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After the success of episode 1, here finally is episode 2!

In this one we talk about tutorialisation! Teaching your players how to play your game. I don't go into a lot of specifics as it's such a huge topic that varies so much across genres that there's no way I could cover every little "mistake" people might make in these ways. (And I'm sure there's plenty of mistakes I still make and I'm not aware of!!)

Instead I chose to focus on awareness of these mistakes and why they're so common due the blind spots we have as game designers. I dunno it's a weird one but I hope the insight is helpful.

Public a little later today as there's been a bit of a content drought, sorry there's not much of an "early access" lead on this on!



Beginner GameDev Mistakes - Ep 2

As always, game development and design has no real "rules". There are exceptions to everything. But this series seeks to provide a broad, general and hopefully helpful lens for new developers. Including a series of "mistakes", bad habits and pitfalls I see countless developers run into with their games that they might not be thinking about. In this video we look at some of the pitfalls faced when trying to teach, or work out HOW to teach, players to play your game! Tutorials & tutorialisation, how-to-play screens, play testing, etc. ▶ Edited by Vossel: https://twitter.com/Vossel ▶ Support my work: https://www.patreon.com/shaunjs I mostly make devlog videos about my projects and tutorial videos for GameMaker. If that interests you it would make me super happy if you would subscribe and stick around.


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