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"Ms. Reynolds, I'm going to need you to calm down so we can have a little conversation."

"Calm down?!  Fuck you!  I'm not goin--"

With the stroke of a key, Tabitha falls silent.  You lean back in your chair and watch as she jaws into the camera like a dog eating peanut butter.   If only you could mass-produce a button like that for unruly wives and girlfriends.  (The Nag Gag?  The Silent Partner?)  You'd make billions. 

While crickets fill the vitriolic void in Tabitha's wordless rant, you punch a separate button to bring-up Tina's quarters.  Surprisingly, she's awake, enjoying an after-midnight snack of ice cream on the sofa.  Her opaque skin radiates in the dim room, a mix of post-coital glow and iridescence from the television.  The white sheet she's wrapped in enhances the ghostly effect. 

Another keystroke produces a split-screen between the two chambers, and you wait for Tabitha's luscious lips to stop flapping.  Eventually, she runs out of breath.  Her chest, pressed overripe by her unitard, heaves in and out of camera view as she wobbles on her perch.  The flimsy kitchen chairs you purchased weren't meant to be stood on, especially by someone of Tabitha's generous proportions.  Considering your ultimate intentions, investing in sturdier furniture would have been more prudent...but far less fun.  

"Are you finished?"

Tina, from her side of the screen, looks confused by your query until Tabitha answers with a curt, "Yes."  At that point, Tina turns off her TV and digs a generous spoonful of Chunky Monkey.  Apparently, she anticipates the closed-circuit action to be more entertaining than whatever passes for programming at 3 AM.  

"Good.  Congratulations."

"What for?"  

"For realizing it's better to listen than talk."  

"Fine," Tabitha bristles.  "Let's get this over with.  What do I have to do?"

"First, I need you to eat what's in the fridge."

"Let me guess, bull testicles?  Horse rectum?"

"No, nothing like that.  Take a look."  

Tabitha clambers from her wobbly roost and opens the refrigerator door.  Just a few inches at first, as if she expects some sort of culinary ambush, but swings it wide when she sees its filled with fattening fare.

"What do I have to eat?"

"All of it."

"All of it?  That will take weeks!"

"It better not.  You don't want your erstwhile classmate, Laura, to get the best of you." 

Tina's head lolls back against the cushions.  Her microphone is muted, but you can tell she's laughing.

"What's my reward?"

"You get to move onto the pantry."

Tabitha shuts the fridge and struts to the pantry, providing an excellent view of her caboose and the pistons powering it...and eliminating all doubt as to where her recent couch-potato pounds accumulated.  

When you spied Tabitha last year, her flawless face and chiseled chest were the men magnets, but since then her plumpening rump has formed a holy trinity of hotness, balancing her hourglass figure and wresting visual dominance.  With emerald eyes, lush lips, and a dazzling dimpled smile, Tabitha needn't worry about wandering eyes face-to-face (even with such a top-self, um, top-shelf), but from behind you'd defy anyone to avoid being hypnotized by the tick-tock metronome of such satisfyingly spherical shapes.    

Of course, you know that while exercise may have kept her ballooning buns like gravity-defying orrery orbs, their contours were created via implant--administered orally in the form of midnight pizza and soda binges.  Tabitha's 'Triple-B' triumvirate of beauty, breasts, and butt may distract people, but there's evidence her Gremlin-esque gobbling may further metamorphose her physique: a bulge in the nylon around her lower-abdomen, shadow-like creases beneath her shoulder blades...and a blossom of skin beneath her chin as she recoils from the vast volumes of junk food lining the larder.

"What reality show is this?!  'So You Wanna be a Circus Fat Lady'?"    Tabitha's quip and the disdain in which she utters it slaps your manhood from its post-sex slumber.  

"This is YOUR reality, Tabitha.  Time to dig-in."  A tap to the keyboard and she vanishes from the screen.  "How was that?"

"The ice cream or your conversation with Tabitha?"  Tina tips her empty container towards the camera.  


"Delicious."  She suckles the spoon then holds it aloft.  "You have to promise me something though."  

"What's that?"  

"No matter how much weight I gain.  No matter how fat you make me..."


"You make Tabitha fatter."

You smile.  "Sweet dreams."

"I just had one."  Tina runs a hand along her waist, pressing the draped sheet against the swell of her belly.  It's as pronounced as it was during last night's stuffings, and will likely grow once the ice cream finds its mark.  

Though you're tempted to join her for another round of "fuck the fatty," you resist the urge, adding a quick "goodnight" and turning off the monitor.

Wide-awake despite the hour, you pivot in your chair and contemplate the harem you're developing.  Despite some loose ends and unexpected twists, mostly courtesy of Tina, you can't complain.  Two of your three finalists are safe and secure in your care and both are gaining (although Tabitha's weight-wounds have been self-inflicted thus far).  Still, you feel you're at a crossroads.  

As an entrepreneur, you're inclined to accumulate assets.  "If you're not growing, you're dying," your father always said, and that adage has served you well.  You've built the basement to house eight girls, but more than a dozen are doable, especially once a few are fattened beyond the point of fleeing.  Variety is the spice of life and more girls could benefit morale.  Ask any good cattle farmer and they'll tell you cows fatten better in a herd than in isolation.

Of course, the pragmatist in you advises caution.  You're not a cattle farmer and these aren't cows.  Get a dozen girls together and whatever "herd mentality" they develop is unlikely to benefit the guy.  Add in the risk inherent in their capture and a slow-and-steady approach might be prudent.

You've also considered involving Tina on the fattening front.  Over the past few days, she's been your partner-in-crime and your partner-in-bed.  Having her serve as a sort of Valide Sultan, a ruling housemother to the other girls, could speed production and free you to plan and protect your empire...as well as enjoy the fruit it bears.  Tina is an enigma wrapped in a fattening shroud, but she's proven loyal as long as you've indulged her, and you'd rather have someone of her cunning work with you than against you...at least until she grows fat enough to control completely. 

What tact will you take?

(Author's Note: There will be a significant time-forward following this chapter--at least several months--and your choice will dictate how you manage your harem during that time.)  


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