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I have finally returned from Gamescom. The whole UK airspace got closed during my return trip which left me stranded in Germany for several days. I am now back in the UK but very very tired, and still very busy.

Just writing a quick update for now and will do a more thorough retrospective on Monday!

For now before I collapse in bed:

* I have a new episode of "beginner gamedev mistakes" on its way, vossel has done a great job editing this one together and I'm really looking forward to it.

* Thank you for the patience during the lack of content for the last few weeks while I prepped for Gamescom!

*Gamescom itself was INCREDIBLE. I had a great time, got some extremely valuable playtest insights for PokeyPoke and the game seemed to be received very well! There's some great footage of the event so I'm planning to make some videos (plural!) going over my experience there and what I've learned from the event. I've never been to something so massive before! It was a very wild ride.

Anyway, just wanted to keep you all in the loop. I would love to say I'm going to now sleep through the weekend but I also have a friend's wedding to go to tomorrow! There is no rest.

I'll see you all on Monday when I'm feeling a bit more alive! =D



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