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Chapter 2 The workers behind the scenes worked very hard Part 2

Compared with the first day, at least thirty percent more people came on the second day of enrollment. The originally spacious Spiritual Avenue was already crowded with people, and it was very lively at first glance.

The number of people seeking immortality was gradually increasing. Due to the magic formation, from time to time, there would be a person suddenly appearing on Spiritual Avenue, and those people may have not yet recovered from the illusion inside the fog. They would often stand in a daze, or bump into other people walking around with a confused look.

At this time, it could be very easy to see if a person's luck was good or bad. Those who were lucky would appear right before the booths they needed to join, and those who were not so lucky...

See the row of people squatting on the side of the road?

Yes, they were all retching because of accidentally kissing the same sex after suddenly appearing out of nowhere on the street. 

Of course, there were also some who had a violent temper and were ready to fight when someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere and hit them. Therefore, Shang Qing Sect had arranged many disciples as the staff to maintain order, and there were various rewards for the staff.

In addition to mediating the quarrel, there was also one task that made them very frustrated.

"Zhang Lang! Zhang Lang, where are you! ”

"This is the celestial land, please don't make a loud noise, thank you for your cooperation."

Therefore, no matter how strange the Shang Qing Sect was in the cultivation world, they would not beat up newcomers to establish authority.

What they needed to do was this.

"The front desk is less than a hundred feet away. If you want to find someone, you can go to the service desk. There will be assistance related to finding people."

"Ah... Okay, thank you..."

Following the voice of this working disciple, all those who were on the Spiritual Avenue heard a gentle and clear voice.

"Mr. Ma Cheng, Mr. Zhang Lang is waiting for you at the service desk, repeat, Mr. Zhang Lang is waiting for you at the service desk. Please come to the service center as soon as you hear the broadcast."

After the broadcast, Xing Ya, who turned off the loudspeaker, puffed her cheeks and squeezed the doll in her hands sullenly.

The temporary tent she was in was the so-called service desk. In order to better distinguish the reception desk from the admissions booth, a gigantic golden sword was floating on top of the tent. Even from afar, one would be able to see that sword clearly.

It was so stupid.

The idea of this reception was suddenly proposed by Xing Yun early in the morning. The fifteenth martial uncle and the sect leader Xing He all thought that this method was good, so they temporarily added such a thing and asked her to work here.

The reason why Xing Ya got angry was that she couldn't sleep in anymore after being assigned to this job.

"Martial Uncle, don't be angry," Seeing that Xing Ya started to destroy the doll that looked like Yun Dan again, Jian Xing persuaded her, "Your Master's doll is about to be destroyed by you..."

"This is a doll! How could it be destroyed."

With mouth twitched, Jian Xing pressed the fact that the doll was really about to break into pieces.

"Speaking of which, Xing'er, don't you need to look after your Sword Peak's admission booth? Are you trying to avoid your job by staying here? I am warning you. If that is really the reason, don’t blame me for punishing you for Xing He now. Even if it’s boring, it’s the sect task. Not to mention that this is a very important task... Without new disciples, your..."

Jian Xing was not Xing Yun, so when Xing Ya began to stalk non-stop, she couldn't interrupt her.

Besides, she also believed that she couldn't stop Xing Ya.

Fortunately, the person who came to find Zhang Lang arrived in time, so that Jian Xing was relieved of the pain of being reprimanded from early morning until at least noon.

After sending the two away, the smile on Xing Ya's face suddenly disappeared, "So you still don't want to go to the sword peak's booth to help?"

"I have a task..."


"Martial Uncle," Jian Xing sat cross-legged on the ground, pointing aggrievedly at the tops of the two of them, "My master told me that I need to stay here to keep the sword above us glowing and floating.."

To put it simply, Jian Xing stayed here as a battery.

Thinking of Jian Xing's annoying characteristics, Xing Ya finally unconsciously broke Yun Dan's doll.



Xing Yn, who had just finished the conversation with the Fifteenth Supreme Elder, sneezed suddenly, and Yun Yun, which was the Fifteenth Supreme Elder, suddenly froze there during the sneeze.

When she raised her head, Xing Yun realized that not only were Yun Yun's glasses faintly covered with a fine mist, but even her face seemed to be somewhat...

He quickly took out a handkerchief from his arms and handed it over, Yun Yun shook her head, took off her glasses, and sighed gently.

"You little girl, why do you have to learn to sneeze at someone's face from the Seventh Senior Sister."

"Um... Martial Uncle, don't be angry, after all, you can't learn anything good from her."

"Haiya, I am not deaf, you know. I can hear it all!" Yun Xia, who was eating oranges, immediately threw orange peels at them. "Tsk, why those damn oranges are always so sour!”

