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Detective Buck Wildride proves God did the crime


Brian Gibson

The "I used to be an Atheist" rabble? You know its nonsense when they start off with the reason why is because they hated god. They seem to hear other idiots definitions and assume that is why everyone is Atheist, because they hate god. Lol!!!

Brian Gibson

Where is this guy? On his worship time in prison? What is it with the white room with table and just books. Like the corrections institution doesn't trust the criminal with any kind of weapon making material. That's why he's in a bare room. Lol!!!


This dude just seems crazy....but I like his pre-handshake greeting technique :)


I'm a life-long Oklahoma atheist, so believe me when I tell you, the very few people who I've met here that have there shit together are definitely NOT atheists. In 2001, when this guy's concert happened, yeah, Blake Shelton was playing, but he was not that famous. He was not a headliner and was only regionally famous. It's no wonder the tickets for this thing were free. It's pretty easy to get a few thousand rednecks together in a field for a concert. I was watching this video and thinking that this guy is making us (Oklahomans) look bad. Then I realized, no, this is how Oklahoma Christians are. Sadly. This whole video just really triggered me!



daniel schmitt

I wonder what the distribution is of people who have barns and are theists, I'd bet 100%


Xtians are such liars when they say they were atheists. Pure BS, they just made it up to have a testimony. He stabbed and shot people, but he thinks the drugs and sex were bad? Did he get arrested for the drugs, stabbings or shootings? Where did he live that they allowed that?