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Chapter 2 Fireball Magic and Ice Shield Part 1

Everyone got up early the next day. We set off toward the hills that glowed mysteriously at night, and Shen Qing, who clearly had a bad mood when she got up, looked very irritated, walking alone at the end.

The hill didn't seem to be far from the base, but it was an illusion. In fact, this section of the road took us an hour.

Climbing along a natural uphill road, we finally saw the scenery at the top of the mountain after reaching several hundred meter’s high.

"This, this is..."

I stared blankly at the white marble building in front of me. It was a huge white hall resembling the Parthenon in Greece, and the white light shining inside the hall shot straight into the sky. There was no doubt that this was the light we saw last night.

"Let’s go in and take a look."

The boss proposed first.

We walked carefully into the white hall and saw a high platform inside the hall, and a woman stood on the high platform—no, it couldn’t be said that it was a woman, it was actually a statue about the same height as ours.

The woman statue was looking downwards, her beautiful and holy face looked like a goddess who had fallen into the world, her clothes and long hair were vivid, as if she was really standing against the wind.

And the light radiated from her, passing through the circular hole above and rushing into the sky.

No matter how I looked at it, this was not an ordinary statue, it must have a lot to do with this island.

"What a beautiful statue."

Ying looked up at the statue in admiration.

"——I record all the magic that I brought from the heavens on this stone tablet, hoping to pass it on one day..."

Shen Qing approached the statue without fear of death, and began to read the text on a stone stele below the high platform.

"This is a stele where you can learn magic!"

Shen Qing's uncontrollable excitement was expressed through words, and it was a rare opportunity for me to see her express her emotions. I thought it was only possible when she encountered Su You's victory in the game and her family.

I started to read this stele carefully. There was no need to worry about language problems at all. In order to enhance the playing experience, the text had already been automatically translated into the player's language.

"The name of magic...fireball, ice shield, thunderbolt… Tsk, those names are so common"

"Isn't it good for the name of magic to be simple and easy to understand? Otherwise what name do you want?"

"Huh, at least it shouldn't be like this."

Shen Qing bluntly expressed her dissatisfaction, clearly she wanted some embarrassing silly names.

"Is there really magic in the world? Can I learn that fireball?"

"No, there is no magic in the world, this is just a game..."

Ying was unexpectedly interested in magic. It was better to say that the setting that she liked to learn was activated again. When she encountered this kind of magic stone stele, she was actually attracted by it and wanted to learn.


Fireball could be upgraded to advanced fireball, and ice shield can be upgraded to solid ice shield. Such magic names with adjectives added at random did reflect the laziness of the production team.

Aside from this, there were 5 types of magic on the stele. In addition to the three element types above, there were also light type magic and spirit type magic. The former was mostly for healing wounds, and the latter was for controlling monsters.

The upgraded name basically added various adjectives before the original name, which was similar to the evolutionary name of some animated characters. Only at the bottom was the name of the ultimate magic different - in addition to the ultimate magic of elemental magic, there were Soul Yoke and Seal of Light.

"Please grant me the ability to cast fireballs..."

Fireball, as the name implied, was the magic that released a fireball to burn the opponent. Of course, the first-level fireball was very weak, and even after being cast out, it would be affected by gravity and present a parabolic trajectory...

To learn a certain magic, we needed to press our hand on the stone stele, and then follow the corresponding 'spell' on the stone stele. This was quite common, just like Shen Qing in front of me.

There was a burst of red light on her body, heralding the completion of magic learning.


She even called out the name of the skill to use magic, she was really a chuunibyou.

A small flaming fireball flew out of Shen Qing's palm, followed a parabolic trajectory and landed on the ground 10 meters ahead.

Mhm seemed to be affected by gravity...

"Huh? Is this a fireball? It's amazing~"

The one who had the biggest impact was undoubtedly the Ying. She stared at the fireball in a daze.

"Ah Yuan, I can also learn magic? Right?"

Ying immediately grabbed my hand with excitement, like when she saw the sea waves for the first time, and her emotional enthusiasm for the fireball was no worse than Shen Qing...

"Of course."

As an AI with strong computing power, Ying's accuracy for casting fireballs must be 100%.

But I was thinking too much.


Although I deliberately created a grand atmosphere, what I sent out was really just a small fireball. Even if I accurately hit a tree not far away, it would only leave a scorched black on it——


“Ah Yuan ……”

I heard Ying's hesitating voice--

"How can I hit the target..."

The situation on Ying's side was pretty bad, and her accuracy was almost zero. From her feet to 5 meters behind the trees, the burnt black traces were printed on the ground like random dots, but they all avoided the tree perfectly.

