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Hey everyone, thanks for another month of your support. I seriously can't believe that this is real life. The idea of being a pornographic cartoonist during a pandemic seems ludicrous, but I'm really grateful for my crazy niche. To my Counts, I'll have an update to the cache soon that will require me to reset the address, but when that happened (tomorrow probably) I'll send out a message. 

I'm feeling 'mehish' about finishing the WW ones. It's a lot of coloring to do, and I'm a bit more excited about using this trope of a little guy getting with a stacked babe. I've got various themes that work. (Relevant picture of Paris included)

(I'll still finish the WWs, at lest as flats). 



Paris all the way. Can't believe a chaste goddess like Athena would even deign to take part in such an affair. I'd love to hear how she was convinced.


Dangit I guess Irish myth will need to win another day. One might even say Tiocfaidh ár lá

Wild Bill

Doesn't mean she doesn't want to be hot, and if there's one thing the Greek gods had in common it was ego.


The last Chu Chulainn/Irish myth piece was just fantastic so I gotta go with that