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Chapter1- Sunny Lost Island Part 1

As for the fact that Shen Qing and I went to the boss’s game alone and left Ying on the personal computer and she became jealous and almost formatted my computer was another story...

It was not that I didn’t want to take her, but I hoped she could understand and accept the human world step by step. As Shen Qing said, she was just as simple as a child now, and what she saw and heard would affect her later recognition and personality formation. After she had seen the bad things in my secret collections, I devoted myself to the re-education of my virtual girlfriend. Not only did I delete all the inappropriate content, but I also started strictly managing the things that Ying came into contact with.

I was like a mother who was worried about everything. Shen Qing, who said this to me, did not actually stop me from using my method. Instead, as a girl, she also recommended some healthy knowledge and content for Ying.

The two of you were like the parents of this child. Boss Su You's teasing of the three of us provoked Shen Qing to mock me and Ying's jealousy...Give me a break, a native but cute portable virtual girlfriend, a beautiful but indifferent housemate, whether it was virtual or real, my life was full of crises in every sense.

The game of the boss would be watched by 30,000 people. Plus the appearance of Shen Kong afterwards, all this was too dangerous for Ying, who was extremely special even amongst the Awakening AI. Although I didn't know why the task of searching for self-aware AI was only done by the civil organization DEBUG, and there was no official statement, the identity of Shen Kong undoubtedly made it very troublesome for Ying to meet him.

Now, whether it was an afterthought or overprotection, I would not give Ying to anyone. It was my responsibility to protect her from harm and to help her integrate into this completely strange world. This was one of the reasons why I joined this organization.

After that, Su You came back after dealing with the game-related things, and my third task of finding self-aware artificial intelligence began...

The name of the game, "Mirror Island" had caused three players to lose their lives in a month. It showed that the risk of this game far exceeded that of Ying and Lin Feifei, and we would actually face the danger of our lives.

Putting on the game helmet, my communication with reality was cut off.

After entering the game, the first thing I saw was the endless blue sea. The sun was bright but not dazzling, and countless seagulls hovered between the clouds and the sea.

The beautiful island with the sun hanging above me was the virtual scene constructed by this game-Mirror Island.

Waves repeatedly rushed to the coast and receded. Some pieces of broken steel and wood were washed to the beach. According to the understanding of the plot background, those wrecks belong to the wrecked ship on which 'we' were riding, and it was thanks to the relatively large wrecks that we could float on this island...

"Ah Yuan! It's the first time I saw the sea~ It's so beautiful~"

I covered my forehead. This girl with pink hair who was pulling me with excitement was Ying. She looked excitedly at the vast ocean in the distance as if she had never seen the world before. In fact, my virtual girlfriend had never been in contact with the sea. She squatted on the ground like a child and stretched out her hand to constantly touch the coming waves, and she was attracted by the beautiful shells.

The fuss she made because of jealousy earlier disappearance without a trace.

"... Elementary school student."

The short-brown girl glanced at us helplessly. I could understand why the beautiful girl with a good family background would think so. After all, what Ying did was indeed very naive.

"Well, congratulations on successfully entering the game, everyone is ready, right?"

The kind and handsome blond youth who spoke to us with a smile is the leader of DEBUG, Su You, the idol of Shen Qing and I. Yesterday he won the Glittering Star Cup competition easily and successfully advanced to the semi-finals. I had no doubt that next week he would be able to win the championship...

"Mhm, we are ready."

A soft female voice that I had never heard before apapered. It must be a new member. But this voice sounded like a beautiful girl.

I followed the direction of the voice and looked over--

Waist-length hair scattered behind her, light gold mixed with a hint of purple, although she was wearing the same gray short-sleeved clothes as ours, but her slim figure was full of beautiful lines. At this moment, her sky-blue eyes were looking at us curiously.

A beautiful girl, a 100% beautiful girl, and she exuded an intellectual and elegant feelingh all over her body, which was simply the type that men of all ages liked. But why was there a strange feeling...

Obviously it was the first time we met. Where did this incongruous feeling come from?

No, it's not right, maybe I’m thinking too much… Maybe it is just a special reaction to beautiful girls?

