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Hey folks.

Happy February!

Here are some notable highlights of what’s on the horizon:

A special “proof of concept” project. I’ve been working on something unusual lately. It’s a bit different than anything Maverick or I have experimented with before. It’s a thing I’ve noticed to be rare in the genre of weight gain fiction but that at least a few people seem to desire very much. I suspect many others who’ve never even thought about it may find it enjoyable, too, once they encounter it. I’m eager to share it with you but I’m not quite ready to say much more about it just yet. Look for a teaser later this month, followed by the full release to patrons in March. 

More illustrations. For some while now we’ve been reaching out to various illustrators skilled in depicting curvy feminine physiques, soliciting application of their commissioned artistic license to characters and stories of our creation. The outlook seems promising so far, but bringing these types of deals to fruition takes time. Rest assured that we’re working on it and that we’ll share the fruits with you when they’re ready. 

Further progress on a Maverick-Magmaman collaboration. Maverick mentioned this project last month but it warrants a reminder. My understanding is this story will have notes of “comeuppance” and reversal. Fun stuff if—like me—your favorite flavor of justice is “poetic.” No specific ETA yet but stay tuned. 

Finally, regarding the “Community” section post Maverick mentioned he would make, to encourage and facilitate ongoing feedback from patrons, you may have noticed nothing like that has shown up. It turns out Patreon doesn’t allow us to make a new post on the Community section of our own page. Oops! We’ll have to figure out another way to do that. 




interested to know more about the 'proof of concept' idea. when will we be getting the teaser?


I'm targeting an "auspicious" day early next week. ; ) -Riptoryx