squeals, seeing his areolas pinken and double in size as the surrounding flesh soften with start to stretch. Stifling a moan, he feels his breasts surge out into B-cups as the two mounds of fat starts to jiggle with his strained breathing, aching to be squeezed.

N-no way--- ahhhnnnn… shiiiiittt” he screams feeling his hips explode outwards the moment he brush against his puffy nipple. “I… I can’t be… Stella…” he pants, feeling his ass balloon out with fat, using up all the extra space his wide hips created. Whimpering, he runs his hands along his ass cheeks only to feel his fingers sink into his soft fatty flesh. Without warning, the other maid grabs the discarded pink maid costume and forces it onto Collin’s petite body, making him squeal in surprise as the rough material rubs against his sensitive nipples and barely covers his round ass.

Take it offff” Collin screams looking down to see his boner visibly poking out from the frilly dress as a damp pre-cum stain grows larger on the fabric. Biting his plump lower lip, he feels his thighs trembling with energy as fat pours inside, making them thicker and softer to the touch. “Oooh God…” he whimpers as his pillowy thighs sandwich his balls, making him instantly blow his load all over the floor. Patting his crotch, Collin’s blood turns cold to find his balls missing and already morphed into ovaries pumping estrogen throughout his body. Shuddering, he feels his shrinking dick slip past his fingers as it inverts into his body, reforming into a pair of moist pussy lips begging to be split apart.

Feeling a warm sensation run up his lefts, Collin looks past his dripping pussy to see white stockings flowing up to his calves. “I… I can’t be a Japanese girl” he cries, as the stockings tighten around his calves forcing them to slim down while red ribbons and frills form on top to keep them in place. Stumbling forward, Collin feels his feet crunch down a few sizes as a pair of leather flats wrap around his fragile feet. Struggling to breathe he leans against a table and feels the corner dig into his pussy lips as his breasts bounce around.

Welcome… to Café Latte, Stella!” the maid announces in broken English as Collin looks at her in confusion. “Your Japanese skills will improve from now” she continues, as Collin desperately stops himself from fingering himself under his dress. Feeling a shiver down his spine, all his bodily hair falls to the floor leaving his skin smooth and sensitive with creamy oriental hue.

I’m not Stel---ahhnn… I… I’m Stella” Collin splutters as his pussy suddenly heats up and lets out a stream of juices down his thigh. “Wha… what did you do?!” he shouts, rubbing his aching pussy as he starts to feel horny.

You will serve in our Japanese maid café… until you receive a hundred happy foreigner customers” the head maid replies. “Your Japanese should improve… but if you make a mistake… there’ll be punishment” she continues, seeing Stella fidget with her long hair and readjust her pink maid costume. “Do you understand, Stella?” the maid asks.

Y-yes” Stella replies, desperate to please the head maid and avoid succumbing to her primal sexual desires.

Ah… our first customer!” the head maid grins, seeing a group of boys enter the café and instantly ogle Stella’s dress. Nudging Stella forward, she watches her hesitantly walk towards the group with her thighs sensually rubbing against each other.

Uh… w-welcome… m-mast---- ahhnnn…mmmphh” Stella groans, clutching her head in pain as her body rocks with an orgasm, making her knees tremble. The group of boys look at her confused and chat among themselves as Stella excuses herself, “uhh… sorry-masen…” she splutters before rushing back to the head maid with tears in her eyes.

You have much to learn” the head maid chuckles, clicking her tongue as she takes over and effortlessly guides the boys to their seats. After a few minutes, she hands Stella a tray with cups of water and tells her to serve it to the customers. With her frail arms, Stella struggles with the weight and cautiously walks towards the table, only to bump into another table, sending her and all the cups crashing to the floor.

Ahhnn… noo…” she moans, feeling the cold water soak her dress as her breasts begin to tingle. Without warning, her tits swell out into D-cups, bursting through her delicate maid costume and strains against her tight bra. “Oh… God… not this punishment…” she pants, seeing her perky nipples push through her now transparent clothing as her milky D-cup tits jiggle from every small movement.

Gonna take forever for me to change back…” she mutters to herself, quickly wiping away the cold water and flash the customers a cutesy smile in an attempt to keep them happy.


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