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Ying seldom told me that she wanted to talk to me alone. So when she made such a request, it surprised me a bit. This was also a sign of her maturity. Therefore, I must guide her carefully.

After telling Shen Qing and others, I agreed to Ying's request.

——Sitting on the cliff, we could almost see the topography of the entire southern half of the island. The sky was blue and the leaves were green and the mountains were surroundings us. This kind of scenery was almost impossible to see in reality now.

"Ying, what's the matter?"

"That...  I am puzzled by what Shen Qing said. What exactly is the 'calculation' you are talking about?"

It turned out that she was concerned about this. It was because of the words of Shen Qing just now.

"Ying, you are artificial intelligence, you know this right?"

"Of course, didn't Ah Yuan tell me this already?"

"Calculation is usually a process of calculating unknown quantities based on known quantities. This should be the most suitable explanation for artificial intelligence such as Ying, and it is also one of your most remarkable characteristics compared to humans."

Recalling the lecture on artificial intelligence in the university class, I answered Ying in this way.

"Can't Ah Yuan calculate?"

"Humans can also be calculated, but I think it is fundamentally different from AI. As Shen Qing said, we can only hit the target we want to hit by accumulating the corresponding experience and awareness of aiming through repeated practice and the assistance of some items, this process is generally very long. But artificial intelligence is different. You can use some external electronic programs and resources combined with your own powerful algorithms to calculate the optimal action and aiming direction in a short time to achieve the goal of hitting the target quickly.”

I thought about it, but I still used the word 'humans'. Fortunately, Ying didn't keep it in mind.

"I don't understand it very well. Simply put, artificial intelligence does not need to practice and accumulate experience in this process?"

Maybe my explanation was a bit unfamiliar to Ying now. It was unrealistic to let her directly understand the programs and core algorithms that make up her, but fortunately, she seemed to have caught the core.

"It is better to say that artificial intelligence has faster and more accurate calculation and memory capabilities than humans, they can complete the process of cognition and accumulating experience in a very short time."

"I... I don't seem to be able to..."

Ying lowered her head in sadness.

"Unable to do it, what do you mean?"

"If things like what Ah Yuan said are true, then I should be able to aim easily. But whether it is aiming or learning skills… I can't control it. I can master the cooking skills quickly, but I can't cast a fireball accurately. "

"Is that so?"

After Ying and I said this, I realized that Ying was not exactly like what we thought she was.

This was really shocking. I thought that Ying's good cooking skill was just a necessary trait of being an AI, but it turned out that she had unique cooking talent just like humans. I knew that human talents could never be controlled, and Ying should not be the same as humans.

In the public’s understanding, AI was inferior to humans in addition to creativity and emotional communication. Learning any thing that could be calculated by means of calculation was not a problem for them, because their calculation method was completely different from that of human beings. It was reasonable to say that whether it was simple 1+1 or complex equations, they could do it easily.

But Ying seemed a little different.

She was only good at certain aspects of skills according to the settings, and she was extremely bad at certain aspects of skills. If cooking skills were the skills she knew at the beginning, then her mastery of cakes and barbecues on the island were all derived from cooking.

So far, Ying didn’t show any spectacular calculation skills. All the knowledge she had gained came from her study, and she even needed to take time to learn English...

Regarding this, it was actually my fault. I could just install an English translation expansion pack for her, but because I was lazy, I didn’t do this...

But it was not just her, we still didn't know what the awakening AI was.

Now I have seen 3 Awakening AIs - Ying, Lin Feifei, and Ms. Han Yaqian. Excluding Han Yaqian’s strange behaviour, Lin Feifei didn't seem to have become smart. After awakening, she was still a foolish and cute girl thinking about cakes all day long.

"...I'm sorry, I don’t know how to answer you now. Only after we discover more AIs can we find the answer."

I put my hand gently on her head. I felt ironic every time I performed this action. My only girlfriend was an in-game character that could only be touched in the game...

"Mhm, I believe in Ah Yuan."

She nodded and leaned her head lightly on me.

Ah, it was so nice to enjoy the little angel’s touch...

I vaguely felt that Ying hadn't let go of this matter.

Maybe thinking about their own existence was the meaning of AIs' awakening? Or their eternal pursuit... But on the other hand, human beings were no different.

"Hey, what are you doing, showing affection in public?"

"Can you be quiet? You are ruining the mood."

I pulled Ying to stand up and walked towards the teammates.

"Who cares about your mood... Tsk."

I pretended not to hear Shen Qing's complaints. This girl really never learned to take care of other people's feelings.


In the end, the reason why Shen Qing complained turned out to be that she couldn’t wait to test the magic she had just learned.

