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For some reason I kept screwing up the videos this month, and made a lot of pointless work for myself, but whatever, they got done.


As yet untitled matter proves soul video



He looks like a nice enough person. But then he is selling snake oil. But then he is selling snake oil (not a typo) he is selling snake oil we have a song "I am a material girl' Cause we are living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl"


Real LSD (looks away)


Hey it was 1972


I still like the grateful Dead


our senses are easy to fool


he helped paint the bus but never understood the journey


Oh my gods, this Brian guy is a special kind of painful. ‘Cause he’s SO earnest and “respectful” and “thoughtful”. And yet… hoo boy the thoughts he comes up with.

daniel schmitt

The supernatural isn't non-matter, the absence of matter is non-matter. And did he also forget energy exists, as another thing that is non-matter.


We don't think there is energy?


So a soul is an inaccessible, incorporeal, otherworldly intrusion into material reality? And that goes to heaven or hell when I die?


Do you happen to remember the name of that book? It sounds vaguely familiar.


My first thought, right from the start, was that we have "matter, energy, space, and time - MEST". And, while three of those four are "immaterial" we have no problem whatsoever imagining, thinking about, or working with all of them. My second thought was that many previous "gods", like the Greek and Roman ones, were more like human superheroes, and quite human- like. I also have no problem "imagining" or "understanding" Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, or Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, or Bilbo Baggins... and even characters made up of blobs of clay like Gumby... or the interesting aliens on Star Trek... all of whom are no more "materially present or real" than his God... so apparently that isn't much of a problem for we humans at all. (I have no more trouble "imagining" his God than I did imagining that glowing sparkly intelligent cloud on that Star Trek episode... but that doesn't mean that either one of them really exists.)