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Y-you’ve been summoned to the King’s throne” stutters a maid in a dusty and torn frilly dress as you blink open your sleep deprived eyes. The distant rumble of boulders slamming into the pearly white castle walls jolt you awake as you reach for your sword. The other knights resting on the rough stone gives you a faint nod while you quickly try to tidy your matted and dirty hair before following the maid out of the tower. On the way, you rack your brain over the reasoning of your summoning during such a dire situation for the kingdom; your previous few fights weren’t especially impressive but kept you alive.

The loud clash of armor echo down the vast hallway as two guards step aside for you and the nervous maid to enter the throne room. Light shining through the massive stained-glass artwork above the throne immediately blinds you as you look down to see a small group of people huddled together. “Your highness!” you splutter, immediately clasping your hand above your metal chest plate in reverence as everyone turns to look at you. Lifting your gaze, you see the king with disheveled hair and sunken dark eyes tightly grasping his daughter still sobbing and crying. Looking to their left you see your father, the head of the royal guard covered in blood talking to the kingdom’s chief wizard. “D-dad?” you cough in surprise as he gives you a faint smile before shaking the wizard’s hand.

Ah! He’s here. Start the ritual” the King exclaims, pointing at you as your father bows his head and steps away to open a hidden escape tunnel. Looking around in confusion, you notice the wizard’s eyes glowing blue as his staff begins to spark with energy.

Wait… what’s happening?” you shout, feeling the air around you shift and warp as the maid nearby scurries away to join the group standing outside the secret tunnel.

I… I’m sorry” the princess whimpers before breaking down into tears and slipping into the dark passageway with your father and the maid.

We are forever in your debt from your father’s generous offer” the King mutters as you look at him in confusion. “They’ll breach our walls in an hour… your father suggested that you’ll valiantly replace my daughter as a captive to preserve our kingdom’s bloodline” he continues as your blood runs cold in realization. Waving farewell he ducks into the tunnel while a heavy bookshelf slowly seals it shut and the wizard gives you a nod of gratitude.

Wait… I don--- arrghhhh” you scream in agony as your spine cracks multiple times and becomes permanently curvier. Falling to the ground, you desperately crawl towards the wizard in an attempt to interrupt his spell but he knocks you back with an invisible force. “Stooop… I don’t want to be Princess Ariel” you pant, feeling increasingly weaker and sweatier from the heavy armor strapped across your body.

Here’s an extra spell to help you adapt to your new body later” the chief wizard says before mumbling incantations under his breath and you feel your head throb for a few seconds. Summoning all your strength, you push yourself up from the floor and try to tackle him to the ground, but the second you touch his robe he teleports out of the castle to rendezvous with the other escapees, leaving you alone in the throne room.

N-no… come back” you groan, grasping at thin air as your broad masculine shoulders crunch inwards into dainty round shoulders with a high collarbone. Wheezing for breath, you feel every cell in your body warp as the rough fabric on your skin becomes increasingly irritating. Sensing a shiver run down your back, you look at your legs to see all the bodily hair vaporizing away, leaving your skin smooth and unblemished with a creamy hue clearly lacking any signs of combat or even direct sunlight. “Oh shit… owww” you grunt in pain, feeling the cold armor on your skin as your hips suddenly pop out and press against the metal. Desperate to free your now wide child-bearing hips, you hastily unbuckle the armor to hear it loudly crash onto the ground as your hips continue to swell further apart with soft fat.

Ohhh godddd…” you pant, looking down to see your dick completely erect as your ass starts to pulsate with activity. Gritting your teeth, you clutch your ass as your supple skin stretches to allow more fat to flood inside. Feeling your fingers sinking into the soft flesh, you remember ogling at Princess Ariel’s ass protruding from her silky dress as she addressed the royal army every year. Running your hand along your round ass, you let out a small gasp as you start to spread your plump bubble butt cheeks apart, shivering from the new sensations.

Too busy exploring your hefty behind, you don’t notice pre-cum dribbling out of your dick and splattering onto the royal carpet as your thighs start to press against your balls. “Fuccck… not themmm” you groan, noticing your thighs bubbling with fat and flesh, slowly growing thicker by the second. Remembering all the rumors of the princess’ lower body within the army, you become strangely fascinated on whether they are all true. As if on cue, your fragile feminine knees quiver as they struggle to support your heavy ass and wider thighs. You shiver as your plump thighs expand wider than your head and start to smother your balls in between. “Shit… they’re massive…” you gasp, feeling your sensitive inner thighs press together and form a juicy thigh gap with your dick painfully pointing out.

