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As yet untitled sad atheist dream video



I’m not quite done yet, but I’ve appreciated this video SO much. If you don’t want to read something depressing, skip this. I’m not gonna get TOO in depth, but I lost my dad last summer. He had been having heart problems for quite a few years. One day he wasn’t answering his phone, so I went to check on him. He had probably been gone a couple hours by the time I got there. All growing up, I was basically taught, “we’re sad because we won’t see them for a while, but they’re in a better place.” Now, dealing with such close loss as an atheist, I’ve been having thoughts very similar to what he describes in the video. “Why does anything matter if there’s no afterlife? If people don’t last forever, then our experiences don’t really matter.” It’s easy for me to think, “life is meaningless in the long run, so why continue?” I want you to know how much it has helped to hear the perspective that nothing needs to last forever to be meaningful. You’re right, I value my car despite the fact that it won’t last forever. I value a delicious meal despite the fact that it’ll be over in 10 min. And I can value my loved ones and my own life despite the fact that it’ll end someday too, and I should enjoy it while I can, instead of taking life so seriously. Sorry for getting depressing, I just wanted you to know how valuable this video has been for me during my incredibly difficult time ❤️


Sorry for your loss, empty and meaningless statement or not. And I'm glad that you find my perspective on it useful. It seems that with many things in life, the ability to handle them comes down to a matter of perspective. It can be hard to change that, especially when you've been exposed to one far more than others. It's funny that he describes that hopeless perspective as the atheist one, when more accurately it's one of the religious ones, when the religion goes away. Anyway, good luck with the process.


OH I hate people who make videos inside their car. It makes it impossible for me to watch


@christian Stewart I hear you. I recently lost my sister and best friend within 6 weeks of each other. I was raised Christian (12 years of Catholic schools). Due to that upbringing I will probably always struggle with my feelings about loss but the one thing my dad lived by and told me long ago when he lost his 21 year old brother “you can live with grief but you can’t live with regrets” I’ve lived with that sentiment that he discovered for himself and shared with me when I was a child and I’ve lived my life always letting those I love know how much they mean to me and that has helped me with my losses but I have trouble with where I will go after my life here is over. My Catholic upbringing is always bitch slapping me on the back of the head when I least expect it. Like where I will “be” after this life. I find it hard to find a place for that . Logicked’s thoughts on these things have been helping me contemplate and look for that place where I can live more comfortably here in this life. Anyway, sorry this is another long post but… just thought I’d throw that out there. ♥️

Brian Gibson

I don't think this guy is invited to any parties. "Come over and have a few drinks and eat and hang out for a bit." His reply: "Why, we're all going to die anyway"? What a fn buzzkill!! This guy must be a methhead. Gets high and turns on his camera without one intelligent thought. Or childish.


The phrase "I'm sorry for your loss", and more generaly "I'm sorry" is interpreted the wrong way more and more often. As Logicked point out, it is not an apology for something bad you have done. It is to show sympathy. If person A says "I dropped my car keys in the drain" and person B says "I'm sorry" that does not mean person B thinks they caused the loss of the keys and are apologising, it means they sympathise. I believe this phrase is so idiosyncratic of North American English that it translates poorly. Out here by us it is often heard in American TV shows, and is then translated into something roughly equivalent to "how terrible", which sounds awkward and forced.


When he said the moment, which I interpreted as life, felt empty, my thought went to his god sucking all the life out of him and substituting god in its place. So now he’s stuck with god if he doesn’t want this feeling of emptiness.


Thank you so much for the kind words. I can relate to the feeling that saying "sorry for your loss" feels "empty and meaningless" to say, but it really does help knowing that there are kind and caring people out in the world. It makes me hopeful that someday society can learn to move beyond fallacious religious beliefs and use reality as a foundation for kindness and compassion.

daniel schmitt

I don't buy this. I don't think is even possible because your religious beliefs aren't something you can dream differently from. It's like saying "i dreamt i was french." That would never happen.


I love your story of the pee dream, but it was an atheist dream because the whole time you didn't believe in god. LOL.