It seemed that I could not take her to play FPS games in the future, especially the type that had friendly injuries.

"Er... How to hit the target, how should I answer this… just aim and hit it."

I helplessly answered Ying.

"Um... my accuracy doesn't seem to be much better. It seems that I am better suited for other magic."

Tianhai Riyin’s aim was also a mess. Originally I thought she was a beautiful gamer who was very good at playing games, but now it seemed that she was a real newcomer who couldn't even throw fireballs, so why did the wise boss Su You choose her to join the team? Was it because she was bewitched by her beauty?

I shook my head. There was no lack of beauty in Su You's female fans.

But it was not unfounded that I suspected that Riyin was a good gamer. Brawl Fighting Arena had several top-ranked players that were beautiful girls - such as Xi Wu, a mysterious redhead girl who had often appeared in professional competitions in the past year and had never fallen out of the top 10. Although she had not shown her whole face, but with her figure, she had been recognized as a beautiful girl.

"In this way, I won't be able to help Ah Yuan... Fireball is really difficult. Sure enough, it's better to use the 'fragmented' indiscriminate damage power..."

Ying's pupils gradually lost their brilliance.

‘This is bad. She should not let this kind of emotion grow.’

"Okay, okay, you can help me by studying healing magic."

Seeing that Ying’s state was getting worse, and Tianhai Riyin was confused when she heard this. I quickly stopped her from continuing. Harming indiscriminately... That was the dangerous thing that would break the system limit and even the player would get hurt. I must not let her fall into that state again before the boss and the programmer figured out what was going on.

"Mhm, it is true that healing magic is very suitable for Ying~"

Fortunately, Tianhai Riyin did not follow up on the topic just now.

"Huh? What does healing magic do?"

The topic changed, and Ying also woke up from her sad state.

"It refers to the magic that can heal others. In this game, it is a kind of light magic. When used to illuminate, it can also cause damage to monsters in the dark."

"Mhm, let me demonstrate the healing of light for Miss Ying—"

Seeing that Ying was still confused, Tianhai Riyin took out the bronze sword on her back and cut her right arm without any hesitation. The pain of this game was reduced hundreds of times, and the damage would almost not affect the player. It was just that her unhesitating self-harm behavior still made me feel a little uncomfortable. She should at least consider phantom pain in VR games, right? Were the beautiful girls so bold now?

"Mhm, there is a wound, and then you can cast spells like this—"

Tianhai Riyin said with her left hand covering her bleeding right hand, and chanting a spell. Then a ball of light appeared from the palm of her hand, and then the blood on her right arm slowly stopped flowing——

The wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wow, it's amazing... Is this a healing spell! If I have such a spell, I can help Ah Yuan, right?"

"Of course."

Being a 'healer' was a better match with Ying's character.

"After all, this idiot seems to get injured or even killed easily, right?"

On the side, Shen Qing still did not forget to take the opportunity to taunt a few times. I even felt that she had been targeting me more frequently recently than before... What was going on?

In fact, in ordinary role-playing games, the protagonist often had several responsibilities-tank (meat shield), DPS (output), healer (or assistance). RPG in the era of VR games was not so limited in these few class choices, but these necessary responsibilities had not changed much.

Tanks acted as the responsibility of attracting enemy attacks for the team. Generally speaking, they had high defense and more hit points, while the healer needed to heal or dispel the curse, or put some restrictive spells to trap the enemy.

"Then, I will be a healer! You can count on me, I will definitely heal everyone!"

After listening to my explanation, she did not hesitate to assume the role of the healer.

"Riyin, what spell do you major in?"

Obviously Riyin was a new member, but now the relationship between Ying and Riyin seemed to be better than Shen Qing. It could only be said that her character was much easier to get along with than Shen Qing. At this time, Ying was also the first to ask Tianhai Riyin——

"This... the attack type spells are not suitable for me, how about the spirit type spells?"

Spirit type spells were said to be able to control some animals. After reaching a higher level, they could even control wild monsters, but I couldn't think of any use for this spell.

"Why don't you practice the ice shield."

I suggested it to her. After all, this game must have a player to be a meat shield.

In the current team, Shen Qing was addicted to fireball, and Su You was a melee type, so...


Tianhai Riyin had a hesitant expression...

"Of course you should be the meat shield, or do you want the new beautiful girl, your gaming girlfriend or the boss to be a tank?"

Shen Qing, who heard our conversation, said the facts without mercy—I was the only one who was going to be a Tank? No, I still have to hold on...

"How about you letting go of the fireball spell and taking the responsibility?"

"Not a chance."

Shen Qing's attitude was very firm.


