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Chapter1- Sunny Lost Island Part  7

After returning to the lake, Tianhai Riyin and I waited for Ying to clean herself. Because of the presence of a third party, I couldn't see Ying taking a shower naked...Which was really a pity. Wait, it was wrong to think this way! I shouldn't have watched it! Otherwise, all the effort I spent to make Ying understand that she had to put clothes on before me would be wasted.

Fortunately, the milk we worked hard to get didn’t taste bad. Although I knew that the milk that I drank in reality would undergo a lot of processing, the natural milk here also gave me a feeling of improved physical function after drinking it.

If I had to describe it in game terms, it was like getting a buff'! Now I had not only recovered my physical strength, but my body had also become much lighter!

With strength and the initial axe presented by the system, we finally split the log. The split wooden logs were not very neat, and it was impossible to build a house with them, but it was perfect for a bonfire.

The passage of time never stopped, and soon the sun set, and the mountains cast a huge shadow on the earth.

We went back to the original beach, where we met Shen Qing and Su You who had finished exploring.

"Has the house been built?"


Shen Qing licked her tongue after hearing my answer.

"It’s fine, building a house is not so easy."

But Su You smiled heartily, and didn't blame us.

"Speaking of which, we have explored a lot of places and brought this meat. I think you would definitely love it."

After speaking, he picked up the white... rabbit in his hand?

But it was not the white cute rabbit we saw before, but a strange creature. It looked like a rabbit that had dark yellow coat color, and its sharp teeth even protruding from its mouth, which looked extremely ferocious.

"Well... it seems to be a unique species in the game. When it was found, it was eating a snake with a group of rabbits... We called it 'Ferocious Rabbit'."

Such an idiot must be named by Shen Qing. But rabbits that eat the snake? Did I hear it right…

"Boss, how did you kill the rabbit?"

"Hmm... That was a very coincidental situation. I found a piece of land where no plants grew, even the trees in that area have been completely corroded to pure black."

"This dagger was inserted in the center of the land. I picked it up and threw it at the fierce rabbit. I later found that this is a dagger that can absorb vitality. All the rabbits lost their abilities to move after being wounded by it. Waning Moon suggested calling it a "death dagger", which is considered to be in line with its characteristics."

Sure enough, it was also a name that only Shen Qing could think of.

However, Su You was still slightly confused about the dagger in his hand.

"...Who actually dropped this dagger? It's really strange."

It didn't matter who dropped the dagger in the game. The important thing was that Su You's luck was off the charts. Obviously, he didn’t have any weapons at the beginning of the game, but he could pick one powerful dagger while exploring the island.

No, wait, would the things that confused Boss Su You be so simple?

Thinking about it again, this dagger could not be formed naturally or made by animals, so if Boss Su You believed that someone had dropped this dagger, did it  mean... that there was an NPC? And this NPC was likely to be the awakening AI?

At the end of the day, our purpose of entering this game was not to play house but to find the awakening AI that caused the death of three players! So far we hadn't seen any AI, which was very strange.

"Boss, you mean... the person who dropped this dagger was probably..."

I looked at Su You excitedly, and he nodded meaningfully. I was proud that I could keep up with the thinking of the boss.

"Although I don't want to disturb you... But it is really getting darker now."

When Tianhai Riyin said this, we discovered that the sun had almost fallen into the forest, and the sunlight had become a little gloomy. If my guess was right,  it would be completely dark in two hours.

Now that there was no house, it was better to start a fire to keep us warm and safe..

However, using the method of drilling wood I learned from the online videos, I tried a long time, but I still couldn’t start any fire.

In the end, after seeing that I was struggling, Boss Su You came over to help me and we were finally able to get some fire.


"Now that we have fire, we can barbecue, right?"

After Ying saw the fire, her eyes were shining. For Ying, fire may be more related to cooking… Although cooking in the real world no longer required fire, and food could be heated by electromagnetic heating, in Ying's world view, cooking always required fire.

