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I'm still waiting to hear back, so there may be some changes to this. If so, I'll post again. I've been falling into 'black holes,' which is what I call it when I spend two or three days looking at my WIPs, doing 'work' on them, and then feelings like they're just as unfinished as when I started. Ugh. I have trouble getting out of these. 

This one is kinda similar to my Skaven pieces, where the Skaven Stormvermin impregnates a different Warhammer woman, producing a different hybrid offspring. For some reason I really enjoy this general idea. Hybridizing two things is a lot of fun. 




I adore how Athena is a dork XD


Oh i love the way you draw the different goddesses, cant wait to see them in colour.


Maybe Cid take his revenge and fuck this bitch ? I love the myth poll, wait for colors. but Hera and Athena never do that ! the gods will punish you by transform in monster, be careful !


lol. Another Myth idea on my 'short list' is Medusa as a beautiful temple-priestess, then she gets raped by Poseidon, and to punish HER for being a 'slut,' Athena turns her into a Gorgon, because Athena is 100% not a feminist, at all. She's a hardcore misogynist.


I want see that ! but in this version of the myth i think that Athena is angry to see her priestess' virginity lost, no matter about the suffering of Medusa ( the humans are toys to gods). Athena is the goddess of wisdom but in some myth like Arachne or Medusa she had a big default, her Pride ! And this prove that even Athena is not perfect!


Yeah, but Atena is only 'female' in the sense that pornstars are female. She's a masculine deity, the product of male imagination, feminized for purposes of mystique. She's a total bro in the myths. There is even a term for it. 'Athena effect.' It's when a male character masquerades as a female to gain social-status, or when a female adopts masculine traits for the same purpose. I think of Athena is a chick-with-a-dick. A she-bro. She HATES other women.