H-how does she fit in her clothes…” you mutter to yourself, seeing your fatty round thighs jiggle with each step as you struggle to reach an exquisitely decorated leather sofa. Hearing your knees crack and buckle from the changes, you stumble forward in surprise as your calves slim and your feet turn numb. Loud popping and crunching sounds echo around the throne room as you kick off your blood-soaked boots to see petite feminine toes with pedicured nails wiggling back at you. Blinking your eyes in disbelief, you watch your boots morph into silver heels immediately clasping over your feminine feet while white laced leggings run up your legs and stop midway at your thighs, leaving a small roll of fat resting on top.

I… I don’t consent to this…” you shout around, hoping that the wizard is still listening, but your breathing starts to quicken and your chest tingle. Within minutes, you start to sweat profusely as the itching sensation around your nipples becomes apparent. “Oh shit… not her boobs” you gasp in horror, remembering staring at Princess Ariel’s massive breasts clearly passed down from her elven mother with tits just as large. Looking down at your tightening metal chest plate, you let out a whimper as you quickly realize that you’ll soon be crushed by her enormous breasts trapped within.

Argghhh… come on…” you grunt in frustration as your grubby muddy fingers slip against the metal clip and start to contort uncontrollably. With your hands desperately fumbling behind, you don’t notice them shrinking into soft womanly palms with elegant fingers and glossy long nails. Hearing a click, you let out a sigh of relief as the armor falls to the ground in unison with your chipped and bloody sword. Bending down to pick up your weapon, you shriek loudly after noticing your feminine fingers as the sword feels unbelievably heavy in your slenderizing arms. Dropping the sword in shock, you see your wrists and battled hardened biceps shrink into fragile limbs only capable of sipping tea and reading books.

Blushing red with arousal, you feel your hardening nipples chafe against your tough military tunic as you tear the last remaining clothing off your body. “Oh my god… it’s happening” you gasp, looking down to see your areolas pinken and double in size as your chest starts to pulsate and change. Poking your tenderizing chest out of curiosity, you let out a squeal as your fingers sink into your soft flesh forming around your nipples. Beginning to hyperventilate, you feel your chest vibrate as fat continues to pour under your nipples, slowly pushing them out budding A-cup tits. “That’s a bit sma--- OOohhh… aahhnnnn” you moan with your eyes rolling back in absolute pleasure as your breasts quickly swell out C-cups with puffy nipples. Cupping your breasts, you feel the soft fatty flesh spill past your fingers as your small feminine hands struggle to contain them. As your body shudders once more, you feel your tits balloon out into massive F-cups, causing you to stumble forward from the weight before you can find your new center of balance. “They’re so big… and heavy” you groan, arching your back to hold up your milky breasts as your hands starts to grope and pinch them. Moaning softly, you try to lift up your tits only to see your cleavage deepen as the thought of ramming your dick between your pillowy breasts becomes intoxicating.

No… no… focus…” you mutter to yourself, noticing your heavy tits jiggling with each breath as they ache to be groped. Suddenly feeling extremely nauseous, you clutch your stomach in pain and begin to gag, expecting to see your bland rationed bread from yesterday. To your surprise, white creamy cake and biscuits splatter onto the carpet as your belly grumbles in hunger. “What the…” you gasp, wiping saliva off your lips as your stomach quickly flattens with a cute belly button while your waist pulls in into an hour-glass figure disproportionate to your luxurious diet.

Clutching your still throbbing head, you feel your memories flicker as Princess Ariel’s personality begins to take hold. “I… don’t wanna be a royal… slut” you groan as memories of enjoying lustful stares from young soldiers fill your mind. “N-no… I’m not like that… I… I… fucked all three princes from other kingdoms…” you blurt out, covering your mouth in horror as you remember grinding against their cocks and sucking them dry in the castle. “Oh dear… I’m a little… horn--- flustered” you gasp, realizing that your mannerisms are slowly shifting into the princess’ elegant façade to cover up her lecherous personality.

