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I expect to be posting several of them this weekend, which I apologize for. I've been having trouble keeping the regular comics on time and I am behind on them, and I still have to finish comics for Friday. I will post them ASAP.

July scripts have the advantage of being written in advance, so this should be less of an issue going forward.

EDIT - I need to get some rest tonight (Friday), but it should be a relatively simple matter to finish and post these on Saturday. Given the delay that's already happened, they will be visible to everyone right from the start.



Hopefully that thumbnail trick you found will help cut down on your workload. I do worry a bit - you do a tremendous amount of work for this comic and all its little branches. There are times it's obvious that you're burning the midnight oil to keep up.


It's making a HUGE difference, but I'm still playing catch up, so it's not that apparent outside of behind the scenes yet.


Take your time and don't kill yourself getting them out for our sake!


Just out of curiosity, were you planning on adding anything else to the egspinups tumblr, or did you decide to just have them available here on the patreon site?


I'm disappointed with this situation. Delays of the webcomic are quite understandable to me but this is different. On patreon, you have agreed to render certain services in exchange for monetary compensation. There is no such formal agreement in place for the webcomic. If completing these patreon images ahead of time, or some other measure - you know your situation better than myself, would allow you to ensure that deadlines are not missed, then I sincerely hope that you prioritize doing so. Good luck going forward, and hopefully we can avoid a reoccurrence of this.


Hey, it could be worse. You could have given your money to Aaron Diaz.


I've been prioritizing comic updates (including EGS:NP, which is linked to this Patreon) on the basis that I have assumed that's what people would prefer given a choice between the two in terms of delays. That said, you are absolutely correct. My recent learning (I hesitate to say "discovery", I assume tons of people have used it) of the thumbnail method combined with how much I have written in advance should prevent this from being an issue going forward. This first week of July will likely be a bit bumpy given my finishing up of the pinups today, but after this first full week of July, it would take something disastrous in my life for such delays to continue.


I think you can insert paragraph breaks with SHIFT+ENTER. Testing. EDIT: Well, apparently, Patreon does ignore it when displaying the post, despite the fact that the break is clearly there in the text box. I stand corrected.


"it would take something disastrous in my life" - Dan! stop! You write a comic about how the laws of physics change depending on how interesting it would be, and you put out a hostage to fortune like that‽