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I feel a little stupid having just moped, considering that I'm actually happy with the way this one turned out, and that's a good sign for all my other WIPs. I've been stacking them up because I've been kinda apprehensive about my new coloring method, but I like the way it came together for this one. 

This started as a Duke thing. Silver dragon. White feather. Benevolent. I forgot the feathers and the benevolence, so this project is just for me, and I'll do a quick-but-refined colored sketch of that dragon a bit later. 

Also, since I got to revisit Mark with this one, I decided to finally try him with a beard, just to see how it looks. I think it looks fine as a dwarf, but beards are honestly one of the least sexy things in the world to me, so I don't know. I love them on characters that I don't sexualize. Like male dwarves. 




Great work! Love all the Easter eggs in the treasure pile and the maiden getting licked to climax by that dragon lady while Mark's pre-occupied by the loot! And with you on beards.


Looking awesome, I liked how you not made just a bearded Mark, but you made him with a pretty stylish beard.


Gotta agree I am not a huge fan of bearded mark, but the rest of the pic is great.

Rev Seo

I find the beard kindy sexy, but yeah, I could see why you might not


Why did you post the same image twice?


Some patrons have requested that I attack the high-reze image with each post. It's easy for people on smartphones, I think.