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What no it's fine

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Camelia could be surprised by Grace's knowledge, how upbeat she is about the possibility of a head injury, or both.

Or something else entirely. Reader's choice, really.




Do you have a lot of experience getting hit on the head, Grace?


She’s a cute clumsy girl, of course she’s familiar with crashing into things.


This story won't go there, but Grace was raised by a megalomaniacal psychopath who abused her terribly. So, probably yes.

Matt R

Grace, never change


Confused by a standard concussion protocol check? Seems sus to me...


Camelia is a great name for her. I think she's cute. Can we have her in one of those monthly polls at some point in the future? Maybe some TF gun shenanigans? It doesn't have to be number 5, but if you put it in as an option it's probably gonna win.


ok wow that turned dark quickly. XD Damn, talk about turning on a dime.

Opus the Poet

She's a high school student of indeterminate age, she may not have been exposed to concussion protocols.


@Opus one day someone will invent a good way to indicate sarcasm without relying on italic fonts or pulling a Grace and declaring it in advance. Today is not that day though.


It still needs to become really used, but there is this sign: ⸮ (even though I would prefer Brahm's alternative, and Bazin's additional points: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony_punctuation)


I relate to Grace very hard here