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So… you want me to be an Asian chick?” Leo repeats slowly with a raised eyebrow as Chris nods sheepishly back at him, slowly putting his phone back into his pocket. Looking around in Chris’ small apartment, Leo sighs to himself in defeat as he locks the doors and closes the curtains shut; he can’t afford another stranger witnessing him using his abilities and using it to blackmail him. “Promise you’ll delete the video after” Leo hisses at Chris in anger as he hesitantly undresses himself and places his clothes in a neat pile on a table.

Just for the weekend… when my parents visit” Chris replies with a grin as Leo chuckles at his pathetic demands. Keeping his eyes off Leo’s free swaying dick, Chris looks at the clock reminding him that his parents are only a few hours away with buzzing excitement to meet his ‘perfect girlfriend’. “Don’t break our deal or I’m reporting you to the agency” Chris threatens as Leo rolls his eyes in agreement before stepping into the middle of the room.

Any Japanese chick?” Leo asks as he recalls all the Japanese girls he shapeshifted into in the past with a few adjustments to suit his liking. Seeing Chris nod, he closes his eyes and begin to focus on his body, feeling his bones shift and crack under his skin. Hearing pops run down his spine, Leo suddenly arches his back, feeling it become curvier while his legs shrink, dropping his height to five feet. Now looking up at Chris from his shorter stature, Leo winces as his broad manly shoulders crunch inwards to form round and dainty shoulders with a high feminine collar bone. “Fucking hell… this part hurts the most…” Leo grunts as his hips pop outwards with a loud sound of bone snapping and flesh ripping apart. Rubbing his now wide child-bearing hips, he feels fat immediately filling out the available space, pushing his hips further out into perfect fuck handles as Chris stares at him with his jaw wide open in shock.

Like it so far?” Leo chuckles, twirling on the spot with his hips swaying side to side for Chris to see. Still speechless, Chris stares silently as Leo feels his ass starting to tingle with energy. Thrusting his ass out to Chris, he feels his skin stretching as fat begins to swell inside, slowly pushing his ass out into a peach butt. Spreading his round ass cheeks apart, Leo smiles to himself as his asshole quivers in anticipation to be penetrated. Walking backwards into Chris, he feels Chris’ emerging boner press between his soft butt cheeks as he gives his ass a playful slap, feeling it ripple in response. “I’ll be your dream girlfriend… but no sex” Leo laughs as he continues to tease Chris’ dick. Feeling the changes flow down his body, Leo’s thighs start to tremble as muscle slowly turns into soft feminine fat. Running his hands along his thighs, they begin to bubble and expand to form a pair of sensitive inner thighs and pillowy sides to support his wide hips and heavy round ass.

I’ll save the best till last” Leo grins, skipping over his crotch as his calves cramp up into toned muscles while his feet crunches down a few sizes to better suit his new height. Focusing on his feet, he watches his toes shrink into petite feminine digits with glossy white nails as memories of walking elegantly with high heels fills his mind. “Ever tried anal? It’s amazing as a chick” Leo chuckles, looking behind him to see his round ass sticking out further from his curved back as Chris ogles at his feminine lower body.

Hey… eyes up here” Leo laughs as he nudges Chris’ face upwards, feeling his hands contort and tremble as they start to shrink into small palms. Wiggling his fingers, he watches them slenderize with matching long white manicured nails as memories of giving hand jobs as a girl bombards his mind. Like clockwork, his wrists and proud biceps quickly deflates into smooth fragile womanly limbs connected to his small frame as his ass feels twice as large in his dainty hands.

How does this sound?” Leo slurs, hearing his voice crack and rise into a feminine and cute tone with a distinct Japanese accent. Clearing his throat, he feels his neck becoming smoother while his lips quickly plump up and widen with lipstick. Smirking at Chris, his face starts to tingle as his jawline softens and angled cheekbones rise to form a smaller and rounder androgynous face. “I bet you dream of sticking your dick into my mouth” Leo chuckles in a high cutesy voice as his nose shrinks and his eyebrows thin. Blinking his eyes, he feels them widening into an almond complexion with a visible slant as his sky-blue irises shifts into a dark brown colour. Giving his head a shake, his blond hair cascades down to his lower back, turning luscious and dark brown, matching his eyes. “So… how do I look?” Leo coos with a Japanese accent as he gives Chris a wink and a seductive smile.

