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Grab 'em by the mythology, they let you do it


As yet untitled don't take atheists seriously video



Ooooh. Subtitles. Good deal.


But can "evil" be a noun? #paulogia


Chocolate is better. True. In a real sense.


Yes, it's a concept. I don't think I used it as anything but a noun in this video. Edit: Okay, I probably did actually. Both noun and adjective.


I watched your video... I initially thought that HE misunderstood the "problem of evil" entirely but I came to the conclusion that this is not the situation. The "problem of evil" is a rational argument based on the claim that an all-powerful and all-loving God would not permit evil to exist in the world. HIS "counter argument", which I agree is absurd, is that "there is no problem of evil because there is no evil in the world". He is simply claiming that, since everything that happens is the will of Allah, all of the things WE define as EVIL really aren't evil, and in fact there really is no such thing as evil in the world, so the "problem of evil" is illusory. It's just a variation on the Christian claim that, since everything that happens is God's will, even the things that WE ATHEISTS THINK OF AS BEING OBVIOUSLY EVIL, are really not evil - because "they serve a part in Gods' bigger plan". And so, if nothing that happens in the world is actually evil, then there is no such thing as "a problem of evil". (It's sort of a variation on the t-shirt slogan that goes: "I don't have a drinking problem. I drink; I get drunk; I fall down; no problem.")


Yes, he 'solves' the problem of evil by just saying it's not a problem, everything that happens is according ot God's will and God's will is always good. Which, frankly, makes anything we might do, or anything he might be preaching, rather pointless, since it's all just God's will anyway.