‘No, I don't want to be a Tank, I just want to be a shooter. It’s not normal to let me be a Tank…’

"Tank is not necessary, but it is really difficult to do without Tank, are you sure you don’t want to do it?"

"If I can, I still hope to use a gun..."

I expressed my wish.

"Haha, making guns in this game is very troublesome. Before making the guns, Tank's responsibility is on you. I have faith in you."

Su You patted me on the shoulder after talking, he used a tone that I couldn't refute… I didn't really want to be beaten. I always felt that people who liked to play Tank had a potential tendency to be masochist.

But if it was the boss's command, I had no other choice.

With neither experience nor a shield, I just took on this difficult task - tanking monsters physically.

I reluctantly started to learn ice shields - the elementary ice shields were very fragile, and even a bit cold for someone who was still wearing the initial simple clothes, but this level of ice could at least resist the bite of the fierce rabbit...to a certain extent.

After that, I lifted up my left and right hands, trying to make an ice shield. A white mist slowly appeared on the palm, and soon the white mist condensed in the air into a round shield made of ice. The shield was pointed in different directions with the movement of my palm. The ice shield could also cover my head completely.

The defense was pretty good...


The sudden impact on the ice shield made me take a half step back off guard. If I was not wrong, it was an elementary fireball that hit my ice shield——

"The defense is not bad, it can withstand a low-level fireball."

"If you want to test the power of your fireball why didn’t you say it in advance? What if I remove the ice shield and your fireball hit me instead? I would definitely be injured!"

"It's okay to die in the game anyway. Actually, it's better to say that you should die quickly. Fireball!"

"You finally said what you wanted to say the most, right!"

Shen Qing once again used me as a target without telling me in advance. The burst of fireballs made me have no time to reason with her. I raised the ice shield back and forth to block. I had to say that she was much more accurate when using magic than with a sword, and she could hit me accurately almost every time, so I had to concentrate on resisting.

Therefore the bombing noises sounded for a long time… Seriously, why was she always picking on me? Did the things at the boss match last time really bother her?

After receiving at least 30 fireballs, we both ran out of magic.

"Huh... you are really hard to deal with. You are not a man at all. Can’t you let me hit you once?"

"I'll be dead if I get hit! So how could I let you hit me? Moreover, what does this have to do with men!"

"Tsk, that's why you are still a virgin. You are so stingy. I thought dying under the hands of a beautiful girl is your goal in life?"

Shen Qing glanced at me in dissatisfaction, and she was panting because of the exhaustion of magic energy.

"Don't set such a tragic goal for others. I am not a NEET, and I don't want to die under the hands of a beautiful girl like you!"

She was so arrogant? I didn’t know why she had so much confidence. I had never seen anyone who claimed to be a beautiful girl in reality. Although Shen Qing was indeed a beautiful girl....

But she was not as good as Ying... Sure enough, it had something to do with family education, right? She was clearly a crazy girl, who would only pretend to be a good girl in front of others.

While I was thinking about this, I didn't notice a fireball that was much smaller than before flying to my face.

After feeling a very inconspicuous wave of heat, my vision turned red...

"Hey! You are cheating! Didn't you run out of magic energy!"

"I always feel like you are thinking about something dirty, so I used my remaining magic energy. But it’s such a shame, it didn’t kill you."

The use of magic consumes a lot of magic energy, and magic energy would only recover slowly. Of course, there was another way, which was to drink magic potions made by an alchemist.

"You have such a terrible character!"

"I don't need a virgin like you to complain about my character."

After that, Shen Qing, who was satisfied because she successfully hit me, stopped talking, and I, who was hit by the fireball, naturally became the exercise target of Ying's healing spell.

As for another beautiful girl on the other side...

"Th... these fireballs..."

This sound came from Tianhai Riyin who had been watching me being unilaterally beaten up by Shen Qing...

"The accuracy of casting fireballs is super high, almost every shot is hit! Can you teach me how to do it?"

She looked at Shen Qing enviously.

"Ah Yuan, your hairstyle is so cool!"

Ying looked at my hair which had been turned into an afro-hair style after being hit by a fireball and said…


Shen Qing ignored me and said to Riyin—

"There is no trick. If I have to say it, probably we just need to practice more? After all, we are not AIs. They can achieve quite high accuracy through calculations. It is much more difficult for us to aim manually."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Tianhai Riyin fell into deep thinking after listening.

"It's true that practice is the only way."

Su You also agreed with Shen Qing. Because of the idol's approval, Shen Qing showed a triumphant smile.

"...Ah Yuan, can we go there? There are some questions I want to ask you."

Ying suddenly pulled the corner of my clothes, and pointed to a secluded cliff far away from everyone. An obtrusive stone and a few trees formed a natural barrier there, a very ordinary scene.




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