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Chapter 3 Silly, Cake and Ghost 

Part 1

"The matcha cake is amazing!"

"Hey, your mouth is full of cake scraps, can you wipe it."

After the trip to the water park, we ate dinner at a pizzeria and then returned to our respective homes. In the middle, Ying threw a tantrum a few times, but I managed to calm her down. After all, Ms. Han seemed to drink a lot at that time ……Her behavior was more unrestrained than usual. Shen Qing had always been in a state of watching a show and had no intention of helping me out.

At noon on Monday of the second week of the game, I handed the cake to the silver double ponytails girl.

Every day at noon, the storyline of using cake to interact with Fei Fei always reminded me of Shuiyuan Weina in the previous game. But she was just an ordinary AI, even if the world was destroyed, as long as the file was reinstalled in the VR headset, she would be restored.

The light and fluttering Chinese style loli dress, and the small and exquisite face of this girl named Fei Fei gave people a feeling that she was a girl from a rich family that was prohibited to interact with other people casually. 

That was of course, if she didn’t talk...

Saying that she was eccentric was already a compliment, and this child was just being noisy and silly. Bringing her cake always felt like a thankless thing… but I dared not refrain from doing it because of the possibility of any side quest.

"Well, you are very competent as my servant."

"Who do you mean that I am your servant?"

I picked her up by her back collar, and she immediately yelled and struggled,

"Don't be so rude!"

"What are you talking about, how can it be called rude when seniors are trying to educate juniors?"

"You are not that old! Do you really think you are a senior?"

"I am older than you in every way. You are just a junior high school student."

"I, I'm not a junior high school student, I've been in this world for many years, you little brat!"

"Obviously you are a junior high school student, no, your intelligence may not be as good as a junior high school student!"

"Asshole, let me down!"

This girl was so angry that she tried to turn her head and bit my hand, but fortunately I drew away cleverly.

"Fine. Since you don't know how to respect your seniors, I won't buy you cake."

I put her down and got up to leave.

"Wait, wait!"

As I expected, she immediately grabbed the corner of my clothes.

"Don't go! Okay, as long as you bring a cake, I will show you some good stuff."

I didn’t know why these words were automatically distorted in my mind and became something unsuitable for children.

"This is the Book of Level of Affection!"

She took out a notebook. The cover was old cowhide. It was really an old notebook...

"As long as you open this book, you can see everyone's Level of Affection to you? I shouldn't need to explain what Level of Affection is, right?"

"What did you say this is?"

"Book of Level of Affection!"

"No... I'm not saying I can't understand what you mean, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Are you an idiot? Of course I know what I'm talking about. Don't you have any favorite people in this world?"

Fei Fei’s answer made me stunned. I always thought she was at best an NPC character similar to Ms. Han, who could give some plot assists when necessary. I didn’t expect...

"Yes, there is..."

"This book is a magical item that can show the level of affection of the opposite sex around you! I wouldn't show it to ordinary people!"

The girl with two pony tails proudly climbed onto the bench in front of me, looking down at me with her arms akimbo.

"I am actually the god of love, and can solve all your troubles in love!"

So it was a notebook that could query Level of Affection?

It must be said that this kind of thing was like a cheat in dating simulation games, especially this game where the result of the game was not determined by dialog options but by Level of Affection.

"Fei Fei..."

"What? It's disgusting to call me that suddenly."

I thought of a possibility for a moment and decided to try it out first...

"How did you get this book?"

"I picked it up!"

Of course, she didn't seem to have any doubts about what she said.

"You picked it up? Where did I pick it up? How did I pick it up?"

"Mhm... Mhm~ hmmm..."

Suddenly, her expression became stiff as if she was stumped by my question, and then she sat down cross-legged as if trying to think about something, holding her head while making a troubled sound.

This kid… the strawberry panties were exposed again.

"Uh, hmmm…. Ah!"

"Have you thought of anything?"

"I forgot! I don't know! I can't remember the details!"



Part 2

For a while, the atmosphere fell into an awkward silence.

"Are you stupid?"

"I am not stupid! I am the god of love!"

"Okay… so as a god, what did you do after you picked up this book?"