Leaving the goddess stele, we would find some low-level monsters as planned to test the attack power of the magic.

The strange thing was that there was no magic upgrade method written on the stone stele. The traditional magic upgrade relied on defeating monsters to gain experience points. And another interesting way was to collect materials and make magic energy potions.

The debate about whether VR games needed to continue to use the setting of experience points continued to this day. Some games had resolutely abandoned the experience point upgrade system for a better and more free user experience, and the responses from users indicate that this choice was not wrong.

There was no clue as to which choice did the developers of the Mirror Island made, but we soon encountered a battle in an unexpected place——

"Don't come here!"

Going to the forest was bound to pass through the camp, and when we returned to the camp, we found that it was already occupied by fierce rabbits.

Dozens of fierce waist-height rabbits, led by a larger yellow-furred leader, surrounded a black-haired girl. The scene looked like a group of delinquents surrounding a female high school student  in the back alley of the school.

Wearing a plain white knee-length skirt with a wide-sleeved shirt, the 'female middle school student' who was now close to the extinguished fire had a panicked expression on her face. The reason why she was still alive seemed to be because she was holding a faint ball of light in her hands

I didn't know if it was an illusion, the color of the light was exactly the same as the light of the goddess temple. And the fierce rabbits also seemed to be scared of this ball of light.

I obviously never saw this girl before. “Is she a player?” I was confused.

"Idiot, how could she be a player, obviously that is an NPC, okay?"

Shen Qing glanced at me contemptuously.

"No matter who it is, we must save her first!"

Riyin looked at the NPC girl worriedly.

"Riyin is right. We should drive away the rabbit in front of us and save the girl. Are you ready?"

I didn't know if it was infected by Shen Qing's fighting spirit, I also wanted to try the magic I just learned.

"Ah Yuan… Is it really okay for us to deal with so many fierce rabbits?"

"Ying, you and Riyin just need to stand behind me and heal me."

"You are a tank, of course, they need to stand behind you."

Damn this woman. Only after she said that did I remember that I had indeed accepted the role of tank. Originally, I almost habitually wanted to find a sneaky position to attack them.

In that case, I could only activate the ice shield and slowly walked towards dozens of fierce rabbits. Just when I was thinking about which direction to initiate the attack--


A fireball fell in the middle of the fierce rabbit in a parabolic trajectory, and all the fierce rabbits were stunned for an instant, and then dozens of pairs of red eyes stared at me——

"Why didn’t you tell me anything before attacking?!"

I turned back and yelled at Shen Qing. This fireball was undoubtedly cast by Shen Qing again. This damn woman stood behind me and cast the fireball to help me attract the attention of all the enemies. Probably, no, must she want to kill me? !

"What are you moving so slowly, hurry up."

Shen Qing didn't listen to what I said at all, her second fireball shot out before her voice fell.

I quickly turned my head and looked in front of me. The fierce rabbits finally reacted, and they all bared their bloody fangs, rushing towards me like swarms... How was the hatred of monsters in this game calculated!?

Yes, there was no doubt that Shen Qing wanted to get me killed.

"Ah!? They are coming here! What should I do!"

Ying's face paled with fright when she saw this situation of being besieged by monsters for the first time. But instead of running away, she ran over and grabbed the hem of my clothes—

"Ah Yuan, what do we do! It's so scary~~"

"Ying, stay away from me, just stand behind and cast healing magic!"

"Mhm... okay!"

Ying hesitated to let go of my clothes after hearing what I said, but looking at her, she still seemed very worried about my safety——

"Don't show affection at such times, you dumb couples!"

Just when I wanted to say to Shen Qing, "How is this showing affection?" boss Su You’s voice appeared in my ears——

"Be careful on the left!"

I turned my gaze and saw that the teeth of a fierce rabbit that had come around from the left were only half a meter away from my face. If I was bitten by it, I would definitely be injured or killed by it.

It was too late to reverse the direction of the ice shield, so I quickly drew out the bronze sword with my left hand, and blocked its teeth with a sharp blade——


The fierce rabbit bit on the copper sword that was swung out.

"Go away!"

I shook off the fierce rabbit from the sword. After the fierce rabbit fell on the ground, it shook its head and rushed over again.

At the same time, a large number of fierce rabbits from the front also attacked!

"-!" The ice shield was about half the size of my body. Even though I had lowered my body, I still couldn't stop the mad attacks of so many fierce rabbits.

Part 6



Fortunately, this time Shen Qing didn't hold me back. Her serial fireball accurately blasted the fierce rabbits trying to jump from the ice shield to my face.

"That must be the leader of the fierce rabbit, if we can get rid of it..."

As soon as I said this sentence, I suddenly remembered that Boss Su You hadn't taken any action yet...