It's really bad, even after experiencing two games and nearly 10 beautiful girls, I am still uncomfortable with beautiful girls? I must not let Ying know about this kind of special reaction.

I glanced at Ying with guilt. She was still curiously observing the sea and sand. She didn't notice the difference in my face.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good. Oh right, here is your new teammate Tianhai Riyin. Well, Riyin, the ones over there are Waning Moon, Ying, and...Irreversible Time."

"Ah...Hello, I’m Tianhai Riyin, nice to meet you."

"... Nice, nice to meet you."

Tianhai Riyin was stunned after hearing our names.

Ahahah- the image of a normal person that I have maintained until now is completely ruined! This name must have left a bad impression on the new beautiful girl team member’s mind! It should have been changed a long time ago, but is it my fault that I spent all the money on the VR equipment and couldn't afford the rename card and couldn't change the name?

At this moment, Tianhai Riyin didn't laugh out loud on the spot, which showed enough respect. As for Waning Moon, she laughed at me for a full week when she first met me...

The self-confidence that I had cultivated in the game to face the beautiful girl was gone all at once, and my mood collapsed like a deflating balloon.

"Pff, such a name will only be used by junior high school students..."

That was right, Shen Qing was laughing at me again. She was such a terrible person.

"Junior school students? Your name is also the same, 'Eternal Waning Moon In The Bloody Sky'."

I pronounced the last seven words emphatically.

"Mine is much better than you, you literally have the late eighth-grader syndrome!"

"Much better? How is it better?"

"Oh right, now that everyone knows each other, let's start this mission."

The boss interrupted our quarrel forcibly in fulfilling his responsibilities as a leader.



Well, it would be very efficient to have the boss overseeing our discussion. At least there would be no quarrel between Shen Qing and I, which happened countless times in the last game. Ying stood on the side with a dazed expression, everyone completely forgot about the task.

"As you can see, the game "Mirror Island" has been banned due to the accidents of three players, which means that players can no longer log in. Fortunately, we bypassed the login with the help of the 'programmer' and directly entered this online survival game. According to the programmer’s test results, there is a 90% possibility that this game has the awakening AI we need to find.”

"What is a survival game? Does it mean that only one person can survive in the end?"

As a good student, Ying never touched games, so she really didn't understand what survival games were.

"Survival games are not like the battle royale kind of game where players need to kill each other until there is one person left. It is a game where players work together to live to the end. Strictly speaking, there is a certain RPG element attached to it. While building a house on the island to find food, we have to make weapons and armors, and solve the hidden bosses in order to complete the level."

"Just like the classic PC games Hunger X, MineX, TerraX, right?"

Boss Su You added.

"This game was originally released with a tribute to the classics. The sales on the SKYLAND platform showed that it sold more than 1 million copies in the first week... If it weren't for this incident, it would probably become a classic like its predecessors."

I nodded. With such a serious situation, this game would probably never be open for login again, which meant that it would be completely sealed and forgotten. As a game, it was really the worst ending.

"Oh~ it turns out to be like this."

Ying understood our explanation.

"Um… with this type of open game, I suggest that we split into two groups: exploration and construction. Two people are responsible for exploring the wild, and three people are left to build houses, what do you think?"

This kind of distribution was naturally great and efficient.

"Then, I choose to explore."

Boss Su You was the first to make a choice. Although I also wanted to watch my idol closely, but-

"I will explore too."

The good opportunity to learn game skills with the boss was snatched away by Shen Qing, and she even gave me a smug smile.

"As long as I am with Ah Yuan, I can go anywhere~"

Ying's thoughts were still the same as always.

"Then I would also be with... Ah Yuan?"

Tianhai Riyin was obviously hesitant when she called my name. But eventually she called me Ah Yuan like Ying.

But this was bad.

Ying looked at Tianhai Riyin like an angry cat for a while...

"...Enemy, boyfriend stealer!"

"Eh... Why do you say that to me?"

The poor newcomer beautiful girl still didn't know how she offended Ying.

"Only I can call Ah Yuan... Um..."

"No, no...no problem, just call Ah Yuan."

I covered Ying’s mouth and didn’t let her speak anymore. Instead of letting the newcomer call me the full version of the Internet ID to experience the whole shameful past, I would rather be called Ah Yuan.

