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Part 4

"No one was there from the beginning..." Ying said helplessly.

"No one? From the beginning?"

"Yeah, I saw you sitting there seemingly talking to someone from the beginning. I felt very strange, so I didn’t come out to talk to you immediately. But clearly, there was no one there."

I was clearly talking to Fei Fei, but Ying couldn't see her. It was clearly noon when the weather was the hottest, but I only felt a chill on my back.

Fei Fei was not a person, then what was she...

But soon I learned who she was from Shen Qing.

"——You said Fei Fei? I remember that there is indeed this person, no, not a person but a ghost. Anyway, I forgot to tell you that it is not an important character."

After class, I met with Shen Qing on the rooftop, and she lightly said that she had forgotten to tell me about it.

"A ghost is not important? The presence of ghosts means that this game has a supernatural setting, alright!"

"It's just a setting. This character can only be seen by the player, so it's normal that Ying and I, who replaced the original NPC, can't see her."

Shen Qing said casually. She didn't seem to understand my current mood.

"Then... isn't Fei Fei very pitiful... keep saying that others can't see her and ignore her..."

"Because she is a ghost, naturally others can't see her, no matter what she thinks or does."

"Then Fei Fei knows that he is dead? Why did he become a ghost?"

"I'm only responsible for finding strategies for playing through the game and helping you progress in the game. But I won’t disclose any necessary spoilers."

She put on a look that she would not tell me anything.

"Also. Probably Ying is the first artificial intelligence you came into contact with, and because she has developed self-awareness so it gave you some illusion. Most of the AI

is essentially a piece of code. Don’t be over sentimental. They don't actually feel anything at all. They will only find a suitable response from the huge database based on your preference. This girl will not feel any sadness. Don't invest your feelings too much in meaningless NPCs."


"Otherwise you are not suitable to stay in our organization, you are too naive."

I didn't know why Shen Qing said it so seriously. From when I only knew that she was Waning Moon, I vaguely felt that this person seemed to have a strange sense of loathing toward artificial intelligence.

Maybe Shen Qing was right, but I still decided to bring more cakes with several flavors to Fei Fei.

Whether it was naive or not, if I were not like this, Ying would not be brought out of her world and experience a different life.

"Fine, I will accept the fact that this game has supernatural powers for the time being. Then you should also know the Book of Level of Affection? What is with the Level of Affection of all female NPCs shown on it?"

I decided to talk about the main problem.

"Oh? What's it like?"

I told her about Level of Affection I saw.

"That's an important reminder for you from the game. Level of Affection is related to the interaction between the player and the characters in the game. The calculation of Level of Affection is very complicated. On the one hand, it depends on the NPC's response to your behavior, and on the other hand it depends on the frequency of your interaction with NPCs. It has its own set of calculation rules. But for the special case of Ying and me, the former calculation cannot be used, so don't assume that my Level of Affection for you is really 10, it is just you, Ying, and me have interacted quite often in the game. So our number is different. It has nothing to do with our real feelings.”

It turned out not to be Ying's true Level of Affection to me, but just because we always stayed together...

"Of course, this is just a kind of modular calculation of the system. The real feelings between people are far from that simple, how can AI completely figure it out."

As if remembering something, Shen Qing suddenly stared at the pale blue sky in the distance and fell into contemplation.

"...I understand your feelings, in fact, I’ve also been deceived by Smart Companions before."

In fact, I was not competently incomprehensible about Shen Qing's views on artificial intelligence.

"You’ve used that thing before?"

It was rare that she seemed to have some interest in this thing.

"Mhm, it was a birthday gift from my parents when I was in junior high school. At that time, it was the latest 6th-generation artificial Smart Companions. I always thought it really understood the people around me, until it told me to confess to the girl I had a crush on in public. Then I became a laughing-stock until I graduated..."

"Pff— that should be your own fault, right?"

She was laughing at me!

"It said to me that I would definitely succeed. How can you even laugh at my pain."

"First of all your pain has nothing to do with me, and second...this is why you cannot talk to girls, right?"

"--although I don't want to admit it, yes, that’s the reason."

"It's just being rejected in public, you are so fragile."

"It's so easy to say. You can go and try it yourself!"


Suddenly, as if remembering something, she raised her head and looked at the sky again.

"It's not like I haven't been rejected, and probably the number of times was more often than you think."



Shen Qing was a well-known cold beauty in the school, and her family was not ordinary. I remembered that Shen Kong that appeared on the news not long ago was her elder brother, he was a researcher at the artificial intelligence giant Endea. I had long heard that it was not a company that ordinary people could enter at all.