"Ying, do you know how to barbecue..."

"Um... Although I have no actual experience, I think I can do it."

"No actual experience..."

"Ah Yuan, you don’t believe me?"

"No, not at all, I believe you can do it, and it will definitely be very delicious!"

If I didn’t believe her, Ying would be very sad. Ying had a talent for cooking. She was praised by the proprietress of the cake shop the first time she made a cake!

But we, who were indistinguishable from the savages, had neither pot nor salt. Could she really make delicious barbecues like this?

In fact, I was thinking too much. This was a survival game after all.

"Grilled rabbit meat is so delicious! I will always like roasted rabbit meat!"

As I said, I tore off another piece of rabbit meat and stuffed it into my mouth.

"It's delicious."

"Although I don’t want to agree, it’s indeed eclious."

"Ying is really talented in cooking."

The other three people also agreed.

"I didn't put anything, I thought everyone wouldn't like it..."

Although it was not the first time to be praised in cooking, Ying still lowered her head with a flushing face, not daring to look at everyone.

"It's better to say that the rabbit itself has some meaty fragrance, but Ying's barbecue level makes it just right to show the best taste."

"Obviously it is the same species as the litter of rabbits during the day, but she can eat with relish now..."

"That's different. This rabbit looks fierce, and it still looks fierce after grilling, not like those cute bunnies at all!"

Ying said nonchalantly, but behind it was the fact that would scare everyone if they thought about it carefully.

'Ferocious Rabbit' had no cute appearance, so Ying had no problem eating it. It turned out that appearance would not only affect humans’ decisions, but it would also affect an awakened AI’s decision as well.

"Isn't it normal for rabbits to be eaten because they are weak?"

This was Shen Qing's disapproving comment.

"Because they are weak, so they need to be eaten?"

Tianhai Riyin murmured thoughtfully.

While Ying was grilling the rabbit meat, we used wood to build a fence... These woods were randomly put together. They were said to be fences but they were very simple, almost to the extent that two mature men could knock it down easily.

The bonfire was blazing in the center. During this period, the sun gradually disappeared and the full moon rose into the sky.

The night was too long and boring, which was a shortcoming of VR games, so in general, game developers would choose to actively adjust the length of the night or let the player skip the waiting time for sleep. This game chose the latter.

But because this was an online game, when we were awake, the ratio of the time inside the game to the outside world was 10:1, and the sleep ratio was 50:1. After choosing to skip, everyone will just wait for the game to pass in proportion to the actual time..... That was to say, if we slept for 6 hours, then we actually only needed to wait for 432 seconds in real life.


The entire island under the moonlight reflected the minimum light, and we also saw the earth after the night fell——

Countless monsters with strange shapes lingered on the island. There were fierce rabbits ten times the size of the day, mud monsters with uncertain shapes, giant bats flying in the sky, and octopus-shaped tentacle monsters. The only thing in common was that their eyes reflected red light.

These monsters wandered in the dark, but I didn’t know if it was because of the bonfire. They didn’t take the initiative to attack us, so we were still safe for the time being.

However, the construction of houses must be done as soon as possible.

Most games had rules that the difficulty increased as the game time progressed. The monsters that did not actively attack the player in the early stage were just decorations. In the later stage, at the feet of countless fierce and powerful monsters, they were like white rabbits.

"Wait, what is that light?"

At this moment, I saw a strange sight - It was the direction of the mountains. At the top of one of the mountains, a faint white-gold ray of light shot straight into the sky.

"It's so strange, is it light magic?"

"It’s like a large flashlight beam."

Following my hand, Tianhai Riyin and Ying also saw it.

"Magic? Does that kind of thing really exist?"

Ying's eyes lit up after hearing the word: magic. Was she really a girl from a school dating game...

"Uh... I think there should be magic in this game."

"Does that mean that I can fly with magic too!"

"That may be a bit difficult..."

