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"You have been quite the piggy this week, haven't you?"

"All for you, baby," Tina says, turning sideways and running her hands across her belly.   "Did I do good?"

"You did good."    

Tina smiles.  "Let's feed this body into oblivion."  

As much as you want to focus on Tina's marked progress, you're distracted by her not-so-sweet suite.  Tina looks like a ripening fruit--her apartment just looks ripe.    

"My little piggy needs to clean her sty first."

Tina puffs her bottom lip.  "What are you going to do when I'm too fat to move?  Things are going to get messy."  You detect something in her voice.  Not quite a veiled threat, but definitely added subtext.  Before you can reply, she throws up her arms.  "Fine," she says.  "I'll try not to burn too many calories."  

"Cleaning solvents are under the sink.  I'll check back in a few hours."

Tina mutters something under her breath as you click off the screen.  

You busy yourself with a business proposal for your LLC, but as has often been the case during Tina's stay you have difficulty focusing.  While it's mostly due to sugarplum-like visions of Tina's rounded belly dancing in your head, less idyllic daydreams also niggle your subconscious.  What's Tina's end game?  What did she mean when she said, 'Things are going to get messy?'  And why on earth did you leave so many toxic chemicals at her disposal?  Fortunately, a quick swipe on your phone shows she's using them to scrub floors and polish chrome rather than set traps or mix explosives.

Loose ends and unanswered questions have always been the bane of your existence.  You loved puzzles and mystery books as a child, but only because you knew they'd eventually get solved.   As long as you remain in control, however, you're sure the shroud around Tina will lift.  Though the thought of Tina as a gluttonous pig held captive in her own flesh and squalor is perversely appealing, forcing her to clean her chamber was a calculated component of control.  As you mindlessly add amendments to the proposal you're reviewing, you think of another 'test' you'd like Tina to perform.   


Hours later, Tina dozes on the living room couch.  Her hair is matted and her disturbed make-up forms dark circles around her closed eyes.  The apartment looks immaculate, however.  Paul was right--she is a good worker.

Tina's eyes flit open at the sound of your booming voice, and she deftly swings her lithe legs off the sofa and springs to a standing position.  You expect with another 50 pounds or so her movements won't be quite as nimble.       

"The floor's clean enough to eat off of," Tina says, gesturing towards the kitchen  "Would you like me to show you?"  Tina places her hands on her hips and pivots in place.  "Or would you prefer a physical inspection?"  

What do you do?



I hope that we will have the choice to fatten her huge ! Nice chapter btw