I felt that my expectations were going to fall...

"Huh? At first, I took this treasure and told everyone that it was a very powerful thing. And asked them if they want to have a look. I told them they would not regret it! I am working very hard to help those who are troubled by love!"

"Then, what was the result?"

"Mhm... I didn't know why, almost everyone ignored me. Although it was a failure at the beginning, I soon understood the reason for the failure!"

"Wow, it's amazing... so what's the reason?"

I echoed with Fei Fei listlessly, pretending to be impressed.

"I figured it out after I found lemon cheesecake, it is super delicious! I have never eaten something so delicious… Hey! Are you listening?"

"Mhm, I'm listening. So what have you learned?"

"That’s good, don’t be scared after listening. Even a character like Cupid can't always take care of every lover. So since I am a god, I must be worshiped. Only a pious person will get my help So I decided to show this Level of Affection book only to people who are willing to bring me lemon cheesecake! Isn’t it great?"

"Mhm, super gerat , so anyone besides me brought you lemon cheesecake?"


Suddenly her expression became stiff, as if she had bit her tongue...

"Ooo... Of course, they are other people! I'm a god. I’m super, super awesome! Let’s not talk about this anymore. Do you want to read this Level of Affection book or not? This is a very rare gift of mine, so you must adore me and admire me, and then bring me more lemon cheesecake! No, matcha cake as well!"

Such a lame diverting topic skill...

"Oh~ That's how it is. Since God is so powerful, so surely a lot of people give you cakes, right?"

"That... of course! It's so much that I can hardly finish them!"

"In this case, I think there must be someone who needs the help of Fei Fei more than me. To be honest, I don't have much trouble in love. Although the relationship with the person I like is not very good, it is not bad. I think I should..."


Fei Fei's expression was completely frozen this time, staring at me blankly for a while, not knowing how to react.

"So I will leave first and leave such a good opportunity to others. I won't bring the cake in the future. After all, God Fei Fei doesn't lack such things."

After that, I was ready to get up and leave.

"Wait! Wait! Don't stop giving me cake! I'll be honest, no, no one has given me cake before except you! Don't go, I want to eat cake, you can have this Level of Affection book!"

The girl hugged my waist tightly with teary eyes.

"Finally, you are telling the truth. Don’t lie to me, do you understand? Otherwise there will be no cake to eat, you know?"

"Okay... I'm sorry."

"Then is it true that no one else has given you a cake?"

As I said, I took out the last piece of cake I was going to leave for Ying and shook it in front of her.

"Really! Really! I was telling the truth! I really only remember you!"

When Fei Fei saw the new cake, she immediately let go of the hands holding me, jumping to get it, but because of the height difference and I deliberately raised my hand, she couldn't reach it.

"I want to eat cake! I will do everything you say! Give me the cake!"

Fei Fei, who couldn't get the cake, still had tears in her eyes. Her pitiful expression looked like someone had bullied her. Fortunately, there was no one around at this time. Otherwise, I would definitely be treated as a school bully.

Anyway, there were still gains, not just the book of Level of Affection, but the child Fei Fei was indeed an important NPC, and the purpose of her should be to provide players with various items such as the Book of Level of Affection.

At first, from her expression, I thought she was our target this time - Awakened AI. But from the conversation just now, it could be ascertained that she did not have the memories of previous players playing games like Ying.

As for why she owned the Book of Level of Affection and did not know about its origin, I decided to discuss with Shen Qing first.

Even if it was an Awakened AI, they couldn't completely break away from the initial attributes and settings in the game. This kid was silly and had no resistance to cakes, even if she had self-awareness, she would not lie. It seemed that she wasn’t our target. Thinking that she indeed looked pitiful, I handed her the last piece of cake.

This child moved swiftly like a cheetah and instantly there was nothing left in my hand, and the silver-haired double ponytail leaped gently on the bench.

In the end, I sighed. ‘Fei Fei is so silly.’ 

"How do I use this book?"

"You have to touch it. Then a message will be displayed."

She looked like a beaver holding a tree root and eating, and what she said was so unclear.

I stretched out my hand and pressed it on the cover of the book.