I looked over with a pleading expression, but what I saw was Boss Su You smiling at our predicament, with no intention of helping...

"I won't do anything for the time being. You will need to solve this by yourself. Please cooperate with each other."

‘It's over… The most powerful member in our team decided to just stand there and watch from the side.’

"Shen Qing is the only one who can attack now..."

Indeed, only Shen Qing’s fireballs were lethal, Ying and Riyin were not considered attack types...

Moreover, we were facing dozens of fierce rabbits, and now we could hold on only by relying on me to continuously swing the ice shield to push them away.

The fierce rabbit had a small body and a very fast speed. At most I could use my sword from time to time to kill some of them.


Eventually, a fierce rabbit still broke through my defense and bit my arm. Its teeth immediately pierced into my skin and stuck between my bones deeply. The sensory sensitivity that was lowered dozens of times still made me feel the slightest pain.

"Damn it, go away!"

The fierce rabbit still bit my arm fiercely, no matter how I shook it, I still couldn’t get rid of it.

“Ah Yuan!”

Ying saw the blood pouring out of my bitten arm, and finally couldn't help running to me. She grabbed one of the rabbit's hind feet and tried to pull it off my arm.

"Get away from Ah Yuan!"

"Ow, it hurts...!"

Finally, Ying violently pulled the rabbit away from me, and at the same time left a huge wound in my arm… If it were in reality, I would have passed out from the pain.

"Ying, the rabbit is dead, so don't just grab me, you can use a healing spell..."

I guided her feebly...

"Ah, Healing... Yeah! Healing!"

It took a few seconds for Ying to realize what I was saying, and then she put her hand on my wound in a panic, stammering and chanting a 'spell'——

"Healing! Huh? It succeeded! The wound really healed!"

Ying watched in surprise as my wound healed under her hand, and my blood gradually stopped dripping from my arm to the ground.

"Damn it! Why are there still that many rabbits! Shen Qing, did your fireball really hit them?"

"You are talking too much. Haven't you seen the attack power of the fireballs!"

Shen Qing was right. Her fireball spell was quite accurate, but it was not enough to kill a fierce rabbit with one blow. According to my observation, it would take two fireballs to kill one fierce rabbit, which was really weak.

But it was not enough just to heal the wound, there were still many fierce rabbits in front of us. We still need to get rid of them all.

"Soul Control..."

Tianhai Riyin, who had been silent behind us, suddenly thought of the spell she specialized in. As soon as her voice fell, one of the fierce rabbits in front of me suddenly changed from bright red to bright blue.

The fierce rabbit with bright blue eyes seemed to be stunned as if it didn't know what it was doing. Soon, it began to try to shake its front and back paws, like a baby who had just come to this world.

It must be that Tianhai Riyin's soul control had taken effect.

"Great Riyin, can you control it to attack other rabbits?"

When I raised my shield to resist the rabbit army, Shen Qing's long-range attacks never stopped, and soon there were only a dozen of them.

If Tianhai Riyin's soul control could control the rabbit to attack other rabbits, our pressure would be reduced a lot.

"Mhm... control like this?..."

When the blonde girl raised her hand, the blue-eyed fierce rabbit also raised its paw… And when Tianhai Riyin raised her leg, and the rabbit raised its leg...

‘So it will make the corresponding actions?’ Originally, I thought she only needed to control it by imagining what it should do, but now it seemed like it was not the case. Speaking of it, if the fierce rabbit was not standing on two legs, would Tianhai Riyin make the corresponding embarrassing actions? Just thinking about it made me feel excited...

"Although you don't know what you are thinking, please put away that disgusting expression. Haven't you seen that the face of the big rabbit has changed?"

Shen Qing blasted a fierce rabbit in front of me to death with a look of disgust.

"Huh, what do you mean that my expression is disgusting?"

"Idiot, your expression has always been disgusting. It's not the first time. I really should have burned it with you."

Oh no. Is my expression that obvious when I was thinking about erotic things?

"That said… How do we deal with the big rabbit?"

The big rabbit was furious after seeing many rabbits die in our hands. It stomped its feet and pawed the ground, seemingly wanting to charge toward us.

"Oh no, that big one is about to launch a charge attack!”

The rabbit that was about to charge was huge, weighing about 200 kilograms. If it hit me, I would not be able to resist it at all.

"Those under your feet also became crazy, do you think I have time to deal with that big one?"

As soon as Shen Qing said this, I found out that the speed of the rabbits under my feet was suddenly twice as fast as before...

"Riyin, can you control one more?"

"Sorry, it seems that controlling one is the limit at this stage..."

I couldn’t count on Tianhai Riyin anymore. At this time, the big rabbit suddenly charged toward us!




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