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As foreshadowed in the most recent "State of the Patreon," here is a teensy glimpse at something I've been working on. I'm a long way from done, so sharing even this feels a little premature, but perhaps it will help address some of the "what the heck does Riptoryx even do, anyway?" grumbling that I worry ya'll must get up to from time to time. 

If the embedded video doesn't display for you, try this direct link instead:  https://dai.ly/k6RhGFcWElTa2Kw9hMF  (and don't forget to unmute it!)

Got any feedback or questions you'd like to direct my way? Please feel free to send 'em as comments on this post and I'll try to respond as best I can there. That way it'll be a conversation accessible to everybody. 



Reveal Trailer

A reveal trailer for a work-in-progress weight gain project by Riptoryx. www.patreon.com/mavripwww.deviantart.com/riptoryx



This seems to be really promising ! I can't wait to see that game, nice teaser I wonder how big her booty will get as it seems to be already big on her thin frame ;) It's nice to have some fanfiction about videogames or maybe manga to have some diversity, Mass effect is indeed a good choice of a universe (Even if i'm a bit disappointed to not see Tali in it haha) I wish you good luck for this project and i hope you'll be able to give us a release date somday !


This is super exciting!! Thanks for the sneak peak 😊


Lookin' good, Rip! I know what a hassle it was to get this trailer together, but it looks incredible so far...and I know of a few behind-the-scenes details that I can't wait to see fleshed-out (pun intended, as always!) Maverick


I can't really say anything except I guess thanks for reading my mind and coming up with pretty much my ideal concept for a Mass Effect game! I totally agree that Miranda and especially the Jack/Miranda dynamic always felt made for a slow, realistic WG arc. My only other thought is that it sounds incredibly ambitious, and I'd encourage you to cut scope as necessary, since some of those mechanics sound like they could easily become all-consuming. But yeah, I'm about as hyped as a person can be!


Thanks, Nix! Having her biggest assets turn into her biggest liabilities could become a struggle for Miranda. The entirely unsubtle attention drawn to Miranda’s ass—both explicitly by characters and in a more meta-sense by game design—will be very much “on the menu.” While Tali’zorah might not be the central character of the game (when is she ever, the poor gal?), I think it’s a safe bet that the spunky, awkwardly Shepard-fangirling young quarian mascot of the franchise will have a role to play. Precisely what role may depend on your choices, though. -Riptoryx


Glad you’re excited, Paige. Are you a Mass Effect aficionado or just intrigued by the general confluence of format and theme? -Riptoryx


Hey, Kestrel! Those are some very encouraging words! It’s great to know there are folks out there with as much enthusiasm as me for this concept. Hopefully you felt a little twinge of anticipation when you heard bits of certain classic Mass Effect 2 music swell in the trailer. My selections for those details (and some others) have all been quite deliberate. ; ) It seems you and I do indeed share a mindset about some of the characters. The Jack/Miranda dynamic is very much the fulcrum on which this game pivots. If you enjoyed the way those two clashed, you’ll be right at home in Nerf Effect. I mean, it’s no mere coincidence that I’m the one who commissioned this little thing: <img src=" https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8027b7a5-e94d-414f-91f7-9ecee5e8f812/d6vo5wx-69b0effb-f614-4581-8f81-1f56e9e2601b.png/v1/fill/w_1280,h_915,q_80,strp/commission__biotic_bully_by_kastemel_d6vo5wx-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05MTUiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC84MDI3YjdhNS1lOTRkLTQxNGYtOTFmNy05ZWNlZTVlOGY4MTJcL2Q2dm81d3gtNjliMGVmZmItZjYxNC00NTgxLThmODEtMWY1NmU5ZTI2MDFiLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMjgwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.fBiCq8XIKLQEj25MIs5FoFBqSgc0b80Wqd2FyBXHJ5w"> You’re certainly correct about the risk for ambitious plans to overwhelm the execution. That’s part of why I’ve been spending a lot of time testing out what sort of things I CAN do on a technical level before even deciding what I things I really WANT (and, perhaps more narrowly and importantly, actually NEED) to do on a narrative level. I mentioned stats and some kind of inventory-ish system only because I feel fairly confident about both the “can” and “want” for those elements based on my work to-date. My inspirations for making this game are at least two-fold, both stretching back years. Partly its influenced by a particular story concept focused on the conflicts and relationships between few characters (Jack and Miranda most of all). But another part is actually based on some of the specific Mass Effect game mechanics themselves. These two inspirations arose independently, but there’s a point where they can converge—at least in theory. Making a game like this seemed to me the best way to try to make that convergence happen. I’m taking your wise warning to heart, though. I’m no real programmer, so there’s no way I’m going to create something that lives up to my wildest imaginations about how all this could work. And with this type of thing it’d be easy to let various aspects of the game balloon into unmanageable levels of complexity. I’ll try to keep it in check. Luckily, Maverick is around to provide a grounded force of Jimmy Cricket sensibility for me. It may be that I wind up developing and then releasing the game in multiple “versions,” at least the first of which might be quite pared down in terms of content and complexity. That’s what a lot of “real” game developers do, after all. -Riptoryx


Thanks, Mav. It's a long road. Could really use some of that FTL tech right about now... -Riptoryx


I hadn't realized you were the commissioner, but that's one of my all-time favorite pieces! The music absolutely got me psyched. ME2 was always my favorite of the three, even if I think 3 was a little unfairly maligned. I'm a web developer by day, so that's where I'm coming from as far as caution goes. I think the idea of breaking it into versions is a great one, even if you don't release the initial skeletal ones, just to give yourself some intermediate steps to fall back on. With that being said, I'd be happy to consult/lend a hand if a situation arises where another programmer might come in handy.


Tbh I hadn't even HEARD of Mass Effect before this 😂


I see. Well, in that case I’ll take your enthusiasm as a vote of confidence in me personally. So, thanks. ; ) Also, that’s a good example of why it’s important for me to make sure the story is supported by adequate expository context for the Mass Effect neophytes. Fortunately, Maverick seems to be in that camp himself. I’ll be pestering him to help confirm that the story holds up as an independently enjoyable read. -Riptoryx


I agree regarding both ME2 and ME3. A web developer, eh? I might just take you up on that at some point. The whole game is essentially one big messy webpage “under the hood.” While I’ve been able to shamelessly appropriate and modify into functionality various examples of coding I’ve found around the web, some customization aspects requiring a more nuanced level of actual understanding remain largely lost on me. My command of CSS with text placement and borders is particularly lacking. -Riptoryx