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Hello all.

Last Thursday my partner's mother died unexpectedly in her sleep. She was 63 years old and this was the last thing anyone could have expected. We were very close and this has hit us both extremely hard and we've yet to really process what has happened.

A lot now falls to my partner as next of kin to arrange a funeral among so many other logistics and I am doing everything in my power to share the load wherever possible.

As such I won't have the capacity to respond to many messages, or create content in the immediate future. I had just recently released a new patch for the PokeyPoke demo and plan on finishing the turn based tutorial series as soon as I am able.

This is not the start to 2024 I had in mind, but it's the one we've got. Thank you all for your patience and support.




My condolences Shaun to you and your partner. Take the time you need.


I'm so sorry, Shaun. It's the hardest thing most of us will ever deal with; please take all the time you need to take care of family.