"Huh? Will it cause trouble?"

"Um. umm..."

"We can talk about it later, okay!"

I whispered in Ying's ear. Tianhai Riyin's eyes wandered between me and Ying, as if she could not understand the relationship between the two of us.

"No, no problem."

Then I didn't give Ying a chance to speak at all, and agreed to Tianhai Riyin.

"That's good."

Phew, I finally saved my image as a senior...

"...Then the matter of teaming up is set, Waning Moon and I will be exploring the island. The three of you should find a suitable place to build a base. The most basic elements are plains, water, and wood. Is it okay?"

"No problem--"

Su You took the trouble to tell us how to play the game. Shen Qing and I had rich experience in games, and understood his words very quickly. But it was hard to say how much Tianhai Riyin and Ying understood it.

There was a forest beside the beach. It was a very deep natural rain forest. It was so lush and vast that we couldn’t not see how big it was. Every tree in that forest was definitely a good material for building a wooden house.

But how do we cut down the tree was a problem. It was not possible to rely on bare hands. I took a look at my own hands, they were just ordinary human hands...

"Ah Yuan, be careful—"

With the sound of 'wosh', a sharp weapon flew past me closely and was heavily embedded in the sand.

My heartbeat sped up instantly. Fortunately, I dodged in time; otherwise, I would be the first victim of this game...

"Well, where did the axe fly from!"

While I was just thinking about how to cut a tree, an axe flew over and almost hacked me to death. Did it trigger any mechanism?

"Ah Yuan! Are you okay?”

Ying ran up to me anxiously and carefully touched every part of my body, not even letting go of my face... I quickly pushed her away before she was about to get too close to me..

There was only one person in the direction where the axe came from, and it was self-evident who threw the axe.

"I, I’m fine! Hey! Did you throw the axe? Where did you find it?"

Shen Qing was looking at the far side of the sea at this moment, pretending that it had nothing to do with her. Seeing that I was fine, she even let out a "tsk" in disappointment. The provocation was too obvious.

"——Just buried in the sand over there, I saw it when Ah Yuan flirted with the boyfriend stealer."

Ying's answer was full of jealousy, and I couldn't help worrying about the safety of the newcomer.

In the direction Ying said, an area was slightly bulging, and it was obvious that there were many things buried under this pile of sand——

Shen Qing dug up the sand, and saw the axe, the manuscript, and the copper sword shallowly buried in it, and there was a small sign beside it that said——

'Good luck, By the Production Team'

This was the legendary newbie equipment, right? The copper sword was covered with rust that seemed to have been soaked in sea water for decades. It could only be said that the production team was really stingy and wanted to make the players have a difficult start.

"Ah Yuan, I found that. Do you have anything to say to me?"

Ying squinted her eyes and looked at me as if a cat waiting to be petted.

"Well done, Ying."

"Yeah! I like Ah Yuan the most!"

Only after being stroked on the head, Ying let me go with satisfaction...

I used to hate people showing affection in public. I never thought that I would be forced to do such a thing today. In my heart, I could only apologize to my teammates.


Shen Qing turned her head and seemed unwilling to watch our naive interaction...

After counting, we found that there were exactly 5 copies of each equipment, corresponding to the number of game players, then-

"The equipment is complete, let's start the game."

Su You's words fell, announcing that the game has officially started-I hope this time would go smoothly without any accidents. With this kind of prayer, I took the two girls to start the game..

Chapter 1- Sunny Lost Island Part 3

But soon the iron fist of cold reality smashed my unrealistic fantasy to pieces...

Facts had proved that playing games with someone who only recently understood what a game was would definitely not progress smoothly.

"Ah! What, what is that, so fast! If we are caught up by it, we will definitely die, right? Ah Yuan, let's go back, okay..."

In the jungle, my body was hugged tightly by Ying. My head was buried in her chest, and the animal that frightened Ying like this was just--

"Don’t worry, it's just a giant lizard, it won’t eat people~"

I couldn’t do anything at all...

The forest near the coast was large and rich in raw materials. But of course we needed to build a house in an open area that had water and could be defended, so we headed into the forest, hoping to cross the forest to see if there was a more suitable area on the island.