Originally, the two wanted to apologize quickly to avoid retaliation, but Yun Xia started to complain about the Orange again... No, strictly speaking, she started to complain about her fate of always picking a sour orange again. Seeing this, the two of them were finally relieved.

—— Yun Xia was extremely clever, but whenever it was about oranges, she would become very silly.

"What are you look at! ? Go do your job!"

Both of them shrank their necks after being shouted at.

"Yun'er, that... the specific... implementation will start with..."

"You can decide it yourself. But it's best to start the promotion from the small aspect that affects the current progress the least, or it will be too easy to cause backlash." After reorganizing the remaining files, Xing Yun suddenly tilted his head, "Martial Uncle, why are you stuttering again?"

"I was scared by... by the Seventh Senior Sister... this...is... the symptoms!"

"Oh, then we are cultivators, right?"

Yun Yun nodded.

Xing Yun knocked on the file on the desk, with a subtle expression on his face, "Then why do we use paper to record?"

"That... that's because..."

"Shut up!" Yun Xia was so frustrated by the fifteenth junior sister's stuttering that she suddenly crumbled the orange in her hand, "It's because you, the little girl, is too stupid. Even until now you still don't know how to brand information into the jade slips with your Spiritual Sense. When I was at your age, I could even..."

"Kick jade slips like balls?"

"No," Yun Xia shook her head, "use jade slips to hit people like bricks. Actually, it is a very good weapon."

Xing Yun, "...."

After fetching a piece of jade slip on the table and playing with it for a while, a vague luster suddenly flashed in the jade slip.

This gloss caused Yun Xia and Yun Yun's eyes to shine at the same time. Before the two could speak, Xing Yun put the jade slip on the table, turned around, and started to run.

Surprised, Yun Xia picked up the jade slip and checked it with her spiritual sense, then Yun Xia's face instantly became as red as the clothes she was wearing.

"Xing-- Yun--you little bastard, don't run--!"

Chapter 2 The workers behind the scenes worked very hard Part 3

What Xing Yun left in the jade slip became a secret that only he and Yun Xia knew about. Yun Yun originally planned to see what Xing Yun left in the jade slip that would make Yun Xia want to hit him, but now that the jade slip was destroyed by Yun Xia, she also couldn't check anything.

It was worth mentioning that Xing Yun did not pay a tragic price for his mischievous behavior of this kind, at least, Yun Xia only chased him for a certain distance that day.

And after that, she just forced Xing Yun to wear cheongsam and acted as a guide lady on Spiritual Avenue with other female disciples.

......cheongsam in the cultivation world? What the heck was this! ?

This was Xing Yun's evaluation of the clothes on his body.

"Eep? I didn't expect Shang Qing Sect to be this kind of sect."

"Yeah, In the beginning, I thought this big cultivation sect was a sect with a lot of strict rules."

"Look, the one with two ponytails..."

"You have to be careful when you talk about her. That approachable person is the little Martial Granduncle of Shang Qing Sect, and the only disciple of Sage Yun Qing!"


"But having said that, with the current situation of Shang Qing Sect, I wonder how is it still able to survive this long?"

"It is because of that  wisp of divine opportunity, you probably don't know, in the past..."


Before he finished speaking, the man who mentioned the word "the wisp of divine opportunity" was pushed to the ground by several girls in cheongsam who suddenly appeared next to him.

The hands behind his back were firmly tied up, and the two swords were pressed at the back of his neck. As long as he dared to make any move, the two sharp blades would kill him in an instant.

"You know a lot." Xing Yun walked towards the person gracefully.

Under the water ripples like spiritual energy, several sword blades gradually emerged behind him.

"Oh, I'm sorry to startle you all," with a light smile, Xing Yun said to the other people around, "we welcome people from any place to seek immortality, but we will never tolerate those who plan to waste the resources of our sect."

Turning his head to look at the person, the smile on Xing Yun's face became even sweeter.

"Right? Mr. Spy."


Before the words fell, the surging true qi suddenly swept across the small world centered on him.

The mortals around him were like a kite with a broken wire that were knocked out by that terrifying infuriating energy, and he himself took this opportunity to flee away in an instant.

"Tsk, I thought you could at least pretend to be innocent for a while."

Shaking his head, Xing Yun jumped to catch up.

Although the person who ran away used some methods to cover up his cultivation base, after a simple contact, Xing Yun did not feel that the person had great strength. So he didn't hesitate to chase out.

When Xing Yun chased the person, the person who the man was talking to was taken away by the female disciples who followed Xing Yun earlier.

Suddenly encountering this situation caused all the people who came to seek for immortality to be stunned on the spot, but soon, the disciples of Divine Farmer Peak and the disciples of the Miraculous Hand Peak, that rarely showed up, rushed to the incident site while carrying a huge box and a medicine gourd.

