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Hey, don't look at me! I'm just riding the wave of where this storyline takes me, and this is where it took me!

Where it takes us next, however, is Grace's biggest, deepest, darkest secret that could tear the entire meta of this comic to SHREDS.


Actually, I'm not sure if it's a secret, or something people would naturally think applies to Grace? It just amuses me that it's a trait not shared by most of the main characters, who would be aghast at all the attention for a different, more basic reason.

Also, I'm focusing on the next comic because there's feels in this comic and I'm choosing to focus on the next one, darn it!



Violet Moon

Nooooooo give Grace a hug!!!

Seadog Driftwood (Casey)

Addressing this aspect of Grace's trauma has been a long time coming. I'm glad it's happening. At the same time, I want to hug her and tell her that friends don't have to tell each other *everything*, for what it's worth.

Servo Kamen

Ouch. Yeah. There aren't many people she can open up to.


I mean. That last statement isnt entirely true. Grace can make new friends, she just can't be 100% open with them about herself. And TBH, most people have secrets, even from their closest friends, so its no big deal, to most of us. Having to keep secrets and be careful is obviously a huge issue to Grace. The "Not allowed to make new friends" is a limit she puts on herself because she cannot bear being anything other than open with everyone. Kinda makes me wish she'd formally met Noah actually.


"Epiphany"? Was that intentional?


Harkening back many comics, to I think just after Grace learned about world wars in the plural: "Get Grace some damn counseling!" The point holds even stronger today. And yes, give Grace many hugs, for she needs them.


It's more like the time of year. Epiphany comes after Christmas on the church calendar, afterwards it will be Lent.


There's a secret she's been keeping. She's been dreaming without sleeping.


I don't see why Grace shouldn't be liked by others. Standing out and becoming a love interest for more and more guys, that's an entirely different thing. I also don't see why this hasn't already happened ages ago when she started to work at the game shop. EVERYONE who knows anything already knows that she's a gamer girl.