Holy shit…” Chris mutters in disbelief Leo licks his lips and tucks his long hair behind his ear. Loud gurgling sounds emanate from Leo’s stomach as he violently presses his belly in to form a flat and toned core with a thin layer of fat. Without wasting a second, he squeezes his waist further in to form a perfect hour-glass figure accented by his round ass and curved spine. “What the fuck…” Chris splutters in confusion as rolls of fat begin to flow up from Leo’s stomach towards his chest.

Oohhh… here it comes” Leo murmurs as he pinches his hardening nipples, seeing his areolas darkening and doubling in size. His chest starts to pulsate as fat begins to flow under his puffy nipples and push them out, stretching his softening skin. “Ahhnn… come on…” Leo pants in a sultry voice as he feels his breasts slowly expand into budding A-cup tits. Cupping his swelling breasts, he feels them ballooning out into C-cup tits as the soft flesh jiggles in his hands. “Not too big” Leo teases as he gropes his breasts in front of Chris and starts to feel increasingly horny.

Hope you don’t mind if I cu---ahhhhnnnnn… mmphhhh… fuuuuckkk” Leo moans uncontrollably as a torrent of cum spews out of his rock-hard cock. “There’s a lot to get rid of…” he pants, seeing his dick continuously pump all the cum out of his deflating balls onto the floor. Biting his plump lower lips, Leo lets out a whimper as his balls slurps into his body, shifting into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen. Using his small feminine hands to stroke his shrinking dick, Leo shivers from the orgasmic sensations until his cock fully inverts into his crotch and moist pink pussy lips open up in its place.

It’s like… rubbing the tip of your cock… but twice as pleasurable…” Leo moans loudly as he plunges his fingers into his pussy, feeling them pressing against the sides of his vagina and rubbing along his newly formed clitoris. In an orgasmic daze, he pushes his fingers further in as his vaginal muscles instinctively clenches onto them and coats them with warm juices, making his knees buckle with pleasure. “Oh my god… it feels soooo goood” he squeals, feeling juices squirt out of his tight pussy as his body shivers from all the bodily hair plucking off, leaving his skin smooth and sensitive with a creamy yellow-ish oriental hue. Rolling on the floor in his own fluids, Leo ignores Chris’ gaze as he continues to finger himself with one hand and grope his aching tits in the other.

Can I make one final request?” Chris asks, seeing Leo’s eyes roll back in ecstasy as his breasts bounce with each breath.

A-anything…” Leo snaps back, keen on being left alone to explore his new body and sensations.

I want you to be fully obedient to me” Chris quickly replies as Leo absentmindedly nods his head in agreement, feeling his mind cloud for a split second. Smiling to himself, Chris takes a step closer and runs his fingers through Leo’s silky hair as more juices squirt out of his pussy.

Woah fuck off…” Leo shouts, slapping Chris’ hand away as he pulls his fingers out with a wet slurp. “I’ll be your girlfriend for the weekend but doesn’t mean you can touch me” he continues, angrily staring at Chris.

You can’t stop me from touching your sluttier body” Chris replies with a sly grin as Leo’s mind warps with an image of his feminine Japanese body with bigger tits and wider hips. Grunting in pain, Leo tries to clear his thoughts but the sudden urge to obey Chris’ order for a sluttier body becomes overwhelming.

Nurrrghhh… I… didn’t agree to thisssss” Leo groans in a high accented voice as his breasts begin to vibrate with energy and fat. Cupping his C-cup breasts, he lets out a whimper as they slowly swell out into heavy D-cup tits with soft flesh spilling past his slender fingers. “They’re too bigggg” he cries, lifting up his round under boobs and squeezing his breasts together to form a deep and inviting cleavage in front of Chris. As if on cue, Leo’s hips crack wider and his ass explodes out into a bubble butt jiggling in synchronization with his tits. To support his heavier backside, Leo feels his thighs bubbling with more fat and muscle as they widen into juicy trunks thick enough to smother a throbbing boner in between. “N-no… I’m not yours to control…” Leo pants as his thighs begin to rub against each other, feeling the juices lubricate in between.

Yes, you are, Mio, my horny girlfriend” Chris taunts, seeing Leo’s eyes glaze for a second from his new order. Feeling his mind cloud once more, Leo hurries to the corner of the room to avoid Chris’ influence over him but finds himself hungrily staring at Chris’ crotch.

