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I'm not digging these as much as I thought I would. I realize that I already have Mark and Cadence (not to mention Dragonborn and Lydia) so why do it again unless I REALLY want to explore the setting, and I'd actually rather explore fantasy. Especially more Warhammer. Working on that Skaven pic has me in the mood. I'd rather switch focus, not that I'll be able to get to it for a bit. I've got a Bel thing and a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure thing to get to first, plus a scattering of sketches.

The idea is a Gotrek and Felix cover, with the title "Pussyslayer," since most novels have the name "___slayer," based on what Gotrek kills in the story. The stories are a lot of fun, especially those by William King, who is a MUCH better author than anyone who came after him, sadly. The best Gotrek and Felix novels are the first ones. 

The plot: Gotrek is a suicidal dwarf called a 'Slayer.' He MUST die, but he can't kill himself, so he intentionally seeks out monsters and demons to do the job for him, but he's so strong that he always wins. He can't give up. Dwarves are too stubborn. Likewise, he can't forgive himself. 

Felix is his human buddy. Gotrek saved Felix from being accidentally trampled to death by a horse, and to pay him back, Felix has agreed to follow Gotrek and witness his death, so that an epic can be composed about it. 

So . . . Whose pussy is getting slain? 



Wow that story sound really fun. Do I need to know anything about warhamer to read it ?


Not the ones by William King. He does the thing I like, where he only introduces information either as it becomes relevant, or just to paint a scene. Like he might give a historical anecdote just to give an area flavor, but he won't burden you with an appendix or 'lore.' Novels by other authors REALLY depend on you knowing a lot of the names and history already. They take it for granted that if you're reading a Warhammer novel, you're already an invested fan.


Oh Warhammeer, it really fuck it off with Age of Sigma, I really liked how Gotrek and Feliz saga ended, until they were bring back again. looks promising

Master Dragon

Vampire chicks sound hot, I do like the fallout comic you just did. I hope you liked that email I sent ya with Curie and Cait in the Gronak and barbian chick out fits.


I wonder how the manling will be depicted in this. And if the Tomb girls win you could give them grey flesh like in the old cartoon the Mummies Alive.


They'll both be studs. I'm planning some spit-roasting or DP of some kind, or they're slamming their own girls. I'm actually not sure about the Tomb Kings. I really like the idea of giving them glowing ethereal bodies (green-blue) with some text explaining that an artifact gives them bodies that they can enjoy sex with.

Sleepy Dave

Vampires and Elves are over-rated and done to death. Goblins FTW!!!