However, the journey was not peaceful. We encountered countless animals. Some looked huge but meek according to Tianhai Riyin's introduction, and some looked like the giant lizards in front of us. However, as long as we did not provoke them, they would not attack us.

Fortunately, Tianhai Riyin had a professional understanding of this game.

I didn’t know anything about wild animals and plants. Although Shen Qing reluctantly told me some basic knowledge before entering the same, facing a hundred thousand questions from Ying, I was not knowledgeable enough to answer all her questions.

Therefore, the person who answered Ying's question was almost entirely her.

The beautiful newcomer had a surprisingly good temper and patience, so that Ying had long forgotten things like the “boyfriend stealer...

In the dense forest that had many towering trees obscuring the sunlight, I couldn’t tell how big this forest was, so I didn’t know when I would be able to walk through it.

"Then, that big long-haired thing is..."

"It's... a mammoth? But they should live on the prairie, they shouldn't live in the dense forest, why is it here..."

Mammoth… On this tropical island...I tried my best to resist the desire to complain, so as not to explain more things for Ying, such as what kind of habits do mammoths have.

"Tianhai Riyin... Are you familiar with these animals and plants?"

If I always let her answer Ying's questions, she would inevitably be a little tired.

If it was before, I would be silent, but now I was no longer the otaku who dared not communicate with beautiful girls. Although I still couldn’t handle this situation well, I had to take this opportunity to get acquainted with her a little bit.

"Just call me Riyin. I usually like to read books in this area, so I have accumulated a lot of knowledge." She smiled at me slightly.

"Well... Riyin."

It was really unnatural to call a person of the opposite sex in this way.

"Is this your screen name? It looks like a foreigner's name."

"Ah... Yes, I just happen to like these four words."

"Ah Yuan, my name also sounds like a foreigner..."

Oh no! For a moment, I almost forgot that Ying was still next to me...

"Didn't you tell me that you want to abandon your last name, and you only want to keep your first name?"

This actually happened after Ying met Lin Fei Fei. I remembered that she said at that time that Yuchuan was the surname the game company gave to her. In order to start a new life, she didn’t want to use that surname again.

"Although that is the case. But it is very strange to just have one word as my name. Also how am I going to introduce myself to other people?"

"Then you can use my surname.”

I was just joking, but I didn’t expect Ying to have a big reaction.

"Use the same surname as Ah Yuan? That's something a married couple would do, right? Ah Yuan, are you proposing to me? But... I'm not ready at all. What about the dowry? Where do we live after marriage? We don’t have enough money yet. I don’t have a job now and I’m still a student. Are there any jobs that students can do? That’s right! Work, I’ll work! And then, when Ah Yuan comes back home everyday, I can ask him if he wants to take a bath first, or..."


As soon as I saw Ying's red cheeks, I immediately noticed something wrong. If I didn't stop her from thinking too much, I might hear something more shocking.

I completely forgot that many women would change their surname to their husband’s surname after marrying...

"No, no, our story has just begun. It's too early to talk about marriage."


Ying let out a disappointed sigh.

"Excuse me, if you don’t mind me asking, the relationship between the two is..."

Tianhai Riyin hesitated to ask a few seconds after our conversation was over. It seemed that she was shocked by what Ying had just said..

"Huh? You don’t know? We are a couple, I am Ah Yuan's girlfriend!"

I didn't need to answer, Ying, who was dispirited just now, immediately raised her head to answer.

"Mhm...just as she said."

I couldn’t help but cover my forehead... but there was no need to deny anything. This was true, although it sounded like a fantasy to have a virtual girlfriend.

"Oh, so it is like this. You two must be very happy..."

Tianhai Riyin didn’t have any unusual reactions... as it should be. As a beautiful girl, she must have no shortage of suitors.

"Ah Yuan, what is this?..."

"Don't touch it, that's a spider web!"

I quickly pulled Ying's outstretched hand back. In front of us was a huge spider web that could almost hold a cow. If Ying was entangled, with our strength, I don’t know if we could save her...

"Then, what is that..."

Another novel plant was found by Ying. It was a very beautiful flower with colorful spots on the petals...

"Be careful, that's a carnivorous flower!"

Tianhai Riyin called eagerly.




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