N-no… I’m… Le… Mi… Mio…Mio…” Leo mummers, desperately trying to recall his name as memories of attending classes and spending time with family slowly warps into making out with Chris and going on dates. “I… no… am girlfriend…” Leo groans, clutching his head as his old life becomes replaced with a submissive and horny Japanese girl. “Mio… feel funny” Mio giggles, hearing her voice adopt a thicker Japanese accent as English vocabulary and intelligence quickly deteriorates. Looking up from the melons on her chest, a sheepish smile spreads across her face as her body heats up.

Chris… say… horny girlfriend?” Mio repeats slowly, savoring the sound of her dependable boyfriend as Chris nods his head in agreement. Shuddering, her knees buckle and she falls to the ground with her fingers pumping in and out of her pussy as her crotch burns hot with arousal. “Ahnnnn… Mio… so wet…” she moans, feeling her pussy puff up and widen so she could fit more fingers inside as memories of Chris ploughing open her tight vagina fills her mind. Mindlessly rubbing her fingers along her clitoris, drool begin to run down from Mio’s gaping mouth as her body continues to be rocked with orgasms. Seeing juices squirt out onto the floor, Mio begins to salivate, imagining her boyfriend’s cock deep inside her as her tongue starts to tingle and grow longer.

Mmmphhh… feed me… hungryyyyy” Mio groans, opening her mouth wide open for her lengthening tongue to flop out and twirl in the air like a snake’s tongue. Crawling towards Chris, her tongue continues to grow longer and wrap around his throbbing cock as she pulls his pants down. “とても大きく {So big…}” she murmurs as she seals his cock into her mouth with her plump lips, tasting pre-cum dribble onto her tongue.

Mio… you can only eat my cum… nothing else. Without it, you’ll become increasingly uncontrollably horny” Chris adds with a depraved grin as Mio’s eyes widen in response to her diet rewiring in her mind and her stomach starting to grumble in hunger. Within a few seconds, Mio begins to feel progressively hornier and desperately slurps onto Chris’ cock for his cum.

Give… me… cum” Mio moans, bobbing her head faster as her breasts bounce up and down. Her efforts are soon rewarded as Chris lets out a grunt and a torrent of cum explodes into her mouth, making her gag. Happily tasting the salty batter and licking some off her lips with her long tongue, Mio swallows the rest whole down her throat. Feeling Chris’ cock slide out of her mouth, Mio lets out a sigh of relief and satisfaction before feeling hot and bothered once again. “Still… hornyyyyy” she pants, looking up at Chris with lustful eyes as she spreads her puffy pink vulva open with her fingers, sending a stream of juices spilling out.

Without hesitation, Chris pounces on Mio’s inviting body and pins her limbs to the floor as she giggles with happiness. Teasing her trembling pussy lips with the tip of his cock still coated in her sweet saliva, Chris feels her body tremble in anticipation. With a grunt, he pushes his cock deep into her pussy, hearing her moan loudly as his shaft spreads her pussy open and rubs against her clitoris. Ramming her pussy, Chris feels her vaginal muscles clench onto his cock for his cum before giving in and blowing his load deep inside her. “Holy shit… you should be my wife instead” Chris mumbles absentmindedly seeing Mio looking at him in confusion.

As if on cue, Mio’s body shudders and she lets out a girly yelp as Chris feels his cock being pushed out of her pussy. “Mio… feel weird…” she pants as her face and irises darken with maturity and heavier make-up covers her shallow wrinkles. Clutching her stomach, her eyes widen in surprise after feeling a kick under her palm. “Mio… have twin?!” she gasps feeling her belly balloon outwards like a beach ball as memories of Chris fucking her raw seven months ago etches into her mind. Breathing deeply, Mio rubs her heavily pregnant belly as she smiles lovingly at Chris, ignoring his look of surprise. “M-Mio… still horny” she giggles, feeling her breasts becoming heavier and sloshing with milk as they push out and rest on top of her round belly. “Still have time before parents come” she grins, pinching her puffy nipples and sending a stream of milk spraying onto the floor as Chris remains speechless.

Shit… how do I explain this…” Chris mutters to himself as Mio continues to pleasure herself on the floor.


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