From Shen Qing’s behaviour, it could be seen that she was a veritable, pampered lady from a wealthy family. The life of this kind of person was different from su commoners from the beginning. Not just the starting line was different, but the entire journey of life and the ending point of life was different, but...what was with being rejected?

"You were just rejected once, but you blamed Smart Companions for all the problems, no wonder you are such a loser."

"Alright, I'm too fragile, thank you for letting me know this."

Since she didn’t explain further, it was useless to ask her. Maybe she would only tell her friends about it, but I didn’t think that I would have this opportunity... In fact, her level of Affection to me...well, probably not as high as recorded in the "Book of Level of Affection".

"Huff huff… Yuan, you are here! I've been looking for you through the whole building."

Over there, Ying appeared at the entrance of the rooftop, panting.

"Ying, good afternoon."

Shen Qing greeted Ying normally.

"Eh? Why is Shen Qing also here? A man and a woman on the rooftop alone… I won't forgive you if you are doing anything lustful!"

Where did she learn these strange words... After the last time She Qing chose clothes for Ying and went to the water park together with everyone, the relationship between Shen Qing and Ying had somehow improved, at least, they would not call each other Boyfriend Stealer and The Violent Girl With Pink Hair anymore.

I really didn't understand the girl's psychology. They were like enemies before, but now...

"Ying, you are thinking too much, we were just talking about the task."

Ying would become very irrational when it came  to emotional issues, so I must explain it quickly.

"Yuan, you don’t have anything to do today, right? Can you come home with me?"

She rushed toward me and took my hand...

"Okay, okay, don't pull me..."

I was thinking about whether to say bye to Shen Qing before I left, but then I found that she didn’t look at us at all, probably because she didn’t even bother to care about my relationship with Ying…

Finally, the time after school was spent in buying cakes and shopping with Ying.


Now that it had been decided to probe all the girls in the game at the same time, then a strategy must be worked out. Taking advantage of the break time between classes the next day, I once again came to the rooftop to discuss countermeasures with Shen Qing.

There were three targets, Lin Liyu, Yang Jiahui, and Bai Qingyue.

Since this game was not based on 'options' but with 'Level of Affection' to determine the direction of the plot, the degree of freedom of the game was extremely big. In a limited time, I could only interact with female characters as much as possible to increase the Level of Affection.

The biggest advantage of this freedom mechanism was that I did not need to conquer one girl at the time, but three girls at the same time, which would save a lot of time.

If it were in reality, I would probably be hacked to death by one of the girls, but in this game it would be fine.

However, Shen Qing’s proposal was obviously not limited to this——

"Listen carefully, I didn't sleep last night, but I figured out a good way."

"There is no need to sleep in the game."

"Shut up, you mentioned the book of Level of Affection before, right? Only you can see this thing, right?"

"Strictly speaking, Fei Fei and I, two people."

"That is not the point, the point is that we can use the Book of Level of Affection."

Use the Book of Level of Affection? Shen Qing's words made me puzzled. Was there any use for that thing besides letting me see the level of affections?

"I know that an idiot like you will not be able to figure it out. So let me explain it!"

"I think my intelligence is above average..."

However, Shen Qing did not even pay attention to my response...

"Listen well, one of the easiest ways to judge Awakened AI is to judge whether the AI

has other memories of 'reincarnation'."

For the sake of convenience, we habitually referred to other saved events as other 'reincarnations'.

"But we've discussed this a long time ago, right? In fact, judging memory is difficult, and we can't ask the AI

straightforwardly if they remember anything..."

"Well, that was the previous conclusion. Since I knew you can see Level of Affection, I have new ideas..."

"You mean... by looking at the changes in Level of Affection in the Book of Level of Affection?"

"Oh? You are not a complete fool."

Shen Qing stared at me like she was looking at something novel.

‘Damn it, she is just looking down on me!’

"But isn't the Level of Affection in the Book of Level of Affection related to the frequency of contact?"

"So I have specifically checked. It is not only related to the frequency of contact, but also related to the memory and emotions of the AI

itself. For example, Ying is the AI

in this game. After you have conquered Ying, and she fell in love with you, her Level of Affection towards you was higher than the initial state because of her memory, right?"

"Oh, I see."

Using Ying as an example was a lot clearer...

"So, what you have to do is to impress the AI

as much as possible, and then reload the game again to see if the Level of Affection has decreased."


"Because most players have the most contact with three female protagonists, your main goal is set on the three female protagonists."

It was just to conquer NPC girls, and if there was not much difference from "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms", it shouldn't be a big problem for me to conquer all the girls in the game with Shen Qing's help. Of course, as long as Shen Qing really helped me and Ying didn’t create any trouble for me...