"Well, okay, let me see..."

She opened her notebook and then I saw a series of names.

Lin Liyu 80

Yang Jiahui 30

Bai Qingyue 58

Han Yaqian 50

Ogiso  50

Kazusa 10


Part 3

What was with those strange numbers? Weren’t the names in front of them all female characters in the game?

Wait, I suddenly came to understand what those numbers were——

These names and numbers were the Level of Affection from NPC to me!

So this was a book showing Level of Affection? This thing was simply amazing! There were not only a few heroines, but even the teacher and all the female students in the class were on the list. It's really an artifact of the love game!

But what made me curious was that Lin Liyu's Level of Affection was so high. What did it mean?

Also, why the Level of Affection of Ogiso, the character replaced by Ying in the game, and Kazusa, the character replaced by Shen Qing, were at two extremes. It stood to reason that Shen Qing's level of Affection to me should be 0, and Ying’s level of Affection to me should be full, right, but why was her level stayed at 50? No matter from which point, I didn't quite understand it.

Because Shen Qing was responsible for doing the research on this game, so she definitely knew something about this book. I needed to find her and asked her what this was.


The notebook was suddenly closed.

"If you want to read more, bring me more cakes."

At this moment, Fei Fei had already finished the cake I had given to her. This kid’s eating speed was really fast.

"...Aren't you afraid of getting fat after eating so many cakes?"

"Huh, stupid. Unlike ordinary humans like you, I won't get fat no matter how much I eat!"

This girl, after finishing the cake, she returned to her true nature again.

I understood the setting of this game. Whether it was Yang Jiahui who I met at the bakery, or using cakes to exchange for the opportunity to view the book of Level of Affection, it seemed to point out one thing.

This girl named Fei Fei was equivalent to a guide to help the player in this game, although she herself wasn’t aware of this.

"——I see, no wonder..."

Oh no, I accidentally blurted out what I was thinking.

"It is useless to envy me. My ability is not something you can learn. You can't imagine what kind of price I had paid to become what I am now..."

It seemed that she thought that I was talking about her ability to still stay slim after eating so many cakes...

"Anyway, remember to continue to bring more cakes to me!"

Her expression quickly changed back to normal and her tone became that silly tone again. It made me wonder if the trace of loneliness I felt before was just an illusion.

Ding Dong——

It was the bell for the beginning of the class.

"Then I should go back, and I will continue to bring you cake tomorrow."

"Great! You are a really good servant. Also, apart from lemon cheese and matcha cake, you have to bring me new flavors of cake..."

This brat...

"Yuan? So you are here."

Stepping out of the shadow behind the teaching building, I found Ying standing not far in front of me. I clearly told her not to always follow me, but why was she here...

And what I wanted to know more was how long she had been standing here...

"Because it is boring in the classroom. I have been looking for Yuan for a long time... So, did you come here in the last few days?"

She said with a smile. But this smile scared me a little... Could it be that she saw me talking with Fei Fei? Although we were not in that kind of relationship, there was always a feeling of being caught cheating on the girlfriend on the spot...


"But it's strange, Yuan seemed to have been talking to someone..."

She tilted her head and spoke in confusion.

——This was even more scary! She was obviously implying that she had caught me cheating on her! If I didn't take the initiative to confess, I would be fragmented on the spot, right? !

"I met that girl by accident, there is nothing between us! You have to believe me..."

"A girl?"

She squinted her eyes, and this look made me more sure that she had misunderstood it!

"Looks like a junior high school student. She said she really wanted to eat cake. I thought she was very pitiful, so agreed to bring some for her..."

"Junior, high, school, student?"

The misunderstanding seemed to have become serious! Did she begin to suspect that I was a pervert who was interested in junior high school students? !

"No, no, I'm not interested in junior high school students at all. You have to know that I'm only interested in girls of the same age like Ying..."

"Yuan, you seem to have misunderstood something..." Ying sighed.

"Misunderstood something?" I was confused.

"Yes. From the beginning, the only one thing I didn't understand was just who Yuan was talking to?"

"That little girl with two ponytails over there… wait, she is not there anymore?"




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