"Anyone seriously injured? Oh, there is one here, throw him in the coffin." A disciple in a white coat said without expression.

Upon hearing this, the person who was severely injured by True Qi and almost fell into a coma, jumped up all of sudden as if a dead-cat suddenly came back alive.

"I think I am okay!"

The disciple shook his head and suddenly appeared behind the person. He hit the person at the back of his neck with his palm, knocking the person out.

"Why do you all look at me? Go do your own thing!"

According to his instructions, the disciples who followed him began to get busy.

Some people started to learn from him and knocked other people out, and some people forcibly stuffed pills into people's mouths to soothe their emotions, but in general, at least these people looked like they were trying to save other people.

Mhm, at least, it looked like it.

Looking up in the direction where Xing Yun had disappeared, the disciple in a white coat pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose up a little.

"Little Martial Granduncle really knows how to create troubles for us core disciples..."

Not only this first-aid team, but even the patrols were the temporary ideas proposed by Xing Yun. Anyway, Shang Qing Sect was already a weirdo sect, so adding a few more strange job occupations to it would not make much big difference.

Thanks to Yun Xia's "punishment", Xing Yun could have a suitable excuse to do the job of screening out spies.

"Since you have already come here, why do you want to leave in such a hurry?"

The sky at this time was already full of sharp blades. Those swords blocked all the possible escape routes while gradually evolving towards a huge battle formation.

"This fellow Daoist, we don't have any conflicts in the past, why are you doing this..."

Seeing that his escape route had been blocked, the person had no other choice but to prepare the final escape method.

"Oh? Then why do you want to steal the secrets of other people's sects? "

The flying sword formation slowly closed, and the sound of clang and sword suddenly echoed.

The man did not respond to Xing Yun's question but turned his head around.

"Ha! Unexpectedly, Shang Qing Sect is a sect that likes to bully the weak! Everyone! Did you see it! Do you still want to join such a despicable sect! ? Is it still worth your joining!"

If it was someone else, maybe they would explain it to clear the misunderstanding.

But what he faced was Xing Yun, a core disciple who also had the same idea of persuading others not to come to the Shang Qing Sect.

"Although I agree with you, I don't like other people saying this in front of me."

With a slap of both hands, the sword formation also closed.

"Let's stop the conversation. If I let you delay any more time, I will lose face."


"Wait for your grandma!"

A violent explosion sounded inside the metal iron ball formed by a large number of swords. At first, there was the momentum of crazy resistance. As time went on, the sound of resistance became less and less. After a while, there was no movement inside.

Looking at the iron ball for a while, Xing Yun decided to hand it over to Yun Xia and let her handle it.

Not to mention that all cultivators were cunning people. As a spy, the skill of pretending to be dead must be at the top level.

Xing Yun could have imagined that this spy would bring a life-saving treasure when he came to Shang Qing Sect. Since it seemed to be temporarily restricted, it was safer to let Yun Xia deal with this spy.

He held up the huge iron ball with his true vital energy, and at the moment he just wanted to relocate it, the frightening aura spread to his perception through his true vital energy.

Chapter 2 The workers behind the scenes worked very hard Part 4

The black air spread out from the iron ball, and the evil thoughts in that black air scour everything around like a tide.

As the evil thoughts flourish, all areas affected by it were rapidly aging and decay, as if the black energy containing the evil thoughts were corrosive or had the power to consume vitality.

The vegetation was withering rapidly, and everything around the iron ball was declining and festering.

Including the iron ball itself.

When the evil thoughts invaded his body with the power of corruption, Xing Yun quickly wrapped his body with True Vital Energy and kicked the iron ball into the sky.

"Martial Granduncle."

Suddenly, several disciples of the Formless Peak appeared next to Xing Yun, their bodies looming, as if they would disappear in the air at any time.

Leng Yueyao was also among them. As the captain of the temporary bodyguard responsible for the safety of Xing Yun, she immediately stopped in front of Xing Yun.

"Martial Granduncle, please..."

"You blocked my way."

Leng Yueyao, "..."

"I don't need your protection here. What you have to do now is to protect the future disciples on Spiritual Avenue and let the admissions assembly continue as usual."

"Martial Granduncle, what do you mean?" Li ChangGe also appeared.

As he fanned a fan gently in front of him, those evil thoughts that attacked people had stopped approaching everyone.

"Very simple," Xing Yun squinted his eyes while looking at the iron ball and said. "he didn't attack me earlier means that he didn't come here to kill me. Now that he pretends to want to escape but actually starts to unleash a massive attack, it means that he is clearly here to create trouble."


"Yes, Martial Granduncle."

