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As yet untitled proving god with no evidence video



This is such a classic video. Sure, the long series with Almando and Shmuel are as amazing as they are depressing, but this? This has that old-school energy. It's the combination of completely oblivious misanthropy plus the industrial strength smugness that just makes debunking it a treat. Thanks for your work, and I wish you the best.


You know, I don't run across these religious,smug, butt heads in my daily life. Good thing too because it would take everything I had in me not to smack that self righteous, condescending smirk right off her mug. Ugh. So frustrating.

daniel schmitt

When I'm dealing with my Christian I like to ask them for evidence.

daniel schmitt

Why do theists always assert that a universe without a god would be complete randomness where every possibility is equally as likely as every other possibility? How many universes have they seen to determine this? So far we've only seen one universe, and it doesn't have their god, and isn't complete randomness, so the only single sample we have thus far refutes their assertion.


She is so darned insufferable.

Brian Gibson

This is how you train YOUR pet. Lol!!!