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As yet untitled how to choose the correct religion video



I agree that his logic is mostly incoherent... and it drifts off into total incoherence at the end. I believe that I DO get his point about "wishful thinking" in the beginning... in the context he used it. What he's saying is that it is wishful thinking for us to do good or evil because we believe that we will be rewarded for doing good or punished for doing bad. We should instead do good and avoid doing evil because "it's necessary". He's using "necessary" to mean "things that are just the way they are"... And his ENTIRE message is that "it's necessary for everything to be the way it is".... So, since it has to be the exact way it is, there's no point in wishing it was different. (And we should all just accept that "it's all OK" and get used to it.) And, if you believe that, then "wishful thinking" is both pointless and silly. He's basically using the argument that... Everything in HIS religion is necessary... And anything outside of it is "just wishful thinking"...


TST is a solid religion.


The Satanic Temple. The tenants are solid and no bs with supernatural bullshit.


I keep hearing arguments from creationists that "god is the only explanation that makes sense". However, to be quite blunt, I don't agree in the least. I used to read a lot of science fiction stories, and MANY alternatives that made as much sense as the story in the bible were proposed. It might be an interesting idea to do a "review" of some of these alternatives. My favorite is a story called DeathBird - written by Harlan Ellison - who wrote the stories that about half of the original Start Trek episodes were based on. In this story he suggested that both god and the devil were equally powerful aliens who decided to create the world. Based on a coin toss, they chose roles as "good guy" and "bad guy", and it was agreed that "god" would run the project. The premise of the story, which would make theists especially uncomfortable, also explained why the "god" character had been absent lately. It seems that the "god" character had simply "gone senile and wandered off the project"... leaving the "devil" character to try to salvage the resulting mess. (This explains not only creation, but miracles in ancient times, why god hasn't been seen or done anything lately, and why from a theist perspective "things have been deteriorating lately". Note that this was written several decades ago so his idea of the state of the world is somewhat dated.)


New to your channel. Love your videos. I’d like to tell you about myself, I’m 69, believed all that Baptists told me, have read all 8 major versions of the Bible. Several years ago, in my 30’s, I started to have questions, questions that couldn’t be answered by the doctrine of my religion. I looked elsewhere, all, 100%, of the religion’s held the same or similar views. That journey has brought me here. I’m still looking for answers, but now I’m looking for them in science. If I were to believe again, it would be that God doesn’t give two craps about us.


I love Harlan Ellison's science fiction. When the original Star Trek was the only Star Trek, I loved it and the associated booked that were written.