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I liked how the Dwarves in Dragon Age are hardcore assholes. I kinda like the idea of them being really grim, greedy, gruesome materialistic atheists. Mark is Chaotic-Neutral, primarily, but I like the idea that he slips into Lawful-Evil when his heritage is in question. (Mark's not intended to be a 'good guy').

As far as my actual opinion on the matter, history is always in flux! Ride the wave, and don't hang on to more than what you really need! I disagree with knocking down George Washington JUST because he was a slave owner. That seems obtuse. People should be judged contextually, not categorically, IMO. Do you know who else owned slaves? Mohammed. Does that justify Islamophobia? No. It should not. Slavery was just the de facto economic system of the time. It was evil, but so is wage-slavery and rent-seeking, and we haven't done away with those, so let's knock over ourselves? We shouldn't be such babies.

IMO, I'm happy to hear other shit.  




The funny thing about these morons going and knocking down / vandalizing these statues is that they don't even know the subject of whoever it is they decided to desecrate - they've already gone and knocked down statues of people who actually opposed slavery, and were getting ready to knock down a statue that was funded by actual former slaves.


Yeah, I'm all for alternate viewpoints, but sometimes it seems like the most militant young people are also the ones with the narrowest range of exposure. Psychology is unarguably at play. The indigenous population of Easter Island began destroying their own cultural artifacts as a sign of cultural distress, so I don't think it needs to have a full 'thesis' statement, but why burn down an elk, other than that you wish to burn something, anything?

John Smith

Statues should be case by case. Confederates are fucking traitors and traitors to AMerica dont deserve statues in their honor.


The difference between kocking down a statue of George Washington and knocking down a statue of Robert E Lee is that Lee was a traitor. Both slave owners, yet one was a traitor to the US. Pretty much the majority of 'American Heroes' are horrible people. Even Lincoln was still a white supremacist, who defended his opposition to black people holding public office, voting, or inter marrying. He wanted to end slavery, sure, but his main goal was to keep the country together. Abolishment was only a last minute bonus that had the benefit of fueling the spirit of blacks in the North to volunteer for the Union army.


I'm kinda down for just a "no people" rule with statues. I prefer everything being told through allegory.


How does mark know so much of his dwarven ancestry when his dad left after the one night with his mom? And mark looks very stubbly then how he used to look.


Libraries. Palantirs. I think Mark is is overcompensating for not knowing he was a Dwarf at first. (yeah, I can't stay on model,ha ha)


Agreed, also they really should learn the history before complaining about. They even want to change streetnames, one its cost a lot of money, which us the tax-payers have to spring for it and if people who live there actually want that. But other wise great pic

Wild Bill

Washington was also a traitor, genius. The only difference is his bid for independence was successful.


I was obviously speaking in regards to the US. Fuck George Washington too. He would've bought me as a slave, so he can go for all I care as well. All that 'All men are created equal' yet they owned slaves at the same time. That's some bullshit, thank goodness for dual citizenship 😂 gave 22 years of my life to the air force and dipped the fuck out on that. Now there's a draft dodging, weak willed, cowardly liar as Commander in Chief? No wonder theres so much crazy shit going on in the US right now


Well I mean at least Mark can't lose his job for not having the right opinion of supporting the alleged anarchist and or revolutionary mob that is so anarchist and revolutionary it is actually endorsed by every capitalist trading company in the kingdom and funded by international philanthropist against national sovereignty I mean against Human and Dwarf and Elvish Supremacy and maybe Orcish Supremacy too if they don't get with the program and stop being Orcs and be Loving and Tolerant instead, Gob Soros.


Corporate values are decided by algorithm. I think they just did the math and realized that 51% of their customers are on one side, not the other. Yeah.

Master Dragon

Think the only statue we have in my home town is a bald eagle looking badass. So Don't think anyone is knocking that down.


A bunch of stuff is happening around my area, but there are dozens of statues that no one is messing with also.


I love in Portland, OR so I don't have a very good baseline. Things get a little silly out here.