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Bobert Conway is back, and no one will be without excuse for not watching this.


As yet untitled divine hiddenness video



I think the "no-one is without excuse" slippage comes from the same recent trend that makes people say e.g. "all apples are not red" when they mean "not all apples are red".


I don't think he writes those scripts, he does not read them like he has seen them before.


He loses me at Mother Teresa, who, by all accounts, was not a very nice person. Not the epitome of unconditional love.


Hey I watched till the end hoping Logicked would come back to gods sex obsession. Did I miss it?!


I've heard that too... that she was really determined to "save souls" and "chalk up wins for Jaysus"... but not very concerned at all about providing good medical care, reducing suffering, saving lives, and all that stuff that we atheists consider important.