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What do you mean nerds don't have time to be experts on absolutely every nerdy interest available?

Surely they all know how to play every Table Top RPG, board game, card game, and video game, live action roleplay, read ever every comic, watch every popular TV show and movie, read every book, know every quote, and have all the limited edition toys and figurines? That's how being a nerd works, right?

It doesn't?





Well, George probably does, except for the ones he finds boring, or juvenile. 'Cause, y'know, George.

Foradain (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-05 08:10:37 Let's see: GURPS, Hero System, D&D, that's three I know through several editions. Traveller I know the original Little Black Books, but not later editions except the GURPS version. Shadowrun I haven't played as much as I'd like, but I've seen a couple of editions, likewise the various Star Wars RPGs. Fate system I've played a few settings (Dresden Files, Wearing the Cape). And I've played a few other RPGs over the years. But I'm sure the number of RPGs I'm not familiar with outnumber those I am familiar with. And that's just the RPGs...
2022-08-25 03:25:18 Let's see: GURPS, Hero System, D&D, that's three I know through several editions. Traveller I know the original Little Black Books, but not later editions except the GURPS version. Shadowrun I haven't played as much as I'd like, but I've seen a couple of editions, likewise the various Star Wars RPGs. Fate system I've played a few settings (Dresden Files, Wearing the Cape). And I've played a few other RPGs over the years. But I'm sure the number of RPGs I'm not familiar with outnumber those I am familiar with. And that's just the RPGs...

Let's see: GURPS, Hero System, D&D, that's three I know through several editions. Traveller I know the original Little Black Books, but not later editions except the GURPS version. Shadowrun I haven't played as much as I'd like, but I've seen a couple of editions, likewise the various Star Wars RPGs. Fate system I've played a few settings (Dresden Files, Wearing the Cape). And I've played a few other RPGs over the years. But I'm sure the number of RPGs I'm not familiar with outnumber those I am familiar with. And that's just the RPGs...


Well, if George gets to exclude what doesn't interest him, then so does Ellen. Or I.

John Trauger

If you've played original Traveller you've known the joy of killing off a bad character during their military service an the pain of losing a good one the same way... It was the only system I'd ever see that could kill your character before they set foot in the actual game.

Ed Abrams (aka The Superdak)

I'd always give the player the choice to have the character die, or be injured out. Of course, I'd also let them roll for skill, then pick which table to apply it too, cuz I'm easy like that.