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Hello everyone! As a general update for patrons this week, my work of the now includes: recording a new release roundup covering the changes in 2022.9, a review of my Multiplayer showcase submission which was a jam that won me a neat $1000, and working on the turn based combat tutorial code.

But I'm also beginning to explore the potential for a big change / upgrade to how I work and that is to hopefully start to work on my content with more people.

I sadly, care about too many things. I am working on a game called PokeyPoke, I am making tutorial videos for GameMaker, I'm making *general* content for GameMaker, I am a livestreamer, I am creating resources, I do game jams. I provide 1:1 help for patrons, I do surgery videos, I do tool reviews. I do talks and host talks on my channel. And this is just the work I do in my public life.

I have been a one person army in almost all of my work to date. It's in my nature to be like this. With the exception of PokeyPoke in which I (reluctantly at first!) leverage others for the skills I simply did not possess. I always love to learn new skills and have total expressive control over everything myself, and I will commit far too many hours into developing a billion totally different skills and disciplines in order to do so. It's part of why I like solo game jams and do generally ok at them!

But sadly, as I said. I care about too many things. And I am finally coming to terms with the fact all of those things simply cannot exist at a level of quality and quantity I want them to without help. And so despite my love for, and improving skills in video editing and production, I'm looking for someone to take on at least some of this role in my content. I have hovered around the Patreon milestone goal of hiring an artist to enhance my resources etc for a while now, but this goal feels weird to me and getting an editor feels much more suitable. Until now I suppose I have always seen this as something I would always do by myself!

But what I'm hoping to do is start a partnership with someone who takes on all the fancy visuals, transitions and diagrams of my content. Someone who can add notes, tips, highlights, zooms. Someone with a sense of humour, pacing and general desire to make better tutorial content than currently exists.

This requires a special person who fits a certain venn diagram overlap of good editing and after effects skills, knowledge and experience of GameMaker (technically optional but highly, highly valued) and being... available for work in the first place!

I don't know how this journey will go, I haven't worked out all the details as some will depend on the person, and I don't really know for sure if I can really even afford whatever I might need to pay someone right now! But for the right relationship that can grow this content in the right way it's certainly worth exploration. As careful and slow as that will begin!

If you are someone, or know someone, who might fit this bill: please do get in touch. An email will do fine (shaun.spalding@gmail.com) with whatever evidence you have that you fit as much of the above criteria as possible! 

Like I said, I have no idea how this will go (or if it will go anywhere at all) and I'm going to take it all very slowly. So apologies if you email me something and I don't reply for a very long time.




Take care of yourself 1st. Then family, then friends, then job, then patreons, then youtube. You need help? Take the help you can find. All the help you can take. And go on. You do an amazing job.