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Hey, you. You're finally awake.

- At egscomics 


This comic was delayed for writing reasons. They weren't super complicated writing reasons, but I was tired, and they seemed very complicated at the time to me?

In any case, this is pretty much a very streamlined version of what I'd originally planned. Getting from the original plan to this was a convoluted maze of twists and turns, but editing and story ideas can be like that sometimes.

What's also different is Camelia's name isn't just a note saying "figure out a name". I wound up getting a digital book of baby names so I could search it with magical space wizardry. I wanted her name to have connection to something with sharp or pointy things, like Rose, but not Rose.

I did search for Rose, however, and I found Camelia, which (according to the book) refers to an evergreen tree or shrub with rose-like flowers. I liked it, and here we are. Huzzah.




Wait, so that girl isn't secretly a lesbian vampire? I am disappoint.

Professor Harmless

Damn it truck kun, stop trying to isekai everyone.

Dan Merget

"I tawt I taw a pickup twuck."


So, to his credit BUFFbody looks concerned.

Some Ed

I find Camelia to be a much better name than Figure Out A Name. :)


EGS vampires are just assholes who hypnotise you then steal your sandwich.

A Red Mage Named Blue

Now I've gotta know, what colour is Camelia's hair? is it green, making her look like a spiky bush? or red, like roses?


I saw a woman get hit in the head by a tennis ball once. Blows to the head are the scariest things ever. It was a rec league, so it wasn't even hit that hard, but one tennis ball to the head and she went from "person" to "ragdoll on the ground" instantly. I didn't even see her fall. It's one of those things where until I experienced it, I didn't understand, but having seen that...if Buff wasn't freaked out I'd be scared of him.

Ardent Slacker

Yeah. I once slipped on a puddle and a wall kept my head from hitting the floor first. They told me I'd lost consciousness for a bit, and either that was correct, or someone else teleported up a flight of steps to check on me. I mean, I don't remember being unconscious, but... well. Bit more plausible than teleportation. Would not recommend. 4 painful stars orbiting.



Dan Merget

Been there. I've been knocked down by a few cars (American drivers are bad at noticing bicycles), the most serious being when a lady pulled out of a parking lot as I was passing in front of her. It happened too fast for me to keep track, but based on my final position, bruises, and helmet damage, I think I catapulted over most of her hood and landed head-first. Regardless, it felt like an ambulance arrived maybe a minute later, which is almost impossible unless they happened to be right around the corner, especially since this was before smartphones. So I assume that I either blacked out, or that the shock really screwed with my perception of the passage of time.

Some Ed

People have difficulties recognizing the perspectives of other people. I walk, roller blade, bike, and drive, though as little as I feasibly can, because it feels like everybody using the roads are nuts. When I've ridden a bike, I've noted that the other cyclists around me don't take the same care that I do. I stop at red lights, and they don't if they think there's nothing coming. I see somebody turning into the road that I'm on and the timing would put us side by side, I slow down so they don't accidentally smack into me. Other cyclists don't do this. I understand that cyclists are not required to get licenses, and it's therefore very difficult to force cyclists to obey the rules of the road. But when I'm out on a bike, I'm frankly terrified of all the cars around me, and most cyclists seem to think they're immortal and impervious.

Dan Merget

I drive on the right and stop at stop signs and lights. (Well, I did. I currently have health issues that preclude riding.) Two of the times I was hit, it was because someone made a right turn as they passed me. (Or started to turn; they hit the brake as soon as they noticed me.). On the third occasion (the one described above), the driver was stopped at the exit of a parking lot, and hit the gas right when my front wheel was about to pass in front of her. I don't see what I could have reasonably done to avoid those collisions other than "be somewhere else"; all three were basically cases of people who tunnel-focused on the car lanes and never considered that pedestrians and bicyclists exist. (In fairness, that was a safe assumption 99% of the time. There's been a "share the road" campaign for the last decade or two that I think has helped raise awareness, as well as a growing interest in pedestrian-friendly cities.)

David Howe

but not truck-kun as she is still alive and on this planet...


Frankly a one panel comic of Truck-kun trying and failing to isekai Grace would be pretty hilarious