"--By the way, the strategy online also said that the person with the highest Level of Affection will be killed on the second Sunday, which is the ending of the game. But I don't think you need to play until the end."

It sounded like a death flag...

"It was the Rainy Night Murderer who did it, right?"

Why did the galgames nowadays seem so strange? They even have murderers in the game.

"You know about the rainy night murderer?"

Shen Qing seemed a little surprised.

"I saw it in the newspaper when I was waiting in the swimming pool last time. At that time, I wanted to remind you and Ying to be safe, but then I forgot..."

After all, under the fear of a 20-meter slide, I couldn’t remember anything...

However, whether it was news or urban legends, it was true that such information that was contrary to the daily plot would definitely be the foreshadowing of any event.

"Tsk. The goal of the rainy night murderer must be the woman with the highest Level of Affection toward you. It is absolutely impossible to be me. But your virtual girlfriend needs to be more careful."

Obviously, I’ve expressed my concern about her safety, but what was with the tsk reply?

"Is this also one of the purposes for the game to provide the Book of Level of Affection? At least the player will know who to protect?"

"Mhm, it's like a hint. If you make good use of this hint, the playthrough will go smoothly."

"It is easier to say, I have only played galgames once..."

"You idiot, you really thought I would completely let you explore it? My time is also precious, I don't have spare time to waste here. So I, the pro GALGAME player, will personally guide you. You just need to listen to my instructions.”

Why was she feeling proud of this? I really didn’t know what my real classmates would look like if they knew that she claimed to be a GALGAME pro player...


“You think I'm bragging?"

"No, not at all."

"You must be thinking,'She has such a low ranking in the game, but she actually has the audacity to say that she is a pro player?', right? Haha… Huh! I will show you my true ability this time."

"...What are you talking about..."

Shen Qing ignored me and began to explain.

"...First of all, girls in galgame must be treated gently until they open up to you. Then it would be considered successful. According to my observations, Lin Liyu never talks about what happened to her over the years, combined with her subtle expressions. Something dark may have happened in her past, maybe she was being abused."

"Yang Jiahui seems to be very difficult to communicate with, but as a High School student, she is willing to sacrifice her school time to work in the cake room. This is enough to show that her family situation is not very good, and her parents have no time or don't want to take care of her. In Galgames, the characters like these are actually rebellious on the surface and gentle at heart-especially fond of children or small animals."

"And Bai Qingyue is a girl who is very enthusiastic about you from the very beginning, and it is very easy to sleep with her. Yes, I said sleep with her not to conquer her. Because 80% of such people were hurt emotionally in the past and are very distrustful of men. In her eyes, maybe you just look like her ex."

"As for the mature elder sister of Han Yaqian. She likes to tease a little virgin like you. She likes people with innocent reactions."


"How is it, did the 18-year-old virgin find these details?"

After listening to her, I confessed that I lost. In the past days, I didn’t remember anything except the names of those girls...

If Shen Qing were a lesbian, she would definitely be a very scary person.

"This is what you have observed in the past few days?"

"Of course, I have also read some strategies online. But I didn't read the spoilers about the characters-anyway, the characters in this kind of game are all the same. Moreover, even for the mission, I don't want this game to get boring. You have to know that interest is also one of the reasons why I came to this organization."

Was this the dignity that Shen Qing insisted on as a player? Actually, when she said those words, she looked quite dashing.

I seemed to have a new understanding of Shen Qing. Although her attitude was always very arrogant, she was unexpectedly serious in her mission (except for forgetting to tell me Fei Fei's identity).

At the beginning, I was worried that she would not be willing to join this task, and would passively slow down and wait to see me making fun of myself. Now it seemed that her attitude may be more serious than mine.

"——Although I think my progress has been slowed down by you, even the degree of fun has decreased a lot."

As expected! Whether it was Waning Moon on the Internet or Shen Qing in reality, this girl’s personality was really bad!

"I'm sorry for slowing you down, but I have one more thing I want to ask."

"Oh, what's it?"

Maybe she just revealed her abilities just now, so her attitude today was extraordinarily kind.

"You said you played a lot of GALGAME, right? So are you playing the game as a 'male protagonist'?"


Shen Qing said as if the answer was obvious.

"Then—what do you do if you encounter an H scene?"

Then, I saw Shen Qing slowly turning from a blank expression to an angry expression...

"...Why do I have to tell you this kind of problem! You pervert!"

I really shouldn't ask this kind of question, I was kicked so hard in the stomach by her!

It hurts!




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