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Will thumbnail this properly tomorrow, but while it's here unlisted you may as well see it!

Important info for if you're just now updating and lose track of your room editor panels and how to get them back (They're in the inspector now.)


Room Editor PSA & GameMaker 2022.9 - Release Roundup

Lost your room editor panels in the newest update? Here's how to fix that as we take a look at more GameMaker updates and fixes as we continue down the road to Long Term Stable. ▶ Support my work: https://www.patreon.com/shaunjs ▶ Release blog: https://gamemaker.io/en/blog/release-2022-8 ▶ Release notes: https://gms.yoyogames.com/ReleaseNotes.html



I had to reinstall the previous update. The entity system in you RPG won't work on the new update. It shows an error for NPC.entity during a quest completion.


Hey, that's worrying, could you give me any more info about this? What exactly happens, and do you know if it happens with the original source code downloadables on itch?