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This is for the five-stage sequence in which a character transforms from normal form / pose / clothing to something more pinup-ish.

Click the heart symbol to "like" any existing option you prefer. You may "like" more than one, but only one can win. The options are partially based on a previous survey and include choices that reasonably stand a chance against one another.

Sometime in the morning of July 2nd, I will declare the poll over, and the option with the most likes will win. Any ties will be broken via dice.

PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT. I will delete comments other than my own in this post. This is a four option poll. Any comment not posted by me is not an actual option in the poll.

(Incidentally, a "d" is missing from "Distraction Tedd" because it's a typo and I can't edit it to fix it :P )



Base Rhea to Quadruple Tea'ed Rhea


Mild Mannered to Mall Date Elliot