My voice!” you squeal, clutching your throat as your voice cracks and rises into an authoritative and feminine tone barely able to cover your lustful slurs. Your Adams apple quickly dissolves, leaving your neck long and graceful as a frilly choker wraps around it. Licking your lips, you feel them plump up with glossy lipstick and curl into a permanent pout as your pearly white teeth sparkle in the sunlight. “Oh my… I feel so peculiar…” you mumble as your face shifts and becomes rounder from your jaw line softening and cheekbones rising. To compliment your feminizing face, you feel your nose shrink into a cute button nose while make-up with blush covers your smooth doll-like face. Blinking your lengthening eyelashes, you feel your eyes widen and your irises turn purple, looking more elegant and seductive. Looking at your reflection from a nearby window, you shiver as your matted hair becomes silky smooth, flowing down to your dainty shoulders and turning silvery-blue with a fringe. “Oh my god… I’m… Princess Ariel…” you mutter in disbelief as you recognize her hair and perfect face atop a massive pair of breasts.

About to play with your tits, loud knocking echoes from the large wooden door interrupts your moment as a royal guard shout from the other side, “P-prince Albron and his army breached the castle walls, your highness!”. Your blood runs cold as you recognize the name of the undefeated warrior from the kingdom nearby.

P-protect me” you whimper, sounding helpless and scared as the guards outside grunt in solidarity to protect you with their lives. Unbeknownst to them, you have a hand nestled between your thick thighs and the other pinching your puffy nipples as you suppress another moan. “Ahhnnn… I’m… gonna cum” you groan before your dick gives in and sprays cum all over your thighs and onto the royal carpet. Gasping for breath, you rub your small feminine hands along your shaft to squeeze all the cum out as your empty balls begin to deflate and slurp into your body. Massaging your thighs together, you feel your balls disappear as a pair of fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout your body pushes its way against your organs. Feeling oddly hungry, you scoop up some of your hot cum and pour it along your tongue, suddenly gagging and coughing loudly, “Urghh… commoner’s cum always tastes worse…” you mutter to yourself as you cover your mouth in shock, realizing that the chief wizard’s second spell is taking effect. Looking past your huge fleshly orbs on your chest, you notice your dick starting to shrink and invert into your crotch as the cum squirting out slowly becomes more transparent. “I… I’m not… I am… Princess Ariel…” you groan, trying to remember your name as her memories invade your mind; why would you remember a random soldier’s name? Hearing a wet slurp, you shudder as your dick fully inverts into your crotch, forming a pair of moist pussy lips in its place while the tip of your dick hardens into a trembling clitoris. “Feels too good…” you moan with your eyes rolled back in ecstasy as you plunge your fingers into your pussy feeling the muscles clench onto your fingers and coat them in juices. Too busy fingering yourself, you don’t hear bones breaking and swords clashing outside the throne room.

As the heavy oak doors slam open, you hastily pull your fingers out of your pussy and sit upright on the sofa still soaking wet from your cum and juices. “Ah… Princess Ariel… hope you don’t mind my intrusion…” Prince Albron chuckles as he tosses a lifeless royal guard to the ground. “Now… where’s everyone else?” he grins, slowly unbuckling his bloodied golden armor as he slowly approaches you.

Heart beating faster, you find yourself smiling seductively as you instinctively spread your legs apart to reveal your dripping pussy. “I don’t mind what you did to the guards…” you coo automatically, internally cursing the chief wizard’s spell as you press your F-cup breasts together invitingly. “But I’m all you need” you giggle, giving him an alluring wink as he effortlessly picks you up and throws you onto the throne with lust in his eyes.

You’re mine now” Prince Albron grunts as he pulls out his dick and your pussy moisten an anticipation after seeing his cock as hard as his armor. Wanting to push him away, you find yourself pulling him closer and wrapping your plump lips around his as your aching tits rub against his cold armor. “Don’t be shy…” he grins, noticing you trying to keep him away but he begins to rub the tip of his cock against your cleanly shaven pussy lips, making your body spasm in ecstasy.

P-put it in” you whisper into his ear before feeling his girthy cock ram the back of your pussy and your lips spread open like a seal. Moaning with tears in your eyes, a smile soon forms on your face as the sensation of his dick deep in your body becomes addicting. ‘Aahhhnn… morreeeee” you pant, noticing your round tits jiggle with each thrust as he slides his cock in and out of your wet pussy. Hearing a groan in the distance, you turn to see a wounded royal guard staring at you in horror as Prince Albron begins to squeeze your tits. Using your vaginal muscles to clench against his veiny shaft for cum, you hear him grunt before filling your pussy to the brim with his seed. Giggling, you plunge a finger into your pussy and pull out a dollop of cum before licking it clean, “Mmmhmm… royal cum definitely tastes better” you say before spreading your round bubble butt cheeks apart for him to invade next.

I want our children… to rebuild this kingdom” you coo, patting your stomach as cum gurgles out of your pussy and flows down your thighs.


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