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As soon as Tianhai Riyin's words fell, the buds of the carnivorous flower blossomed - exposing the sharp thorns on the leaves inside. Ying turned around in shock and threw herself in my arms in fear. This was no joke, if she was caught, she would not be able to get out..

This island was really perilous, I always had a feeling, maybe the danger we see now was only a small level...

"Ah Yuan! Over there...!"

"Ying, don't be so reckless..."

I tried to warn Ying, but after I raised my head and looked at the place Ying was pointing at, I was stunned.

"That, that's..."

I was shocked by the sight before me. Such a primitive island actually had such beautiful scenery?

It was a vast green plain around a huge gray-blue lake. The surface of the lake was as calm as a mirror, reflecting the sparkling light of the sun. In the distance of the lake were rolling hills, and there were pure white flocks of birds flying by under the high clouds above.

After half an hour of exploration, we finally left the forest. The vast plain in front of me was exactly where I wanted to live and build a house. It had water, mountains, and a forest that could provide endless food and material.

"This place is great! Let's build a base here."

Naturally Tianhai Riyin also agreed to build a base here.

The existence of a base in any survival game was essential. From the journey just now, it could be seen that there were many dangers on this island, either from animals or from plants. At present, we had not encountered such a vicious enemy. If there was an active attacking enemy, we must rely on the base to resist danger.

It was easy to say to set up an base, but soon we ran into the first problem——

I picked up the axe and hacked the thick tree trunk with extremely fast frequency, leaving deep marks. Looking at the logs piling up on the ground, the three of us felt embarrassed, because we didn't know how to build a house with the cut logs...

We were all people living in modern society and had no experience in building wooden houses at all. This was bad. If we didn’t build the house before dark, it was hard to say whether we could survive the night...

"Um... how about we cut every piece of wood in half and stick them into the ground?"

Ying's proposal was quickly rejected, because the wooden house built in this way would be very weak, it would collapse with just a simple push. It would not provide any defense.

"Then... what about putting the wood across and stacking it into a wall?"

"If we don't have strong glue, we can only pile up in the shape of a pyramid. Monsters can easily climb over the wall and come in..."

"So, how do we build a wooden house!"

I scratched my hair, looking at the pile of logs that had been piled up on the ground not knowing how to use it...

"Since we can’t think of a way, let's collect enough materials first, and then think of other ways."

Tianhai Riyin made a compromise proposal. I looked up and saw that it was already noon, and there was still some time before evening.

"By the way, do you feel… hmm..."

Tianhai Riyin fiddled with her fingers, seemingly to want to say something but unable to say it because of her shyness...

"...Riyin, are you hungry?"

Ying was still the most understanding, and immediately guessed what Tianhai Riyin wanted to say...

With that said, I also felt a little empty in my stomach. Was this game a hard-core survival game that required food to replenish physical strength? Most VR games didn’t consider the issue of hunger, at least the first two GALGAMEs I played didn’t have those functions...

"Then, let's prepare food first!"

I didn’t know when it started, but my little angel would get excited whenever she heard about the word food. She seemed to have become like a foodie. As I was thinking about this, Shen Qing’s image suddenly flashed past my mind. It must be her that influenced my little angel. That terrible woman!

"The question now is where to find food... There is no way to cook without food, right?"

Ying, who was excited just now, immediately lowered her head in disappointment...

"Hmm... I just saw some rabbits in the woods. I think maybe we can start with them?"

"Riyin's suggestion is good."

The beautiful girl in front of me hads a keen intuition and did not have a bad temper like Shen Qing. She was a much better teammate than Shen Qing.

After we decided to hunt the rabbits, we acted immediately. We returned to the forest with the bronze sword. Perhaps because of the amazing fertility of this race, we soon found a brood of rabbits...

Under a towering old tree, a fluffy white fat rabbit was lying in the nest, and a group of little rabbits were clustered around it, looking at us with innocent big eyes. It looked like a mother rabbit with a group of baby rabbits.

"Ah Yuan... are we really going to kill them..."

My hands holding the bronze sword were held by Ying, and the little angel showed a pitiful expression that was even more pitiful than a baby rabbit...

"This is food, of course..."

"Huh? But if you kill it, they will die, right?"

"Of course, any creature killed will die..."

"It's a pity that such a cute little rabbit will die."

"Um... there are many more in this little rabbit game, it doesn't matter if one or two die."

"Huh? Ah Yuan thinks so? Just because they are 'duplicate existence', they can be killed?"

Ying tilted her head slightly and stared at me.