"Do what I said just now. If anyone wants to watch the show, go to Chef Gu to get some snacks and distribute them to them, so that those who want to watch the show can enjoy the show fully."

Although she still didn't quite understand what Xing Yun meant, Leng Yueyao still took someone to do it immediately.

With just a few breaths of time, a light curtain that was indistinguishable by the naked eye floated over Spiritual Avenue, and only the tiny ripples that flashed from time to time would tell those mortals that there were some kind of magic spells above Spiritual Avenue at this time.

"ChangGe, go and calm those mortals down with Wuling."


"Why?" Xing Yun rolled his eyes on this handsome fellow. What he needed to do, he believed that the fellow knew clearly in his heart, "So many little girls are like wild cats on heat after they saw you. Only you can quench their thirst."

Li ChangGe, "..."

The black air grew stronger while they were talking, and even if Li ChangGe was blocking it, Xing Yun could feel the evil thoughts contained in it.

The iron ball at this time was like a black sun, and it seemed to be a black hole born out of thin air that could swallow everything. It quietly floated in the distant mid-air, emitting heart-beat-like waves that were difficult to capture.


Every time the wave appeared, the black energy would increase.


With each contraction, the evil thoughts would become heavier.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't worry about my safety, I'm not that weak. I think it’s important to protect Shang Qing Sect's image, so do what you should do."

"Yes, Martial Granduncle."

As soon as Li ChangGe left, Xing Yun that lost the barrier was immediately surrounded by the disgusting evil thoughts.

At this moment, Xing Yun suddenly discovered that the evil thoughts that had struck him seemed familiar.

He took out two stacks of magic talismans that were about finger thickness from the interspatial pouch, and threw a stack of them at the "black sun" without thinking.

The talismans were activated separately under the control of the Xing Yun. When the last talisman was about to be attached to the black sun, the remaining talismans had already unleashed their effects.

All of a sudden, the sky was full of brilliance brought about by the activation of the magic talisman, and when viewed from a distance, it was like a dazzling aurora suddenly descending here.

The moment Xing Yun pulled out the magic talismans, the disciples of All-embracing Peak all covered their chests. Seeing such a wasteful attack method, they felt that they could have a heart attack at any time.

"My talismans... how can she use it like that! The True Power Talisman will offset the effect of the Zou Chuan Talisman..."

"Sigh, just pretend that we didn't see it. Didn't you see that she didn't even activate The Vacuum Talismans after casting it out? Forget it..."

The person who said this sentence said in a tone as if he had completely given up his hope.

The reason why they were sad was very simple. All those talismans had been taken away from them by Xing Yun, and the way Xing Yun took them away from them was very unique.

——Can I use Flying Sword to exchange for it? Please. There are so many flying swords I don’t need.

When Xing Yun said those words, he deliberately used a coquettish tone and made a cute look, no one would be able to resist it.

Not to mention that there were dozens of long swords floating behind him at that time.

After throwing out the magic talismans, Xing Yun snapped his fingers.

The long swords that hovered behind him again turned into golden dragons. The sound of the sword was the roar of the golden dragon, and the sharp claws and fangs of the golden dragon were enhanced by True Vital Energy.

The collision between the golden dragons and the black sun erupted with dazzling fire, and every magic talisman attached to the long sword also caused a second explosion sound.


In a loud and deafening noise, Xing Yun suddenly disappeared from the place.

The next second after disappearing, a black long whip pierced out of the explosion and slammed at the place where Xing Yun was originally at.

The smoke and dust had not yet dissipated, but everyone in the light curtain could vaguely see the weird silhouette like an octopus.

"No wonder there is a sense of familiarity, so you are from..."


The person swallowed by the black sun had long lost the ability to speak. After the smoke cleared, Xing Yun saw a monster that could no longer be described as a human.

Several thick tentacles fused with sword fragments came out from the black sun. It swallowed the steel cage that Xing Yun used to imprison it and turned it into its own body.

Above the black sun, the person who initiated this spell had become one with it. Half of his body was buried in the black ball, and the upper body was twisted into a weird form. A stream of black light swam under his dilapidated skin, and thick black liquid flowed out from the seven orifices that had become hollow.

His mouth seemed to be still moving, but Xing Yun couldn't make out what the person wanted to express.

The person ignored Xing Yun and rushed towards the light curtain that protected the mortals.

"Sure enough, you are here to create trouble. Huh..."

With a flick of a hand, the seemingly slow sword light hit the monster very quickly. The powerful force knocked it back ten meters, and Xing Yun himself, like the sword light, stood between the light curtain and the monster.

"You are that old demonic cultivator, right? I will have a good chat with you if I have a chance in the future."

After all, Xing Yun turned into a phantom again.




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