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Diane just wasn't sure if Rhoda had magic!

How would one even know?

Even if there were some way to know, Diane was be too distracted by Rhoda's outfit. It was such an odd outfit, and Diane was directly eye-level with... Wait, eye-level?

Was that right? Shouldn't Diane need to look down to look at Rhoda's eyes, not up?

Diane was getting sidetracked. What was important was figuring out whether Rhoda had magic, and did Diane always have to lean forward to see her own feet?

Focus! Diane was never going to figure this out if she kept getting sidetracked!



Brooks Moses

Oh, poor noncanonical Diane. So confused! So little data to go on!

Matt R

Like how Diane's figure is still growing even when she's shrinking


*standing ovation*


The sequel, Diane is sitting on Rhoda's head, still shrinking, still thinking.


This is just to say that I really like Rhoda's outfit here. :)

John Trauger

Think, Diane! There has to be some way to tell for sure!


"And did Diane always have to lean over to see her own feet?" So I guess Rhoda didn't just shrink her then.


Nonetheless, Diane's supposed to be a genius, isn't she?

Stephen Gilberg

I'm not distracted by the outfit so much as by what it doesn't hide.

David Fenger

Something about that raised pinky finger makes me grin even more broadly at these antics.

Opus the Poet

It's not that her boobs are bigger, it's that everything else is proportionally smaller while the boobs remain the same.

Prof Sai

I wish there was a webcomic all about people permanently shrunk like this, and trying to get back to normal.

Merle Blue

This one's super cute! She'll figure it out eventually...