"Yes, it's all data..."

"But in Ah Yuan's world, people are also 'duplicate existences' like rabbits, right? Why did Ah Yuan say to me,'You must control your emotions and you can't kill people casually'?"

Although Ying's state was the same as usual, and her innocent and gentle appearance remained unchanged, I suddenly became alert to the content of the current dialogue. Her understanding of certain things was different from that of human beings... I couldn’t help but be worried, could Ying really integrate into our society smoothly?

"Humans and rabbits are not the same..."

"What is the difference?"

"Because people have self-awareness, rabbits don't."

"The presence or absence of self-awareness determines whether it can be killed or not, so this is the reason~"

"Wait, wait, it's not that simple. You have to consider moral concepts. In short, people are different!"

That thought was too dangerous, it was like a prelude that she was about to turn into a murderer, so I quickly interrupted Ying.

"Although I don't quite understand... But I will listen to Ah Yuan."

In this way, the rabbit in front of us could not be killed, otherwise, Ying would be instilled in the extreme concept of 'creatures without self-awareness can be killed casually'. Ying was currently in the learning period and absolutely could not learn such a bad thing. There were worries, but fortunately, I found out in advance, I believed there was a way to remedy it.

Tianhai Riyin, who also looked at us, looked indifferent, waiting boredly for the sword to be swung down

"Let’s find something else."

I finally put down the bronze sword and said.

"Eh? Don't you want to eat rabbits? It's almost..."

Tianhai Riyin looked at me in surprise.

"It's better to keep such a cute rabbit. I don't believe there is no other food."

I put away the bronze sword and said.


Since we couldn’t eat rabbit meat, and we couldn’t find anything else, the three of us had to sit on the ground to save energy. The feeling of hunger in my belly became more and more obvious, and I even felt that my life had begun to slip away.

"Ah Yuan… If we can't find food anymore, will we starve to death here..."

Ying leaned weakly behind me and said.

It was all because of you that we didn't have any rabbits to eat. I only had such a complaint in my heart, but did not dare to say it out loud.

"It's okay. If we starve to death, we can still respawn..."

"Eh? Can we respawn? But I still don't want to die..."

Although I knew that the game world was real, and as a player, I could always respawn or quit the game when I died, but Ying, who grew up in such a world, had a deep-rooted perception that the world in the game was reality. Moreover, she had never personally experienced death in her memory, and she still had a deep fear of death in the game.

I had never forgotten the wonderful feeling of facing death for the first time in a VR game.

That was in the war-themed game I first came into contact with. I experienced the horror of bullets passing through the head in front of the final boss. I didn’t not feel any pain. All I felt was only sudden blood red, followed by darkness.

When I took off my helmet, I thought I was dead. My heart was beating violently at super high speed, but it gradually stabilized after a few minutes.

At that moment, I believed the message in the cover of the game: “The mental stimulation brought by VR games is too strong, and there is a risk of death.”

"Mhm… Speaking of which, I have a suggestion."

Tianhai Riyin's words cheered me up.

"There seem to be cows on the grassland over there? Maybe we can get some milk."

Milk?! I instinctively looked at the grassland. But I didn’t see any cows earlier, so I turned to Riyin and asked in confusion.

"Riyin, are you sure that there are cows over there?"

"I can't be sure, I just saw something black and white, so I thought they are probably cows..."

‘I see. It is just a guess…’ But we may really have to leave the game if we couldn't find food. So I decided to take a look...

"Fine then, let's go and take a look."

Back to the grassland where the wooden house was scheduled to be built, Tianhai Riyin's hand pointed to the other direction of the grassland——

"I saw it in that direction."

I squinted my eyes and tried to look in that direction, and finally saw a few moving dots in the green grassland...

"It really seems to be a cow..."

But... the cow in the distance was as big as an ant in the field of vision, how did she find it?

I stared at Tianhai Riyin in surprise. After she met my curious gaze, she subconsciously moved her eyes away.

Because of FPS games, I had always been proud of my observation ability. But I failed to pay attention to this beautiful girl. This beautiful girl should not be underestimated. I really didn't know how many abilities she had hidden from us.


I suspiciously looked in the direction of the sound. Ying noticed that my gaze shifted to her belly, her face flushed instantly.

"Hmm, it's not… it's not what Ah Yuan thought it was! Let's go find food first!"

Ying ran towards the cow without looking back at lightning speed. The change in her attitude made me confused. I really didn't know what Ying thought I was thinking.

Without wooden barrels, we made a few 'cups' from large palm leaves, and headed toward the cows.