I feel sorry for Tianhai Riyin. She had been pestered by Ying, who had no game experience, all day long...


That ray of light made everyone very concerned, but we couldn't explore it without the equipment.

"Should we check it tomorrow? Now we don't have weapons, so it is a bit dangerous to check it now. I think it is better for us to rest first."

Instead of looking at the light in a daze, I proposed to rest first, and my proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

It was just that later on, I spent so much effort trying to persuade Ying not to hug me to sleep... For this, it also attracted other people's attention...

In the end, it was decided to divide into two groups according to gender to sleep on both sides of the fire. Su You and I slept on one side, and the remaining three girls slept on the other side.

After we agreed to sleep only 6 hours in the game, I closed my eyes and muttered "skip" silently in my heart. Then the world fell into darkness.


“Ah Yuan!”

After a short while in the dark, I woke up—to be precise, I was woken up by Ying, who was shaking me repeatedly.

"Ying, what's wrong?"

"All of you were sleeping. But I'm so bored..."

"Huh? Can't you skip the sleep time?"

Ying shook her head.

In other words, Ying had been awake during the 6 hours we were sleeping?

“In fact, you can choose to rest even if you can’t skip the game. We will call you once we return to the game."

"Ah Yuan, I don't actually need to rest. Actually, it’s better to say that I can't sleep."

It shouldn’t be so. Was it because Ying was an AI? If she couldn't sleep, I couldn't imagine how boring the 6 hours of sitting there doing nothing would be.

"It’s really strange, I used to zone out at school, but I didn't find it unbearable..."

Her school? Was she talking about the school in the game she was from.. Indeed, if the players chose to date other characters in the game, the only thing she could do was most likely to zone out… Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but feel even more sorry for what she had been through.

Wait! I suddenly remembered the experience of sleeping together with Ying in the last game. The experience of that hotel...

"If you don't need to sleep...that is to say, the last time, you were also..."

"Yes, Ah Yuan, I was actually awake the whole time.. because I am not an adult yet, so I won't ask about the meaning of those actions!"

Ying's voice suddenly became as small as a mosquito, and she lowered her head deeply to hide her crimson cheeks.

"And after seeing Ah Yuan fell asleep very contentedly, I didn't say it..."

At that moment, I felt that my world and morals began to disintegrate slowly. What didn’t she tell me earlier! At that time, I was hoping that she could fall asleep sooner and for this, I had waited for a very long time; but in the end, what I was doing was completely pointless. I even fell asleep without knowing it….

"Good morning~ Did you sleep well last night? What happened to Shi Yuanxing?"

The others also woke up one by one. Tianhai Riyin and Su You greeted each other with a smile, while Shen Qing still had a cold face. Everyone curiously looked at me who was holding my knees and squatting in the corner and banishing myself.

"Ah Yuan is just contemplating about life! It's okay, he will be fine soon!"

"I think he didn’t sleep well, after all, it’s not a double bed in a luxury hotel."

So Shen Qing knew from the beginning that Ying didn't need sleep! And she knew that Ying and I went to a hotel! This damn woman! I would never forgive her!

"All of you could not feel anything when you slept, but the monsters outside have passed by the fence several times. It's really scary."

Ying recalled what happened and said with lingering fear.


It was indeed stated in the game that some very aggressive monsters would appear after nightfall. That was why we had to build a house. This was also the setting of this game. But the thought of Ying spending this night with those terrible creatures made me terrified. I couldn’t imagine how she got over it.

"I'm sorry...Ying, you must be very scared..."

"Did you not go to sleep?"

Tianhai Riyin reacted and turned her head in surprise to look at her——

"I can't fall asleep."


"Why? Is Ying..."

Tianhai Riyin did not seem to know Ying's true identity yet? Su You probably hadn't told her...

"Hey, since you are all awake, let's go to check out the glowing place."

Shen Qing’s suggestion interrupted our conversation.




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