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Whose RPG is it anyway?

- At egscomics 


For the sake of pacing and simplicity, this story glosses over the option to simply not do anything resembling acting. A player could simply say things like "I ask about the goblin attacks".

That might not fly in every gaming group. People might not think that's fun, the Game Master might insist players act some things out, etc. It's all going to depend on the dynamic of the group.

When you're Nanase in a comic shop and dating the GM, however, you can PROBABLY get away with playing however you want.

But getting into that would slow everything down without changing anything, or revealing anything about Nanase that won't be demonstrated in other ways, so they're just going to compare it to improv acting.

For anyone wondering what Nanase would say to a "just don't act" suggestion, however, Nanase wants to play as well as possible to support Ellen, and she considers the acting part mandatory because of that.

(I should note that I don't think there's anything wrong with playing without "acting". Play the game how it's fun to play for you. This is just how Nanase feels about herself in this exact scenario.)



Matt R

Gotta give credit for her wanting to know what the game is like


Just demonstrate how you behave when fighting monsters. Most people don't have the option of doing what they would normally do when faced with a vampire owlbear.


I find that what happens is that new players tend to RP less, and just say they’re doing things. But as they get more confident, experienced and familiar with the group, they lean more into role playing. The first character you play is nearly always “you”.


#truth Between characters I've created as a player and ones I've created as a GM, the vast majority of them have had some part of me in them, some aspect of my personality blown up and exaggerated. But my very first character - a half elf druid who is still alive somehow, in a campaign that's been going on for 6 years now - is still by far the one closest to my own personalty. He's more quiet than I am, but starting out I was kind of quiet while trying to figure it all out, though he's come out of his shell plenty through the campaign. I personally am closer to a bard, of the wandering story telling variety, but that's about it for major differences. Oh, except he's an orphan with a tragic backstory because all new players have to have characters with tragic backstories 😅

Some Ed

Yes, but I've certainly also seen a new player now and then that goes into their first RPG game, having watched none of them but having heard about several stories of past RPG games, and begin with an acting gusto that I'm going to guess were at least somewhat like what we're going to get from Nanase. A couple of those were new players who had breasts and that tended to be especially fun. Especially the one who for some reason decided that it was appropriate for her character to hug mine. To be clear, we weren't dating and we didn't date. I happened to have been dating someone else at the time, though that someone else was non-jealous and into open relationships. However, it felt a little awkward to me, though the hug itself was rather nice. As for myself, I tended to play things by ear, but when one of these overboard acting types got involved and was well tolerated, I did at times do a bit of acting as well. Though I don't think I was ever as over the top.


When I was GMing, "I say this" drove me *crazy*. Just say it!