After walking for a while, we arrived at our destination—the grass under our feet was lush and over the calf, and a few cows wandered leisurely in the grassland. Although we didn’t understand why there were cows on the island, since it was a game, there was no need to think too much. After all, many game developers just put things in the game at will.

"Ah Yuan, teach me how to milk. Although I have drunk milk before, I never know how it is produced."

"Hmm… you squat down and squeeze the cow's teat, probably… It's like squeezing cream."

"Oh, so it is like squeezing the cream? That's easy~ Speaking of which... if I can do it, Ah Yuan won't go hungry."

Ying, who was talking to herself, lowered her head and looked at her plump chest…

‘Wait, wait, what are you thinking!’

"It's still too early for Ying..."

I could only evade the question embarrassingly.

"Eh! Will I be able to produce milk too?"

"Uh… When you grow up and have your own baby."

"Oh oh oh! That’s amazing! Then I have to grow up quickly and feed my milk to the baby with Ah Yuan! I'm going to the cow first!"

As expected, Ying believed what I said casually, and walked towards a cow excitedly. I was really worried that she was going to ask me how to produce a baby. At that time, I didn’t know how I should answer her.

Having a baby with AI? Was there this kind of thing? Although I heard that there seemed to be news about the actualization of smart companions, it was nothing more than an urban legend.


We each placed a leaf cup under the cow and started to work clumsily. Unexpectedly, when I used the method of squeezing the cream to milk the cow, I was able to get milk smoothly?

It turned out that milking cows was so easy... Probably Ying and Tianhai Riyin could also do it.

Tianhai Riyin was doing very well, but Ying——

"Ying… you, what are you doing!"

The cow that Ying chose was different from the others of its kind. It seemed very irritable. It was not like a cow but like a mad bull in the Colosseum... It shook its body violently again and again, and even the part that produced the milk was shaking with it. And the result of this was...

"Don't be like this, stop moving!"

Ying tried her best to control the direction of the milk, but the milk that was squeezed out sprayed everywhere, continuously splashing on Ying's face and clothes...

"Hmm--! Don't!"

A stream of fresh and pure milk splashed directly on Ying’s left face, and the white liquid slowly flowed down Ying’s cheeks. Ying had to close her left eye to prevent the milk from flowing into her eyes, but she was still busy in her hands…

"I can't open my eyes..."

Ying licked the milk on her lips, but she could not do anything with the milk on her eyes...

This kind of picture reminded me of some bad things, the girl's face was splashed with white liquid…

"No... if white liquid is splashed on the other side... I won't be able to see anything..."

It was a pity that what Ying was afraid of finally came true. After the cow shook violently, Ying's right half of her face was also splashed with a puff of white liquid… I mean milk!

She was bullied by a cow... No, what was I thinking?

"Wu... I can't see anything... my whole body is soaked... Ah Yuan help..."

"Don't worry! I'll be here!"

Faced with such a request, I immediately put aside my work and rushed over.

"Quickly wipe it with my clothes…"

I use my clothes to help Ying wipe the milk on the clothes on her face.

Ying's initial short-sleeved shirt was totally wet... After using my clothes to wipe off the milk near her eyes, Ying was finally able to open her eyes slightly.

Then I see her looking at me with misty eyes...

"Ah Yuan… why… why is milking so difficult..."

"Uh, this..."

I didn’t know how to answer this question. Because the cow I chose was very obedient. It didn’t react violently.

Did this cow deliberately make the beautiful girl wet to create some fan service? But the cows on Tianhai Riyin's side were also very calm.

"Ying, you'd better go take a rest, just leave this to us to do."

"No, I must help Ah Yuan! I just need to find a well-behaved cow."

I never knew that a cow could be described as being well-behaved, but according to the current situation, this one could be called well-behaved as long as it was not touched by Ying.

Once again, the fact was beyond my expectation. We tried all the cows here one by one, but all of them shook their bodies violently when they were touched by Ying...

Why did I feel like this game was deliberately targeting Ying? But what was the purpose for splashing milk all over her?

The only thing that could be speculated was to create fan service.

But why did nothing happen to Tianhai Riyin? I was confused.

Tianhai Riyin who was facing my questioning gaze looked at me innocently and said that she didn't know anything.

"Ah Yuan… My hair and body are all soaked, so sad..."

Forget it. Those things were not important. What I should think about now is how to deal with Ying who was drenched.

"Just leave everything to Riyin and me, you can wash your clothes near the lake."

Ying nodded obediently.




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