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It's Double Stream Day, y'all! 

I just finished Chapter 7 of The Secret Theatre earlier today, which means I've written a whopping five chapters (womp womp) in my shared project with my brother.


I shan't let April beat me. So my ~new~ goal is to reach Chapter 14 by the end of the month. (If I succeed, that means I'll have drafted exactly half of my chapters according to our current outline. Which would be awesome!!!)

So I'm ready to get all the writing in that I can!

Double Stream Day #1 is tonight, Thursday the 28th, at 6:00pm CDT.
Double Stream Day #2 is tomorrow, Friday the 29th, at 7:00am CDT. 

David and I will also be streaming together Saturday afternoon-ish (CDT) if you'd like to get in some final words with us on the 30th! (Or if you're ahead of our timezone and would like to start May off strong! Bahaha.)

Hope to see y'all soon!!! Let me know what you're hoping to accomplish in these last few days or if you've also recalibrated your goal for the month.

Happy writing! :)


Lauren Amanda

If I can make it tonight I’m gonna be working in my midterm for my Public Library Service class. It’s due on Sunday 😂


OMG OMG. Sending you all the good luck for your midterm! I'd love hear more about your Public Library Service class at some point; that sounds fascinating! YOU GOT THIS!

Lauren Amanda

It’s a really great class! The midterm is an evaluation of virtual services provided by two libraries and I’m using it as an opportunity to talk about the benefits of libraries having tiktok accounts. Grad school is fun 😂😂😂 definitely dm me whenever and I’ll tell you all about Library School!