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Hello everyone!

It's been a rough and wild couple of weeks. Apologies to anyone who's been messaging me recently I'll be getting through as many of you as I can today.

A new 12 minute episode of the turn based battle system is on its way today, assuming Premiere wants to behave and finishes rendering it. It's kind of a nightmare to edit videos of this length in my new style, but now that we're into the "meat" of the series I suspect this episode, and maybe the next couple will be quite hard both to make (and probably to digest, apologies) but then we'll be on a clean home stretch with the rest of the series. There's not that much more complex stuff to do so I'm relieved to say the episode count won't be quite as high as previous series'.

Today, all going well with the aforementioned rendering and release process for Ep 6, I'll be trying to put together some more PokeyPoke devlogs which are doing exceptionally well performance wise:

It kind of makes me feel like I should be putting more time into making these than I do! There's a conflict I feel about this in general. That the audience for my tutorials and the audience for my devlogs and "game design" stuff in general might be split in a way that harms my content algorithmic-ally.

People who find my channel through a devlog, but don't click the tutorials, don't get recommended my devlogs as often. Likewise the people who come for tutorials, don't click on devlogs, won't get recommended my tutorials as often.

I've been pondering the possibility of a second channel for a while, but this is a nightmarish undertaking on its own. It's possible that given my tutorials are not really driven by the "algorithm" so much as by search results, and given my other content *is* driven more through recommendations, engagement and click-through-rate, that they might each do better in separate channels.

TBD. In the meantime I'll be making some more devlogs, which will hopefully give me the breathing room necessary to get on with the tougher sections of this tutorial series.

Thanks everyone again for your support, if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions please do leave them below.




Well I'm enjoying both of the tutorial and devlog contents very much, so thank you for all the hard work you put into them. I wonder if it's worth promoting the tutorials in other places of the internet? GameMaker forums, Reddit etc. Maybe you already do so sorry if that's the case. Maybe it'll bring in more viewers though.


Oh I do, but the thing with tutorials is they're not the sort of thing you watch when it's advertised to you, you watch it when... you need it. You search "how to do xyz in GameMaker" and find my stuff as and when. It's very different to how most of YouTube operates!