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Hello helloooooo everyone! It's been a while! 

As lots of y'all know, I went on vacation a couple weeks ago. (This is the first one in a bit that wasn't centered around attending someone's wedding bahaha.)

But what you likely don't know is that, while on vacation,...I caught COVID! 

(Picture of what I've been doing while isolating. Please ignore the dry cuticles, but I love my new mental health stamping plate!)

I knew this was a risk in journeying away from my little bubble, but alas! I am VERY thankful that I was double vaccinated and boosted before catching it. Honestly, at first I just thought it was bad allergies (it is that season again, after all) but then came the exhaustion and fever.

So now I'm sitting in bed, typing this, with about five different liquid concoctions all around me bahaha. I am mostly recovered with the exception of a persistent cough and a voice that sounds like I have the plague (which, yes?).

I really just wanted to touch base with y'all since I've been so MIA. I'll probably be MIA for a little bit longer (at least ~visually~) but I'm feeling good enough to get a myriad of polls up and post questions to pick y'alls brain on some things. :)

The fun part of being AFK is that, when I return, I always feel like I'm riding a wave of creativity! So I'm letting this surge whisk me away and seeing what great things might come from it.

Please do comment down below and let me know what silly ideas you've had recently or what concepts you're playing around with, and if you're riding your own wave of creativity! (Or if you have your board out and are just waiting for the tide.)

I'll be back soon and hopefully won't blow up your Inbox too much in the meantime! :)


Anja Kuemski

Life's a bitch sometimes, isn't it? On the other hand it forces us to focus on the things that really matter. So there is that. Get well soon!


Get well soon, Kate!!!