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Surprisingly good show! It is a very mixed-bag though. At times it reminds me not only of what I loved about Avatar, but it also fantasy in general. The world-building isn't too much of a burden (good Princess alliance versus evil alien empire), but the story is really told through the character-arcs. Catra gets a good one, and so does Entrapta. These two characters are the best part of the show, even if my favorite princess is Mermista, my Sarcastic Queen. 

BUT, there is a LOT of cringe in this show. Whiny zoomers involved in war? "But Mom," one of the characters whines in the first episode. "Why won't you let me lead and army the way I want too? Waaaaaaaaaa!"

Ugh. I get that is supposed to be the point somewhat, but who would follow a whiny fat little shit like that into battle? Even in fiction? Even in fantasy? 

No one. 

Also, the talking horse is so cringe that it turned me into a reactionary homophobe. I'm homophobic now. 





Mark drawing Catra AND footjob stuff? This is a blessed day indeed, yer earning your $15 for this most definitely

kyle bernard

Have you seen dragon prince?


Yeah, I REALLY liked Dragon Prince, even though it suffers from a sort of 'DeviantArt' vibe, where everything is just too clean and sparkly and swirly. Great pacing through. I'm sorry they had to end it early, but I thought they wrapped it up fine.


Oh good! There was talk of that not happening, and I remember something about the last season possibly being the 'end,' and some people being happy with how they did it. Good climactic battle and everything. I'd like another season though.


"But MOOOOOOMMMMMMMM why won't you let me munch all the vagina I WANNTTTTTTT?"


I think they could've added He-man to the story during the final season. Like in the 80s shows He-man goes to find his sister give her another sword of Gray skull and tell her of her origin.


I'm sure there is some bonkers nonsense about copyright. If they redo He-Man again, I want it to be as muscular, oily, and stupidly homo-erotic as possible.

John Smith

Catra, Mermista are my favorites as well...the fat one does lose weight later on which I saw some complain about...but really you think Hordak is feeding his prisoners that well smfh.

Master Dragon

Scorpina is kinda hot with Katra Surpised you didn't have those two have a threesome with some lucky dude